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Many hot dogs still contain nitrate that can be harmful. Interestingly, some manufacturers are now offering better options with hot dogs containing fewer calories and no nitrate whatsoever. Many have also included healthier hot dogs in their list – they contain organic meat and are more nutritious too. Here is what you should know when looking for a healthier hot dog.<br>
INTRODUCTION Finding a right hot dog supplier does not look like a tedious task, but it may not be as simple as you might think. While there are so many options available, you need to look for suppliers willing to provide you with healthy hot dogs. Finding a healthier hot dog can be a bit tricky with most suppliers offering hot dogs packed with saturated fat and sodium – you are likely to get more than 190 calories along with 7g of saturated fat and 16g of fat from your regular hot dogs. Many hot dogs still contain nitrate that can be harmful. Interestingly, some manufacturers are now offering better options with hot dogs containing fewer calories and no nitrate whatsoever. Many have also included healthier hot dogs in their list – they contain organic meat and are more nutritious too.
CONTINUED… One of the most important things to understand is that you need to control your portion size when it comes to enjoying hot dogs with less guilt. If you put your money on stadium-size hot dogs, you are never going to control your caloric intake. There are brands selling 18-inch corn dogs along with jumbo beef hot dogs. They provide you with double the amount of sodium, fat and calories as compared to your regular-sized hot dogs. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when selecting the size. Be sure to read the label when buying hot dogs in the market. Even when you are ordering online from a hot dog supplier, you need to pay attention to exactly what they have included in the blend. Pay special attention to the total number of calories – your aim should be to keep it at less than 100 calories. Similarly, you need to ensure that it does not contain more than 6g of fat. While you cannot avoid sodium with hot dogs, it is better to keep it under 300g.
CONTINUED… Consider going for a hot dog supplier that uses mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut in moderation. You have to understand that these ingredients contain sodium, and when you opt for these, you cannot keep your sodium intake within the normal range. The better option would be to look for a hot dog supplier who offers low-sodium versions as well. Consider opting for banana peppers and jalapeno instead of mustard or ketchup. Most people do not know that jalapeno, banana peppers, etc., add sodium to your hot dog without making them harmful. The reason is that they also provide you with loads of potassium, vitamin C, fiber, and beta-carotene. These nutrients are important for your overall health. Consider opting for a supplier with hot dogs containing spices and herbs like scallion, cilantro, and cumin. Not only do these herbs help keep calories and sodium content low, they also help add flavor to your hot dogs. Be sure to have them added if you are looking for healthier hot dogs.