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What is Test Tube Baby – Test Tube Baby Cost and Process - Aveya

Having a child and building a family is undeniably the dream of every couple. Unfortunately, there are many couples out there that still struggle to conceive even after many years of marriage. Test tube baby or IVF can help you fulfil your dream of becoming parents. Visit: https://aveya.in/test-tube-baby-process-cost/

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What is Test Tube Baby – Test Tube Baby Cost and Process - Aveya

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  1. What is Test Tube Baby? – Test Tube Baby Cost and Process

  2. What is Test Tube Baby? Test Tube Baby Treatment Process Difference between Test Tube Baby and IVF First Test Tube Baby in India Test Tube Baby Cost in India FAQS

  3. Having a child and building a family is undeniably the dream of every couple. Unfortunately, there are many couples out there that still struggle to conceive even after many years of marriage. Test tube baby or IVF can help you fulfil your dream of becoming parents To them we want to say you are not alone, around 60-80 million couples face infertility every year worldwide, and about 15-20 million (25%) are in India.

  4. Reasons can range from poor food choices and lifestyle choices to genetics and many more. If you find yourself in this position, then there’s no need to be hopeless. Many couples have been where you are, and majority have ended up conceiving and giving birth to healthy babies – thanks to medical breakthroughs like Test tube baby treatment or IVF – in vitro fertilization.

  5. Owing to its high success rate, Test Tube Baby (or IVF) is one of the most recommended treatments for couples with infertility problems. In fact, a significant number of babies born in India every year come through IVF. This has made parenthood possible for many childless couples and has brought hope and faith for many struggling out there.

  6. Unfortunately, the term “test tube baby” is often misunderstood due to a lack of knowledge. Some believe that the process is unnatural and may involve a different kind of ART procedure different from the conventional IVF treatment. We hope to resolve the confusion and answer all the questions you may have concerning Test Tube Baby. Let’s start with the most important item…

  7. What is Test Tube Baby? The first use of the term “test tube baby” was in 1978. And this was after the birth of the first test tube baby, Louise Joy Brown. Today, over 7 million healthy babies have been conceived and born via the test tube baby treatment process. As the name suggests, a test tube baby means the child is conceived outside the woman’s body. To be more specific, the eggs and sperm are collected and fertilized in a laboratory. This process is formally known as IVF.

  8. Surprisingly, in the early days when the test tube baby was rare, the lab instrument used was a test tube instead of a Petri dish, so that the name might have actually been misleading. However, today, the Petri dish is used for the process instead of the test tube. There is no difference between Test tube baby treatment and IVF. IVF is generally known as Test tube baby. It is worth noting that test tube baby treatment can also be done with donor sperm and eggs if the couple has problem with self egg or sperm.

  9. Test Tube Baby Process Today, many clinics often adopt different techniques, but the core process for test tube baby treatment is the same. We discuss these steps below: Step 1: Ovulation Stimulation / Super Ovulation From the second day of menses Gonadotropins or injections with the follicle-stimulating hormone are given. This results in the growth of the follicles and the production of multiple eggs in the ovaries. Another injection Antagonist is added to prevent spontaneous rupture of the eggs A fertility specialist may do a scan and other tests required to monitor the process. To achieve the final maturity of the eggs, the woman is injected with HCG36.

  10. Step 2: Egg Retrieval The matured eggs are then retrieved through a minor procedure called “follicular aspiration” from both ovaries. During the egg retrieval process for test tube baby, the woman is given some sedative to prevent pain or discomfort. The number of egg varies. Generally anything from 10-12 is considered good. The couple may also decide to use Frozen or donor eggs.

  11. Step 3: Semen Collection Likewise, a semen sample is required, and the male partner will be asked to provide a sperm sample for further processes. Afterward, the sperm is “washed” to concentrate it. This needs to be done on the same day of Egg retrieval for test tube baby treatment process. If the husband is not able to provide the semen sample, same can be take from TESTH.

  12. Step 4:Fertilization Next, the retrieved eggs are mixed with the sperm in a Petri dish, and then stored in a growth medium for at least 48 hours. An embryo is formed during this time. In a situation where the sperm is less motile (low motility), a special technique known as ICSI is used to directly injects it into the egg. The couple may also decide to use sperm collected through a testicular biopsy process if required and suggested by the doctor.

  13. Who needs to opt for the Test tube baby process Some medical conditions that might require this procedure include: WOMEN Failing to conceive after 1 yr or more of trying  Older age Damaged fallopian tubes Endometriosis (usually in chronic cases) A problem with the womb (uterine cavity/ovaries) such as uterine fibroid Ovulation disorders (Irregular ovulation or no ovulation) Unexplained infertility Hormonal Imbalance Irregular Cycle Change in cycle duration  Other health issues like PCOD / PCOS

  14. MEN Low sperm motility or low sperm  Nil sperm count  Inability to have intercourse Erectile dysfunction Varicocele Chromosome defects Infection such as gonorrhea, epididymitis, and orchitis Unexplained infertility Retrograde ejaculation Tumors Risk factors such as substance abuse and tobacco smoking Prior surgeries And other fertility problems

  15. Difference between Test Tube Baby and IVF If you’re like most people, you may wonder what the difference between IVF and test tube baby is. Well, both terms are somewhat related. In fact, they are the SAME THING. In other words, there’s basically no difference except for their names. Test tube baby is actually the layman term used to refer to an IVF procedure many years ago. It’s still being used today. They are the same thing.

  16. The term was concocted as a result of the notion that an embryo is formed in a “test tube” instead of the natural process where the embryo is formed in the woman’s womb or fallopian tube. However, as earlier indicated, a Petri dish is actually used (not a test tube), hence the term “in-vitro.” Many people still think test tube babies are entirely grown in a test tube, which often comes with a social stigma. Even the birth of the first and second test tube baby in the late 90s was under heavy criticism. Thankfully, the table has shifted today, and IVF is now generally accepted in India.

  17. Implantation  The grading of embryo is usually done on the basis of rate of growth, symmetry of cells & fragmentation. After fertilization, the formed embryos are examined by an experienced embryologist. The best ones are identified and placed back in the woman’s uterus using a catheter. 1 or 2 embryos are usually transferred. Before implantation, the woman may be given HCG or progesterone supplements to help strengthen her uterine lining and increase the likelihood of implantation.

  18. Checking for Pregnancy Two weeks after implantation has occurred, a pregnancy test is done to know whether the test tube baby treatment was successful or not. If successful, the woman goes through the normal phase of pregnancy. In this case, the remaining embryos can be frozen and kept for future use or donated to other couples with fertility problems. On the other hand, if the pregnancy test comes out negative, then test tube baby was unsuccessful. In this case, the couple may need to go through another cycle. Success Rate of Test tube baby generally ranges from 40-70%

  19. Test Tube Baby Cost in India

  20. Although Test tube baby treatment is generally considered expensive, the average cost in India is significantly lower compared to other countries like the US, UK and Canada. Interestingly, India still records a high success rate despite the lower cost – thanks to cutting-edge technology and highly skilled doctors. This makes India a preferred destination for fertility treatments. That said, the expected cost of test tube baby will depend on factors such as the amount of medication, the technology employed, the experience of the fertility specialist, as well as the location. It’s worth noting that test tube baby is not a one step treatment. Each cycle involves several treatments and procedures which may be different for individual cases.

  21. In most cases, the couple will conceive after the first Test tube baby cycle. In this case, the test tube baby treatment cost may range from Rs. 75,000 – 2, 50,000 depending on the individual and the fertility drugs administered. At Aveya – Test tube baby / IVF cost starts from 50,000 Rs. and goes upto 2.5 Lacs depending on medical and other factors. You can click here more details and packages. Some couples may not be successful with the first cycle. In this case, they may need to go through two or three cycles. In this case, the cost of treatment will be significantly higher. At Aveya – we provide a multiple cycle test tube baby treatment package at Rs. 2.5 Lacs around.

  22. Below is a table that shows the average cost of test tube baby in the 10 top cities in India.

  23. First Test Tube Baby in India The first test tube baby in India, “Durga” as she’s popularly known was delivered by doctor SubhashMukhopadhyay, on October 3rd, 1978. This was also the second successful IVF treatment in the world following the birth of Louise Joy Brown in the same year. Since 1978, over 4 million test tube babies have been delivered. Unfortunately, the birth of Durga, also known by the name, KanupriyaAgarwal, came with a lot of controversy. As a result, Doctor Subhash didn’t receive recognition at first, and was denounced by the government for creating history.

  24. Just eight years after the birth of Durga, the second test tube baby, Harsha, was delivered by IndiraHinduja, a gynecologist at a state hospital in Mumbai, in 1986. Like Durga, Harsha’s birth came with a lot of public criticism and controversy, as well as social stigma for an unnatural process that initiates life in a “test tube”. Today, IVF or test tube baby is generally accepted in India, with over 400 clinics offering treatment to both couples in the country and others from the world. Currently, around 10 percent of couples in the country is estimated to have fertility issues. Test tube baby has consequently become the mainstream treatment available for such couples owing to its high success rate.

  25. FAQS How do I get my body prepared for a test tube baby treatment? Eat well, reduce stress, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. It will also help to take foods rich in vitamins. Ideally, listen and apply what the doctor tells you. What are the chances of pregnancy without a test tube baby or other fertility treatment? Generally, fertility begins to diminish as a woman ages. With regular intercourse during your ovulation days, a healthy lady of 25 should become pregnant in four months. For a 35 year old, it might take up to 8 months. If there’s no sign of pregnancy after trying for one year, then it’s time to see a fertility doctor to get examined.

  26. What Ineed to avoid before or during test tube baby treatment ? It has been discovered that even a tiny bit of alcohol in the body can significantly alter the chances of pregnancy. So, both during and after your treatment, it is best to avoid alcohol completely. In men, large amounts of alcohol can reduce the quality of the semen. It is also advised to avoid smoking as it also hampers the chances of pregnancy and may reduce the weight of the newborn. We suggest you to consult with our fertility expert for consultation.

  27. How long does it take to complete the test tube baby procedure? One cycle can take up to 4 weeks. However, this can stretch up to 6 weeks, depending on the individual case and treatments administered. Does the use of hormonal injections increase my cancer risk? Not really. There hasn’t been any evidence to show an increased cancer risk from hormonal treatment. In fact, a woman who has given birth has a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer than someone who has never conceived.

  28. Is test tube baby process painful? There are few steps in test tube baby that could be painful, however, most steps are not. Starting with ovulation stimulating, most women who are not used to taking shots may experience some anxiety (due to fear) before the first injection. But after a few shots, it becomes easy. Ovulation is often accompanied by bloating, which is a bit discomforting. In egg retrieval, the pain is next to nothing as anesthesia is given to avoid pain. Embryo transfer is usually almost painless. We tried to inform you about the basic details of test tube baby treatment via this article. We hope it helps you to understand the process. Do not get confused with different names for fertility treatment. IVF and Test tube baby is the same process with just different names. Talk to our Fertility experts for more details and Free Consultation: 80 80 80 9663

  29. For More Information Please Visit Our Website: https://aveya.in/

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