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Facts about Structural Steel Fabrication and Durability

Know some interesting facts about steel structural fabrication & durability that are helping AEC firms build robust buildings for various purposes. https://rdttech.co/facts-about-structural-steel-fabrication-and-durability/

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Facts about Structural Steel Fabrication and Durability

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  1. Facts about Structural Steel Fabrication and Durability Structural steel is regarded as one of the most popular materials across a myriad of AEC firms and industries for a variety of reasons. But if we had to pick one chief reason – it would be the durability of the Steel! Steel has the ability to support large weights, is highly rigid and can withstand brute force without or can take a beating from various environmental elements without compromise. Let’s look at some amazing facts about steel that makes it one of the most sought-after and reliable building materials in the world.

  2. Facts about Structural Steel Fabrication & Durability 1. You will find steel almost everywhere! One of the biggest advantages of Steel is its availability. Did you know that steel burst onto the construction industry scene way back in the 19th century? But, why did this happen? Architects and builders of that generation realized that steel posses far more superior qualities (like safety & rigidity) as compared to cast iron. In addition to that, steel is incredibly lightweight and remarkably strong (one of the best strength-to-weight ratios) These are a few reasons why steel was one of the most widely used building materials for construction projects since that era. Fast forward to the 21st century and you will notice that Steel ranks among the top framing materials for various infrastructure projects across the world. How? If you take a walk down the street or visit your city centre, you will see that most structures are built with steel. This high-grade building material offers excellent support for all types of structures! Interesting Fact: Steel holds almost half the market share for non-residential as well as multi-storey residential construction. 2. Steel is highly resistant to fire If you look at virtually every building material, you will realize that they are not fireproof. However, steel holds the distinction of being a highly fire-resistant building material. This doesn’t mean the building won’t burn. However, during a fire incident, the fire will pass through the steel structure rather slowly as compared to buildings made from wood or other materials. Burn rate is a key factor for any commercial or residential building. The lower the burn rate the better chance of survival during a fire incident. If you choose steel as the primary building material for your project, you might just save on insurance premiums due to the excellent fire-resistant properties. 3. Excellent flexibility Structural steel is incredibly ductile as compared to mild steel. The 2.1% carbon content makes the structural steel easy to weld and malleable. This enables steel structural fabricators to create a wide range of design shapes using structural steel such as steel frame buildings and others. 4. Ability to withstand natural threats While watching the news, you will come across buildings that are getting razed due to natural threats such as cyclones, storms or strong winds.

  3. However, you will notice that most of these buildings are not made from steel. Buildings made from structural steel rarely suffer any damage due to strong winds. This building material also possesses excellent corrosion resistant properties. Steel does corrode,No doubt about it! But it corrodes at a slower rate than other materials. In addition to that, Steel structures are designed and coated with special materials such as zinc and barrier so that they don’t corrode in areas that could weaken the serviceability of the structure. If you choose steel as your main building material, you won’t even have to worry about bugs and termites. Since steel is inorganic, no pests will damage your building! 5. A sustainable building material Did you know? Almost 80-100 million tons of steel are recycled every year. This makes steel one of the most recycled building materials on the planet. Now, check this out –even if steel is frequently recycled, it doesn’t weakenits core properties such as durability, malleability, ductility and strength. So, even if you recycle steel multiple times, it will still retain its integrity! 6. Structural steel is stronger than normal steel The primary components of structural steel are carbon and iron, the same as regular steel. However, structural steel includes additional alloys like manganese. These alloys improve the machinability and binding power while helping prevent cracking during rolling. These are a few fascinating facts about structural steel fabrication & durability that make it a versatile building material. Read More- https://rdttech.co/facts-about-structural-steel-fabrication-and-durability/

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