

Ways to Backup Computer printer Drivers and Restore All of them on One more Computer When I had a good forum here someone placed a utility that allows you to back up printing device drivers on one computer and restore them on one more. This energy has preserved me tons amounts of time, especially when preparing new personal computers. And since Really dont have the online community anymore, I just felt like Required to re-share it. Hence in the pursuing article I would really like to show you how to use fantastic tool. The first thing is to download the Microsoft company Print Migrator utility. That utility was actually designed to backup printers on print hosts but even works on desktop computers. It’s also a stand-alone iphone app so it may be ran via anywhere together with your flash travel. Once you open the Print Migrator, click on the “File” menu and select “Backup. ” You will now pick a name and a location where you will backup your printers to. Click the “Open” button to start with the back up. Once the computer printers are done copying, you will see some text in the bottom level window that says “Backup Complete. ” Now you are prompted to restore the printers about another laptop. To restore them, just transfer the back up file as well as Print Migrator utility for the other pc and open up the Print Migrator. Then click on the “File” menu and select “Restore. ” Simply select the backup document that you created and press “Open. ” Once the equipment have been restored you will see a message at the bottom that says “Restore Complete. ” You are nowadays ready to work with your printers. Thanks yet again to the user TheKoz exactly who originally distributed this utility.


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