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King Charles III From Royal Mint | BOLD Precious Metals

Buy the first-ever issue of the 1 oz Silver Britannia Coin featuring King Charles III's effigy on the obverse. Free shipping on orders $199.

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King Charles III From Royal Mint | BOLD Precious Metals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. King Charles III FromRoyalMint

  2. AboutKingCharlesIII Followingthe deathofhismother,Queen ElizabethII,KingCharlesIII,the62ndBritish monarch in 1,200 years, ascended to the throne onSeptember8,2022.Attheageof73,Britain's longest-serving heir-apparent was crowned king twodayslaterinaceremonyatSt. Source:musicmundial.com

  3. AboutBritishRoyalMint The Royal Mint is the ancient company in the United Kingdom and the official manufacturer of Britishcoins.Itisalimitedcompanywholly owned by His Majesty's Treasury that operates underthelegalnameTheRoyalMintLimitedand hasa uniquecontract to supplythe nation's coinage. Source:foursquare.com

  4. 2023KingCharlesIII1OzSilverBU Onetroyounceof.999finesilverinBU condition. Obverse:HisMajestyKingCharlesIIIis displayedforthefirsttimeintheseries. Reverse:Thereverserepresentsahelmeted Lady Britannia holding a trident in one hand andashieldintheother.

  5. 2023KingCharlesIII1/4OzGoldBU One-quartertroyounceof.999fineGoldin BUcondition. Obverse:HisMajestyKingCharlesIIIis displayedforthefirsttimeintheseries Reverse: Represents a helmeted Lady Britanniaholdingatridentin onehandanda shieldintheother.

  6. 2023KingCharlesIII1/2OzGoldBU One-halftroyounceof.999fineGoldinBU condition. Obverse:HisMajestyKingCharlesIIIis displayedforthefirsttimeintheseries Reverse: Represents a helmeted Lady Britanniaholdingatridentin onehandanda shieldintheother.

  7. 2023KingCharlesIII1/10OzGoldBU Onetroyounceof.999fineGoldinBU condition. Obverse:HisMajestyKingCharlesIIIis displayedforthefirsttimeintheseries Reverse: Represents a helmeted Lady Britanniaholdingatridentin onehandanda shieldintheother.

  8. IsBuyingGoldaGood Investment? OutstandingforPortfolio Diversification Allothermajorassetshavealow correlation with gold. As a result, it is an excellentportfoliodiversifierbecause it performsreasonablywellevenwhen other investments perform poorly.As a result,goldcanprotectyourportfolio from volatility because it is unaffected by thefactorsthataffectthereturnsofmost assetclasses. GoldHasMaintainedItsValue Gold'svaluehas remainedstableover time. People have always viewed it as a toolforpreservingwealthandpassingit downfromgenerationtogeneration. Theremaybenootherassetonthe planet with such universal appeal as gold. As a result, it serves as a safe haven that isrelativelyimmuneto macroeconomic andgeopoliticalrisks. 8

  9. GoldIsATangibleAsset HighLiquidity Gold has excellent liquidity since bullion marketstradecontinuouslythroughout the world. This means that you can sell yourbullioninstantlyonthelivegold market You can hold goldbars,coins, or bullions in your hand if you purchase them. This is notpossiblewithequallyliquidassets suchasstocks.Becausegoldistangible,it offers a distinctive sense of security to the investor and reduces the risk of being duped. 8

  10. ContactUs 1(866)454-2653 support@boldpreciousmetals.com 7301RanchRoad620NSuite155- 194Austin,TX78726-4537

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