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Aqua supplement

Ponsan- Aquaculture additives<br><br>PONSAN is safe rapid acting bacteriocide, algaecide and fungicide and is <br>also wiedly used as a sanitizer- disinfectant.It is highly recommended for Fish,Prawns in,Tail rot,Gill rot,Bacterial Gill disease,Red gill, Muscle necrosis,Red discoloration etc<br>PONSAN has antimicrobial activity therefore recomended in hatchearies<br>and farms for prevention and control of bacterial,protozon and monogenic<br>infection.Also act as disinfectant sanitizer and deodorant in Aquaculture usage.<br>Fish Pond Disinfectant<br>Potent vericide, bactericide and fungicide.<br><br>For more detail visit our site: http://aquacultureadditives.com/Fish_Pond_Disinfectant.php<br>Contact no. 0120-2539467, 8010772770<br>

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Aqua supplement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ponsan Sanitizer for Aquaculture Ponds

  2. Potent vericide, bactericide and fungicide.

  3. Anti protozoan, controls external parasitic infection of gills and other parts in shrimps.

  4. PONSAN has antimicrobial activity therefore recommended in hatcheries and farms for prevention and control of bacterial,protozon and monogenicinfection. Also act as disinfectant sanitizer and deodorant in Aquaculture usage. PONSAN is safe rapid acting bactericide, algaecide and fungicide and is also widely used as a sanitizer- disinfectant. It is highly recommended for Fish, Prawns in, Tail rot, Gill rot, Bacterial Gill disease, Red gill, Muscle necrosis, Red discoloration etc.

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