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"On the occupational level, the degree in bioethics, as well as that of Master, are not required by law to<br>carry out certain functions, and on the other hand, there is still no Indian university degree, a particular<br>degree in Bioethics. "<br>
The objectives of Bioethics Health Law On the occupational level, the degree in bioethics, as well as that of Master, are not required by law to carry out certain functions, and on the other hand, there is still no Indian university degree, a particular degree in Bioethics. The trainee, thus, can face a clear and unambiguous model with which to confront and with which to compare the various experiences done elsewhere (not so often those who ask to participate and who we meet before admission into a Cognitive interview have already attended other courses in other universities). At the end of the bioethics and health law training, the student should be able to analyze and understand the organizational and economic contexts in which he works and to implement and stimulate responsible behavior- Efficiency and achievement of results. It should also be able to identify the ethical issues of professional life, the way of applying the deontological rules, and the legal implications and administrative implications implied in professional activity in a context of valorization of the profession. Knowledge and skills to achieve The bioethics and health law course is an introduction to the foundations of applied ethics, that is to the moral guidelines, inspirational principles and normative criteria for acting in particular contexts such as bioethics and ethics in professions. Bioethics, which is limited to the field of health (because bioethics is even wider) has developed significantly over the last 25 years, and the stakes are increasingly complex due to the development of technologies and their social and economic dimension. Continuing bioethics course is central to this field since information and reflection form the basis of the possibility for each citizen to exercise a free and informed action in an area that impacts on important social choices. Scientific advances imply that the citizen is formed, tames the new dimensions of technology that perpetually escape him. It is therefore essential to train in a methodology that provides the crucial tools of decision-making aids in the areas where it is necessary to position itself individually and collectively as is the case in the fields of health. At the junction of health sciences and the humanities, bioethics has become a central player in the social debate, which for more than 25 years has led to crucial decisions taken in the face of the moral and philosophical dilemmas arising from technological developments or social and economic developments in the field of health. The proposed certificate will allow everyone to acquire the tools to position themselves in full knowledge of the facts and to exercise a citizen's action by assuming a responsible role in the rapidly expanding biomedical field. Bioethics training is independent of external organizations. Its content is entirely under the responsibility of the university's teachers. The day-to-day management of this University certificate is ensured by the Continuing Education section of the Healthcare cluster. Prerequisites
Access to holders of an academic degree of bachelor's degree in medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, dentistry or veterinary medicine, philosophy and literature and public health.