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NRAO Green Bank Policies for RFI Management. Different Policies Apply in 5 Different Zones. Zone 5: National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) Zone 4: 10-Mile Radius Radio Astronomy Zone Zone 3: 2-Mile Radius Radio Astronomy Zone Zone 2: Observatory Building Zone
Different Policies Apply in 5 Different Zones • Zone 5: National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) • Zone 4: 10-Mile Radius Radio Astronomy Zone • Zone 3: 2-Mile Radius Radio Astronomy Zone • Zone 2: Observatory Building Zone (Housing, Laboratory, Shop, Dormitories, Cafeteria, Visitor Center) • Zone 1: Radio Astronomy Instrument Zone (“ground zero” a.k.a. “everything beyond the gate”)
Zone 5: The National Radio Quiet Zone • Established by an act of congress in 1958 • Approx. 13,000 sq. mile area • Requires coordination for all permanent, fixed, licensed transmitters • Administered through NRAO Green Bank for the mutual benefit of NRAO and the Sugar Grove Facility
Zones 3 & 4: WV Radio Astronomy Zoning Act • Established through §37A-1-2 of the West Virginia Code “The Radio Astronomy Zoning Act” • Applies to any electrical equipment that causes harmful interference to Radio Astronomical Observations • Increasingly difficult and complex problem due to the proliferation of wireless technologies • Our Strategy: • Problem-driven component: we will seek enforcement only as a last resort, if friendly requests repeatedly fail. • Proactive component: We solicit voluntary cooperation: PR campaign is in the works, other efforts in the planning stage.
Zones 1 & 2: On-Site RFI Policy • IPG Develops Policy; Site Director has final authority • ITU-R RA.769 Limit applies
Zone 1: Radio Astronomy Instrument Zone • Intentional Radiators: ESSENTIAL for operation only; comprehensive list maintained by IPG • Unintentional radiators: • Installed Equipment • Must comply with ITU-R RA.769 limits • Uninstalled Equipment • Portable Test/Maintenance Equipment • May not be left operating unattended, or it will be considered “installed” • Automobiles: Diesel vehicles ONLY with the following approved exceptions: • Handicapped tourist access At risk of stating the obvious: In Zone 1, ALL equipment is subject to the same restrictions, whether it belongs to Visiting Scientists, Summer Students, Educational Groups, or the Permanent Staff of the Green Bank Site.
Zone 2: Observatory Building Zone Housing, Laboratory, Shop, Dormitories, Cafeteria, Visitor Center • Intentional Radiators: • Essential for operation only; comprehensive list maintained by IPG • Licensed services coordinated with NRQZ office • No other intentional radiators (WIFI, Cordless Phones, Wireless Speakers, etc.) • Unintentional radiators: • High-Risk Equipment (is it worse than the “average” PC?) • Equipment that runs continuously and exceeds ITU-R RA.769 • Equipment that exceeds ITU-R RA.769 by “typical PC” levels (30dB at the location of the Jansky lab) but is powered down when not in use.
Concluding Remarks/Requests • We are a Radio Astronomy Observatory. • The RFI group does not have the resources to accomplish these goals without your cooperation. • Please think about what this policy might mean for you; if you are unsure, please ask.