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Slavery in National Politics

Slavery in National Politics 1850-1856 The Armistice made things worse Fugitive Slave Act Personal Liberty Laws Uncle Tom’s Cabin Franklin Pierce Administration 1852 Election (Dark horse democrat got nomination over better known rivals and triumphed over better know Whig, Winfield Scott)

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Slavery in National Politics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Slavery in National Politics 1850-1856

  2. The Armistice made things worse • Fugitive Slave Act • Personal Liberty Laws • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  3. Franklin Pierce Administration • 1852 Election (Dark horse democrat got nomination over better known rivals and triumphed over better know Whig, Winfield Scott) • Rewarded Southern Democrats with many of the key political appointments, weakening Democrats in the North

  4. 1852 Election Dem: 50.8%; Whig: 43.9%; Free Soil4.9%

  5. Franklin Pierce, 1804-1869

  6. Major Happenings • Ostend Manifesto • Filibustering (Narciso Lopez) • Kansas-Nebraska Act

  7. Kansas-Nebraska Act • Stephen A. Douglas • F Street Mess • Appeal of the Independent Democrats • Emergence of Republican Party • Troubled implementation (Border Ruffians, New England Immigrant Aid Society) • Competing Territorial legislatures • Wakarusa War

  8. More Kansas Violence • Sack of Lawrence, May 21, 1856 • Pottawatamie Creek Massacre, May 24, 1856 • The Crime Against Kansas, May 19-20, 1856 • Great boon to the Republican Party in the North (William E. Gienapp)

  9. 1856 Election • Nativism and the American Party • Rise of the Republican Party • Buchanan and the “Democracy”

  10. Political Party Presidential Nominee Electoral % Pop Popular Democratic James Buchanan 174 45.3 1,836,072 Republican John C. Fremont 114 33.1 1,342,345 Whig-American Millard Fillmore 8 21.6 873,053

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