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This Title Should Be 30 pt Arial Bold This sub title is 22 pt Arial Italic and is not always required This sub title is 24 pt Arial Bold. This Name is 16 pt Arial Bold The title is 14 pt Arial The department title is 14 pt Arial. Douglas B. MacDonald Secretary of Transportation.
This Title Should Be 30 pt Arial Bold This sub title is 22 pt Arial Italic and is not always required This sub title is 24 pt Arial Bold This Name is 16 pt Arial Bold The title is 14 pt Arial The department title is 14 pt Arial Douglas B. MacDonald Secretary of Transportation Paula Hammond Chief of Staff Location here 14 pt Arial Date here 14 pt Arial
Title 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush Left , Title CaseIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • This bulleted copy has square bullets and is Arial 18 pt. flush left, if you have more text you can reduce text size to 16 pt. • Select bullet type under Format/Bullets and Numbering, use square (not 3-D square) or round bullets. • To add/decrease space between lines of text you can: • add a return to increase space between each line • use the increase/decrease space arrow in the menu bar • set the desired spacing value under the Format/Line Spacing menu. • Adding a return will create a space like the one above. • use a “dash” for a sub-bullet and text should be Arial 16 or 14 pt. • Do not create multiple text boxes unless absolutely necessary. • To close-up space between the bullet and text use corresponding blue arrows on the ruler bar. (under View/Ruler menu)
Title 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush Left, Title CaseIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold
This Title is 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush LeftIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • This copy has square bullets and is Arial 18 pt. flush left (use 16 pt. if you have more copy) • Text on the left hand side of the page, with graphics, photos or graphs on the right. • Your slide layout might vary, but follow this as a general rule. • Use Photos, Graphics that support the message in your text. • Do Not use Clip Art! • This slide has spacing set, at one line of space after each paragraph (or return). Use Photos, Graphics, Graphs that support your message. DO NOT Use clip art!
This Title is 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush LeftIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • If you have two or more photos or graphics, crop or size them so they have equal left and right borders. • Go to: View/Toolbars/Picture to view the picture toolbox. You can size, crop and make a number of adjustments to your pictures. • To align your graphics or photos on a page use the View/Toolbars/Drawing toolbox. Select the first icon (A and 3-D cube), pull down the menu to the Align and Distribute function and make your selection. Caption in Arial 10 pt. Italic Caption in Arial 10 pt. Italic
This Title is 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush LeftIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • If you have two or more graphics or photos at the bottom of a page, crop or size them so they have equal top and bottom borders. • Go to: View/Toolbars/Picture to view the picture toolbox. You can size, crop and make a number of adjustments to your pictures. • Imagine an invisible grid on the page and try to align graphics either horizontally or vertically on that grid. Caption in Arial 10 pt. Italic Caption in Arial 10 pt. Italic
This Title is 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush LeftIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • DO NOT use background colors or patterns Caption in Arial 10 pt. Italic Caption in Arial 10 pt. Italic
This Title is 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush LeftIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • If you have multiple slides with a similar layout use the Insert/Duplicate Slide menu. This will give you the same layout and positioning and then you can select text and type in or paste new copy. • Graphics are added by choosing the Insert/Picture/From File. You can also copy paste pictures. A number of file formats can be used, the most common are jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp, wmf, eps, pict, psd or pdf. Source: Do NOT box in your graph, match the general appearance or style as shown above. Don’t forget to quote a source for your data.
This Title is 28 pt. Arial Bold, Flush LeftIf you have a subhead it should be Arial 20 pt. Bold • If you have questions try the Help feature in the top menu bar. • For further information contact Graphic Communications 360 705-7423 • WSDOT logos are available online at: http://wwwi.wsdot.wa.gov/Communications/graphiccommunications/logos.htm • or - • http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/Communications/GraphicCommunications/Logos/logos.htm