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Lasik surgery is the fastest and safest eye surgery one can undergo and get rid of spectacles forever. But, the recovery time is the most crucial period for patients, which requires complete care and precaution.<br>Read More @ https://goo.gl/PvMYzA
LasiksurgeryinOshiwaraMumbaihasbecomeoneofthemostcommonsurgeries being executed on patients who want to get rid of the number of their eyes, may it be Myopia, Hyperopia, or Astigmatism. Patients approve of undergoing it because it is a completely safe, pain-free, stitchless, and very quick procedure that helps to get rid of spectacles and contact lenses. The patient doesn’t need a hospital stay, and is discharged almost immediately after the surgical procedure. However, this does not mean that everything is absolutely alright just immediately after the surgery. There is a lot that the patient has to take care of for a few weeks to confirm that he is completely safe after thesurgery. But, before understanding what these precautions are, let us first let you know the symptoms you may experience after the surgery so that you can understand better and be familiar with the condition. After the Lasik surgery, it is quite common that you will feel a little discomfort with the burning sensation or itching in y our eyesfor afewhours;sodon’tworryifyouexperienceanythingofthatsortasitisverynormal, and is temporary. You may also experience a hazy or blurred vision for some time withwateryortearyeyes.Onthecontrary,therearepatientswhoexperiencedryeye sensation for a few weeks. Another most common side-effect seen is sensitivity to light andglare,andrednessoftheeyes.Alloftheseafter-effectsareverynormal,and temporary; so you needn’t worry as they will go away with time. But, while they are present,youmaywanttorubyoureyes,butrememberthatthiswillonlymakethings worse,soavoidtouchingyoureyesatall!Everythingwillbeperfectlyfineasthedays passby.Forthefirstfewdaysorweeks,yourvisionmayevenfluctuate,butthereis
nothing to worry thinking that your surgery was unsuccessful, because vision fluctuation is a part of the initial after-effects of Lasik surgery. But, after your healing time is over, you will have the clearest visionever! • Now that you know what all you could expect after your Lasik surgery, you could be at peace even if you experience any of the discomfort mentioned above. In addition, there are certain care and precautionary measures that you must follow while you areintherecoveryphaseinordertoreapmaximumbenefits,whilekeepingyoureyes safe. • For the first few 7-10 days, you need to stay away from dust, smoke, fire, and even water! So, keep handy and comfortable glasses on for the entire day, as much as you can; and avoid going outdoors. In fact, you must also try to wear eye shields during the first fewnights. • The first week after the surgery requires complete hygiene, but at the same time, you need to keep your eyes away from the two most hygienic elements – soap and water. • Keep your eye-makeup completely away for 10 days after your surgery toavoid any kind of infection orcomplications. • Avoid any kind of strenuous activity and any kind of trauma to your eyes for the first few weeks. These include watching television, driving, swimming, and hot tubbing. • Make sure to keep your eyes wet with the prescribed eye drops if you are suffering from dry eye symptoms. Also, keep washing your hands thoroughly, so that while putting drops, or even when you accidently touching your eyes,you • don’t infect or irritatethem. • Now that you are all prepared with understanding the details about the procedure, theafter-effects,andtherecoveryproceduresyoumusttake,youshouldbeinabetter position to undergo it. So, if you have been approved for such a surgery by your doctor, you can approach Arohi Eye Hospital to undertake the best service of lasik eye surgery in Oshiwara Mumbai, where thousands of patients have undergone the surgery and come up with the bestresults. • FollowUs On: Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn,Instagram,Google+