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Student Houses To Rent in Hyde Park

Located in the highly popular student houses to rent in Hyde Park, we have expanded our premises to a city center location to rent student housing in Leeds and Hyde Park etc.<br>For more information: https://www.avtar.co.uk/

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Student Houses To Rent in Hyde Park

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AvtarProperties S T U D E N TP R O P E R T I E S | S H A R E DA C C O M M O D AT I O N

  2. COMPANY U N I H O M E SM A K EM A N A G I N G U T I L I T YB I L L SE A S Y,B U TI F Y O UH AV EAQ U E S T I O N , Y O UC A NA LW AY S V I S I T   W W W. U N I H O M E S . C O . U K / H E L P - C E N T R E   T OF I N DM O R E I N F O R M AT I O NO RC A L LT H E T E A MO N 0 3 3 08 2 20 2 6 6O RE M A I L   H E L L O @ U N I H O M E S . C O . U K .

  3. Tenants Whetheryouareastudentlookingforyourfirsthome awayfromhome,oryou’resettlingintotheprofessional lifeandlookingforthatperfectplacetocallyourown. AvtarPropertieshassomethingforeveryoneatbudgetsto suityourindividualneeds. Utilitybills We’veexclusivelypartneredwithUniHomestoofferour tenantsagreatall-inclusivepackagethattakesawaythe hassleofmanagingutilitybillsbetweenhousemates.Each tenantwillpaytheirownshareoftheutilitybillsbyDirect DebittoUnihomesonamonthlybasis,whichmeansno chasingyourhousematesfortheirshare.

  4. StudentHousesToRentinHydePark | StudentHousingLeeds ChoosingyouridealhomewithAvtarPropertiesissimpleand easy.Withover40years’ experienceinpropertyrentals, maintenance,housingandmanagement,wehavethe expertisetoknowexactlywhatittakestofindyourperfect home.  Avtarpropertieshaveoftenbeenassociatedwithstudent lets,butwithourevergrowingportfolioofprofessional housingnowisthebesttimetofindyournewhomewith us.OurportfolionotonlycoverstheHydepark,Burleyand Headinglyareabutwearenowbranchingouttothe popularareassuchasAlwoodley,Meanwood,Citycentre andmore!

  5. Since1972AvtarPropertieshavedealtwiththemanagementandmaintenanceservicesSince1972AvtarPropertieshavedealtwiththemanagementandmaintenanceservices forlandlordsandtenantssoyoucanfeelconfidentthatyourpropertyneedsareinsafe hands.  Ourconvenientlylocatedofficeiseasilyaccessiblefor students & professionalsastheyareintheheartofthe thrivingcommunityhubofHydeParkinLeeds.Whynot popintoourHydeParkbranch,locatedonBrudenell Road. P R O V I D I N GE XC E L L E N C EI NB O T HS T U D E N T A N DP R O F E S S I O N A LP R O P E R T I E SS I N C E1 9 7 2



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