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Os SERES DIVINOS. Adeptos Assistentesdo Logos. Oficiais Arcang
Criao de KVK. Nehru
Traduo: Osmar de Carvalho
A Sociedad Teosfica :: Adyar
2002 Some Works Referred:
Barborka G., The Divine Plan, TPH, 1964
Hodson G., Lecture Notes, School of the Wisdom, Vol. I, TPH, 1962
Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960
Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973
Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms
Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972
Powell A.E., The Solar System, TPH, 1971
Some Works Referred:
Barborka G., The Divine Plan, TPH, 1964
Hodson G., Lecture Notes, School of the Wisdom, Vol. I, TPH, 1962
Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960
Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973
Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms
Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972
Powell A.E., The Solar System, TPH, 1971
2. Os SERESDIVINOS Hodson G., Lecture Notes, School of the Wisdom, Vol. I, TPH, 1962, p.402
The slide depicts the three Classes of Divine Beings Who are emanations of the Solar Logos and assist in the deployment of His Great Plan.
Hodson G., Lecture Notes, School of the Wisdom, Vol. I, TPH, 1962, p.402
The slide depicts the three Classes of Divine Beings Who are emanations of the Solar Logos and assist in the deployment of His Great Plan.
3. Os Sete Grandes Caminhos Depois do nvel Humano Powell A.E., The Solar System, TPH, 1971, p. 49
Of the three Classes of Divine Beings mentioned in the previous slide, the Staff Corps comprises, among others, of those Who graduated from the Human Kingdom.
Powell A.E., The Solar System, TPH, 1971, p. 49
Of the three Classes of Divine Beings mentioned in the previous slide, the Staff Corps comprises, among others, of those Who graduated from the Human Kingdom.
4. Oficiais Arcanglicose Anglicos Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms, p. 11
We have a ninefold classification of the Deva Kingdom. Class I Devas are in-charge of the seven Planes (of matter). They also supervise the Class IV Devas, the subordinate Devas of the Elements.
In the Christian theology these nine Classes are referred to as Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones; Dominions, Virtues, Powers; Principalities, Archangels and Angels. (The Greek angelos implies transmitter from celestial realms to the world of men.)
In the Kabbalistic hierarchy they are the ten Sephiroth (including Kether (the Crown): Chokmah (Wisdom), Binah (Intelligence), Chesed (Mercy), Geburah (Justice), Tiphereth (Beauty), Netzah (Firmness), Hod (Splendor), Jesod (Foundation) and Malkuth (Kingdom).
Barborka G., The Divine Plan, pp. 48-49
Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms, p. 11
We have a ninefold classification of the Deva Kingdom. Class I Devas are in-charge of the seven Planes (of matter). They also supervise the Class IV Devas, the subordinate Devas of the Elements.
In the Christian theology these nine Classes are referred to as Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones; Dominions, Virtues, Powers; Principalities, Archangels and Angels. (The Greek angelos implies transmitter from celestial realms to the world of men.)
In the Kabbalistic hierarchy they are the ten Sephiroth (including Kether (the Crown): Chokmah (Wisdom), Binah (Intelligence), Chesed (Mercy), Geburah (Justice), Tiphereth (Beauty), Netzah (Firmness), Hod (Splendor), Jesod (Foundation) and Malkuth (Kingdom).
Barborka G., The Divine Plan, pp. 48-49
5. Oficiais Arcanglicose Anglicos Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms, p. 11
Class II Devas are responsible for directly reading the Great Plan of the Solar Logos and to pass it on to the Hierarchies of Builders, Class V & VI.
Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms, p. 11
Class II Devas are responsible for directly reading the Great Plan of the Solar Logos and to pass it on to the Hierarchies of Builders, Class V & VI.
6. Oficiais Arcanglicose Anglicos Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms, p. 11
The Class III Devas, the Recorders (Lipikas), govern the Classes VII, VIII & IX of Administrator Angels.
Manual, The Elemental Kingdoms, p. 11
The Class III Devas, the Recorders (Lipikas), govern the Classes VII, VIII & IX of Administrator Angels.
7. As 7 Hierarquias Criadoras Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972, p. 44
The slide lists the Great Hierarchies of Beings, called the Creative Hierarchies, Who attained to high levels of Spirituality in earlier Chains and assist the Human Monads in acquiring the various Permanent Atoms and Principles. Of the Twelve that were, The Secret Doctrine teaches that Four have already gone beyond and One is at the verge of going out of the ken of Humanity. We therefore find the description of only the remaining Seven.
Powell A.E., The Causal Body and the Ego, TPH, 1972, p. 44
The slide lists the Great Hierarchies of Beings, called the Creative Hierarchies, Who attained to high levels of Spirituality in earlier Chains and assist the Human Monads in acquiring the various Permanent Atoms and Principles. Of the Twelve that were, The Secret Doctrine teaches that Four have already gone beyond and One is at the verge of going out of the ken of Humanity. We therefore find the description of only the remaining Seven.
8. A Hierarquia do Sistema Solar Hodson G., Lecture Notes, School of the Wisdom, Vol. I, TPH, 1962, p. 402
The slide depicts the series of Dhyan-Chohans connecting from the Solar Logos to the mysterious Being, called the Silent Watcher, Who looks after the guardianship of a Planet, or Globe, from the time it becomes active, the Life Waves take a full Round, passing through the remaining six Globes of the Chain, and come back to the Globe. The Silent Watcher is the connecting link with the Head of the Inner Government of the Globe, the Lord of the World.
Hodson G., Lecture Notes, School of the Wisdom, Vol. I, TPH, 1962, p. 402
The slide depicts the series of Dhyan-Chohans connecting from the Solar Logos to the mysterious Being, called the Silent Watcher, Who looks after the guardianship of a Planet, or Globe, from the time it becomes active, the Life Waves take a full Round, passing through the remaining six Globes of the Chain, and come back to the Globe. The Silent Watcher is the connecting link with the Head of the Inner Government of the Globe, the Lord of the World.
9. A Grande Fraternidade Oculta Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960, Fig. 118, p. 327
The slide depicts the Great Hierarchy of the Inner Government of the World, Who work silently and hidden, looking after the evolution of all the ten Kingdoms on Earth.
Jinarajadasa C., First Principles of Theosophy, TPH, 1960, Fig. 118, p. 327
The slide depicts the Great Hierarchy of the Inner Government of the World, Who work silently and hidden, looking after the evolution of all the ten Kingdoms on Earth.
10. Os CHOHANS dos 7 Raios Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, pp. 237-240
The names of the Great Ones heading the seven Rays are listed.
Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, pp. 237-240
The names of the Great Ones heading the seven Rays are listed.
11. Alguns Nomes dos SENHORES Powell A.E., The Solar System, TPH, 1971, pp. 102-3, 108
Barborka G., The Divine Plan, TPH, 1964, p. 368
Just to show that so much detailed information is available, the names of some the Great Manus and Buddhas are listed here.
Powell A.E., The Solar System, TPH, 1971, pp. 102-3, 108
Barborka G., The Divine Plan, TPH, 1964, p. 368
Just to show that so much detailed information is available, the names of some the Great Manus and Buddhas are listed here.
12. O VALE DO HIMALAYA Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, p. 266
Leadbeater describes the valley, about one and half miles long by three-quarter mile wide, with a pine tree-lined ravine on the north side. A stream passes down the western side and empties into a lake on the north side. On the flower-decked altar on the south a golden bowl with pure water is placed.
People start gathering since four days before the Vaiskh Poornima, camping on the bank of the stream. They bathe and get ready with small earthen pots filled with water.
Before half an hour, the Members of the Brotherhood start materializing and stand in the formation of three concentric circles, toward the northern side of the altar.
Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, p. 266
Leadbeater describes the valley, about one and half miles long by three-quarter mile wide, with a pine tree-lined ravine on the north side. A stream passes down the western side and empties into a lake on the north side. On the flower-decked altar on the south a golden bowl with pure water is placed.
People start gathering since four days before the Vaiskh Poornima, camping on the bank of the stream. They bathe and get ready with small earthen pots filled with water.
Before half an hour, the Members of the Brotherhood start materializing and stand in the formation of three concentric circles, toward the northern side of the altar.
13. Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, p. 270
The Lord Maitreya materializes at the center, holding the Staff of the Lord of the World made of the lost metal Arichalchum. It is about 2 ft. long and 2 in. in diamenter, with conical tips studded with large diamonds. At a signal given by Him, the Members of the Brotherhood go through various configurations of formation---shown in the slide---with the Lord always nearest to the altar. Finally They adopt the formation of the five-pointed star. At the exact moment of the full moon, the Lord Maitreya calls for the august appearance of the Buddha, laying the Staff on the altar.
Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, p. 270
The Lord Maitreya materializes at the center, holding the Staff of the Lord of the World made of the lost metal Arichalchum. It is about 2 ft. long and 2 in. in diamenter, with conical tips studded with large diamonds. At a signal given by Him, the Members of the Brotherhood go through various configurations of formation---shown in the slide---with the Lord always nearest to the altar. Finally They adopt the formation of the five-pointed star. At the exact moment of the full moon, the Lord Maitreya calls for the august appearance of the Buddha, laying the Staff on the altar.
14. CHAYA DARSHAN Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, frontispiece
The slide pictures the aura of the Lord Buddha as it appears in the Chya Darshan. Leadbeater states that the Lords image shows the hair cut at neck level, not as depicted in this slide with knot on the top.
The Brotherhood chant from the Mahmangala Sutta. The people bow down and later feast at the sight.
Leadbeater C.W., The Masters and the Path, TPH, 1973, frontispiece
The slide pictures the aura of the Lord Buddha as it appears in the Chya Darshan. Leadbeater states that the Lords image shows the hair cut at neck level, not as depicted in this slide with knot on the top.
The Brotherhood chant from the Mahmangala Sutta. The people bow down and later feast at the sight.
15. BNO The Blessings of the Great One pass into the holy water kept in the golden bowl and into the earthen pots held high by the people. The image gradually dissolves. The Members of the Brotherhood sip of the holy water. The people take away the water in their pots for blessing and healing.
The Blessings of the Great One pass into the holy water kept in the golden bowl and into the earthen pots held high by the people. The image gradually dissolves. The Members of the Brotherhood sip of the holy water. The people take away the water in their pots for blessing and healing.
16. Thank You