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Medical waste incinerator manufacturers

B.L. Engineering is a leading medical waste incinerator manufacturers in Ahmedabad, India. We are a local manufacturer and one of the largest exporters in India.

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Medical waste incinerator manufacturers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. B L Engineering

  2. Medical waste incinerator manufacturers • B.L. Engineering is a leading medical waste incinerator manufacturers in Ahmedabad, India. We are a local manufacturer and one of the largest exporters in India. Scientico manufacture Hospital waste Incinerators, Animal Incineration, Pet cremation and other Solid waste. Made as a dual chamber incineration system, these models are better able to control incineration, temperatures, and emissions generated from the unit. It has become the technique of choice of many Rotary Kiln waste management companies and municipalities. Get more information B.L. Engineering incinerator manufacturer +91 7600033622

  3. Bio medical waste incinerator manufacturers India • B.L. Engineering offers Industrial waste incinerator manufacturers designs, assemblies and installs equipment for Industrial Waste Incineration & Pyrolysation, specifically, static & rotary kilns and incineration plants to eliminate different nature of the waste (solid waste, liquid waste and sludge) in one same kiln from the municipal and industrial origin. Waste Incineration technology can be installed in several trades to treat hazardous waste, refining residues, chemical waste, pharmaceutical waste, hospital & medical waste, wastewater plant sludge, NORM (natural radioactive) waste, etc.

  4. Contact Website: https://blengineering.net/ Address: Plot No.01, Sukham Industrial Estate, Nr. VatvaVinzolOverbridge, G.I.D.C., Vatva, Ahmedabad - 382 445 Email: blengineering@hotmail.com Operating Hours: Mon – Sat: 9:00 – 8:00

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