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If you want to enhance your knowledge or skills then you should join Aurelius Corporate Solutions. We provide online training on Machine learning from industrial experts. Enroll now. Visit http://aurelius-global.com for more details.
Machi ine Lear ning Cou urse Online Machine analysis learn fro program around f faster ha learning te through aut om data ite med to sear for a long pe s only been echnologies tomated ana ratively allo rch in the ga eriod of time a developm and proce alytical mod owing them ps. Machine e but its imp ment in the re esses inhere del building. to find sol e learning at plementatio ecent decad ently allow With the h utions in ga t small levels on on big da e. machines t help of algor aps without s using algor ta over and to undergo rithms, mac t being exp rithms have over, faste data hines licitly been r and It is nee establish agree th the fore‐ under de the scien program edless to sa hment. Any at data inte ‐front of this evelopment nce of givin med. ay that a n individual w erpretation a s revolution for the fort g power to new age of well versed and manipu . Machine le thcoming in the machin technology in contem lation along earning is po dustrial revo nes to take y and deve porary tech g with multi ossibly the b olution. In e decisions o lopment is hnological d idisciplinary biggest techn essence, ma on their ow at the brin development integration nological do achine learni wn without b nk of t will is at omain ing is being It is a co aiming to a wide v paramet learning possibly t ombination o find the m variety of d ric/non para such as clu the first leve of comput most efficient data interpr ametric algo ustering, dim el of artificia er science, t and smarte retation and orithms, neu mensionality al intelligenc data minin est decision d statistical ural network reduction, e that huma g and statis process. M tools of s ks, kernels e deep learni ans are curre stical patter achine learn supervised l etc. along w ing etc. Ma ently develo rning techn ning incorpo earning suc with unsuper chine learni ping. iques orates ch as rvised ing is
Course Details‐ The machine learning course takes the trainee from the beginning of theoretical fundamentals to complete application practices. Machine learning is a domain which is completely un‐ implementable until the individual is well versed in the core theoretical fundamentals. Thus, our course focuses on developing the fundamentals of machine learning which is an amalgamation of statistics and mathematical functions. This is available in both modes of online machine learning course and offline too as per the trainees' requirements. Introduction •Introduction to machine learning and history •Fundamental mathematics and statistics introduction •Linear regression in one variable •Linear algebra revisited More on mathematics and tools •Linear regression with multiple variables •Using MATLAB in the domain •Using OCTAVE in the domain Data manipulation •logistic regression •Regularization •Support vector machines Neural networks •introduction •Learning •Implementation Learning •Unsupervised learning •Supervised learning •Dimensionality reduction
Live Instructor‐led & Interactive Online Sessions Regular Courses Duration‐ 30 ‐40 Hours Fast‐Track Courses Duration‐ 4‐8 Hours Training Options‐ Option‐1 Option‐2 Weekdays‐ Cloud Based Training Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Mon, Wed, Fri) Weekdays Online Lab Mon ‐ Fri 07:00 AM ‐ 09:00 AM (Tue, Thur) Weekend‐Cloud Based Training Sat‐Sun 09:00 AM ‐ 11:00 AM (IST) Weekend Online Lab Sat‐Sun 11:00 AM ‐ 01:00 PM Head Office Aurelius Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd. A‐125 Sector 63, Noida‐201307 Phone: +91.783.501.1153 Enquiry: contact@aurelius.in
For more e details Cl ick on http p://aure elius‐glo bal.com online‐ m/it‐tech training hnical/m g.php machine‐ learning g‐