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6 “Hidden” Office Areas That Require Commercial Cleaning

Every office has these hidden spaces that need attention from the experts for commercial cleaning in Toowoomba. Read on to know the secrets that may make things better.

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6 “Hidden” Office Areas That Require Commercial Cleaning

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  1. 6 “Hidden” Office Areas That Require Commercial Cleaning A workplace should always be kept clean and tidy, but have you ever stopped to think about which areas of the office are overlooked when it comes to cleaning? In this article, we'll take a look at seven hidden office areas that require attention by experts for commercial cleaning in Toowoomba but often go unnoticed. These areas may surprise you - so you can make sure your office stays spick and span. 1. Lighting Fixtures The lighting fixtures in an office can get very dusty and dirty, especially if they are not regularly cleaned. This can not only make the office look unprofessional, but it can also affect the quality of light in the room. If you have ever noticed that your office seems a little dimmer than usual, it could be because the lighting fixtures are dirty. 2. Office Refrigerator An office refrigerator can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria if it’s not cleaned regularly. spills and crumbs should be wiped up as soon as they happen, and the entire fridge should be given a good cleaning by Toowoomba cleaning services at least once a week. Don’t forget to clean the door handle, which can collect germs from all the hands that touch it.

  2. 3. Telephones and Headsets Most of us spend the majority of our time at work on the phone. Whether we're on calls with clients or colleagues, we're using the phone constantly. And while we may think that our desk is the only area that needs to be clean, the truth is that our phones and headsets are just as important. We use our phones to communicate with others, so they must be clean and free of dirt, dust, and other debris. The same goes for our headsets - we want to make sure that we're not transmitting any germs or bacteria to others. 4. Air Vents While we may not think about it, the air vents are constantly circulating dust and other particles throughout the office. Over time, these particles can build up and cause problems with the HVAC system. Additionally, if someone in the office is sick, their germs can easily spread through the ventilation system. 5. Upholstery Seats Upholstery seats are often one of the first places where dirt and dust accumulate. They can also be home to spills and stains, which can be difficult to clean if they’re not dealt with right away. To keep your upholstery seats looking their best, vacuum them every week and spot-clean any spills or stains immediately. This will help to prolong the life of your upholstery and keep your office looking its best. 6. Trash Bin Area In most office buildings, the trash bin area is hidden away in a back room or closet. Make sure to empty the bins regularly, and scrub them down with a disinfectant every week or two. If there is any spillage, make sure to clean it up immediately - you don't want your office to start smelling like a garbage can! Keeping your office clean with help from professionals for commercial cleaning in Toowoomba is important for a thriving business. We hope this article has given you ideas on the hidden areas to pay attention to when cleaning an office. Regularly keeping these spaces clean will help create a healthier work environment, so make sure to put it in the schedule of tasks that need done or hire a professional service from Ben’s Cleaning if necessary. Not only will cleaning those overlooked places give everyone peace of mind, but it can also increase morale and productivity.

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