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Almost everyone has heard that taking the ACT Exam is critical. But do you know how you can register for the same? Read to know more.
A step-by-step approach to registeringfortheACTExam The ACT (American College Testing) exam is a standardized examination that students take to get admission to undergraduate schools/colleges in the United States,Canada,andsomeothercountries.TheACTexamiscreatedtoassess candidates’written,mathematical,verbal,andscientificabilities.Studentsmust registerinordertotaketheACTexamandchoosethetestcenterwheretheywishto take the test while registering. Before enrolling for the exam, they must double-check thelocationofthetestcentersothatgettingtothetestcenteriseasyforthemonthe examday. ItisstronglyadvisedthatyouregisterfortheACTexamonline.Amail-inregistration alternativeisavailable forthose whoare unableto registeronline. ToregisterfortheACTexamonline,youneedabout30-40minutesofyourtime,a computer with internet, a credit card or other payment modes, high school course details,and a headshot photo. ThefirststepinonlineregistrationistocreateastudentaccountontheInternet.You can ensure that there is an open spot at your chosen test site and print your admissionticket when youregister online.
ACTexamonline registration steps • MakeanaccountontheACT’sofficialwebsite. • Selectatestdayandlocationthat’sconvenientforyou. • Createaprofile,fillouttheapplicationform,uploadtherelevantdocuments, andconfirm your registration. • Tocompleteyourregistration,youmustpaytheexamfee.Youcanpaythe costwith adebit orcredit card,or youcan payit online. • Registrationdeadlinesarenormallythreetofourweekspriortothetestdate. • The ACT exam online registration process is simple wherein you will be able to selectandalteryourtestdates,payforyourregistration,checkyourtestscores, select colleges to send your score reports to and enter/update your high school gradesonce yourstudent account hasbeen created. • TheProcessto sign intotheACT Website • Go to the ACT official website and click on the “Sign In” button in the upper right corner, then select “new account” from the drop-down menu. The next step is to create an online account, which will require your social security number as well as yourhighschoolcode.Makesureyoufillinyournameexactlyasitappearsonyour passport or other recognized identification that you will be bringing to your test center. Details askedduringthe registration • Personal information such as left-hand vs. right-hand typing (so you’re assigned to the correct testing station), religious affiliations, parental educationalhistory,anddisabilitiesarecollected.Keepinmindthatallofthis informationis provided voluntarily. • Your high school summary, including where you went to school and what classesyoutook.Therearealsoinquiriesaboutextracurricularactivitiesin highschool. • You’llbeaskedquestionsaboutyourcollegepreferences,suchaswhether youwant togo to collegefull-time or part-time. • Theexactdateandplaceofthetesting.
Thecollegestowhichyourscorereportsshouldbesent.Youcanchooseup to four universities with the basic price, so if you know where you want them togo before youregister, you’ll save money. • Futurecollegemajorsandcareeroptionsthatyouintendtopursue. • Youwillberequestedtouploadarecentheadshotaspartoftheprocess.You must strictly adhere to the limits above, or you risk being barred from taking theACTontestday.ThephotographandnameonyourIDarekeypiecesof • informationthatACTemploystomakeitharderforanyonetocheatbyhaving someoneelse take theexam for them. • Onceyouhavedonethepayment,youwillreceiveanemailregardingyour confirmationon your emailaddress. • PhotoSubmissionRequirements • Youmustprovidearecentphotoofyourselfforidentityandtestsecuritypurposesin order to complete your registration. This photo will appear on your ticket as well as onthe scorereport thatwill beemailed toyour highschool instantly. • Thefollowingaresomeofthephotosubmissionoptions: • UsingyourPCtouploadaphoto. • Usingamobiledevicetouploadaphoto. • Submittingaphotothathasbeenprinted. • Your registration will be canceled and you will not be accepted to test if your photo is notuploadedbeforethephotouploaddeadlineforyourtestdate.Youwillnotbeable toprint your ticketuntil the photohas been added. • ACTTestCenter Locator • Search for a center near you using this link- https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration/test-cen ter-locator.html
YourHighSchoolCode You may require your high school code which you can know using this link- https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration/high-sc hool-codes-lookup.html RegistrationChanges Youwillbeabletomakemodificationstoyourrecordafterregisteringforatest event. You can modify the test center and the test date for a modest charge (if changesare made atthe same time). TestCenterChangefor theSameTestDate– Youwillbeeligible tochangetest centersifaseatandmaterialsforyourtestoptionareavailableatyournewselected test center on your desired test date. After the late registration deadline, you will not beable to seek atest center change. TestDateChange–Ifyouaremissingorunabletotestontheoriginaltestdate,orif your registration is revoked due to failing to meet ACT’s test security criteria, a test datechange can beutilized to signup for a different test date. Change of Test Option – If a seat is available before the late registration deadline, youcanaddthewritingoption.Youmayonlyremovethewritingoptionafterthelate registration deadline has passed. You must contact ACT to receive a refund if you decidenot totake thewriting test onthe dayof the testevent. Refund Theregistrationfeeandserviceexpensesforthebasictestarenon-refundable. Someoptionalservicepaymentsarerefundableuponrequest(5thand6thcollege choices,test informationrelease, andACT writing test). ACTPreparation
ReWiserEducationalServicesprovidesACTpreparationsupportviabothGroupReWiserEducationalServicesprovidesACTpreparationsupportviabothGroup Coaching&OneonOnetutoring.ReWiserconsistentlystrivestowardimprovingits processes,methodology,andpositiveimpactonthestudents.Toachievethis, an analysisofthelearningfromeachyearisdoneandthenecessarychangesare implemented.ReWiserACTclassesaretrustedbythousandsofparentsand students. Needmoreindividualizedadvice? With the help of this blog, we have certainly smoothed it over for you. If you want to find more amazing blogs, then make sure you keep visiting our website, follow our Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin channel, like, follow our Facebook channel, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channelfor more content like this in the future! From helping students prepare and score better in the areas of standardized testing: SAT,ACT,APteststoprovidinghighschoolacademicsupportrequirements: IGCSE, IB Subjects, AS/A Level classes; ReWiseris with you every step of the way! Also,ifyouneedanypersonalassistance,reachouttoourexpertshere. We’re more thanhappy to helpin whatever way wecan.