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CA Course Details

CA Course Details

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CA Course Details

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  1. CATestSeries HomeTestSeriesLectures SyllabusFeesForumsContactUsLoginRegister Video CACourseinIndia:Exams,Fee,Result, Salary,After12thEverythingtoknow CACoursein Indiaisoneofthemost demandingandrewardingcoursesfromthepoint of view of the fee charged and scope in one of the fastest economies in the world. A chartered accountant plays a vital role in the growing economy. From managing a singlerupeetoinvestingtrillions,youneedhelpfuladvicefromacharteredaccountant. GrowingFinTechsinIndiaalsoallowscharteredaccountantsto explorenewareas. The chartered accountancy course isconducted and regulated by the ICAI (Institute ofchartered accountants of India),which issetup under an act ofthe Indian Parliament. ICAI is the only governing body of C.A. Courses in India. ICAI conducts C.A. Exams all over India twice a year. Indian chartered accountants are registering strong footprints in Taxation, the Share market, startups and big corporates. C.A. is one of the courses in India which adapt according to the industry trends and change in legal structurein Indiaveryquickly. LevelsofCA DownloadourAppand getFreeMCQTests& Notes The entire Course ofa chartered accountant isdivided into various levels.Majorlyit consistsof4levels. 1.CA Foundation – Foundation is the f irst stage exam in the C.A. course. Students after 12thClass exams can enroll for the C.A. foundation course. Itconsists of 4 papers covering accounting, fundamental laws, math and economics. Mostly the portion is covered inthe 11thand 12thclass syllabus exceptfor law. Thisexam judges the fundamentals;afterclearingthefoundation,studentscanenterC.A.Intermediateonly. C.A.Foundationis anattemptforstudentswhoarejoiningthisCourseaftercompleting theirgraduation.ThosestudentscandirectlytakeadmissionintoC.A.Intermediate. ExamFormat Descriptive+Objective(MCQs) DescriptivePapers AccountsandLaw ObjectivePapers MathandEconomics Duration 180minuteseachexam NumberofPapers 4 Marks 100 Negativemarking 1/4

  2. Timing JuneandDecembereachyear Eligibility Pass12thincommercewithatleast50% marksor55%for12thinSciencefield PassCriteriaforCAFoundationExam The student has to score at least 40 in each Subject and 50% in aggregate. C.A. Foundation has 4 exams of 100 each, so out of a total of 400, a student has to score a minimumof200 markstocleartheC.A.Foundationlevel. 2.CAIntermediate Once students clear C.A.Foundation or take entry after graduation, they have to prepare for the C.A. Intermediate, which consists of 8 subjects divided into 2groups of 4subjectseach. Studentscanchoosetoattempt oneofthetwogroupsorbothgroupsinoneattempt. ICAIwillgive RanktoonlythosestudentswhoattemptbothgroupsinaSingleattempt.

  3. 3ArticleshipTraining Afterclearinganyone grouporboth groups,astudentcanstart thetrainingperiodof3 years,whichismandatorybeforeappearingfortheC.A.FinalExams.Inthistrainingpart, a student must register as a Member of ICAI. This training includes 4 types of training, amongwhichoneisoptional,andtheothersarecompulsory. ICITSS Training - This training aims to work on 2 essential skills required in chartered accountants, namely information training, which aims to develop an understanding of computer fundamentals, M.S.Word,Excel,spreadsheets,accounting software and orientation course which focuses on soft skills, communication, leadership skills, ethics and professional values. This training is compulsory for candidates who want to appear forC.A.FinalCourse.ICITSStrainingisconductedinthebranchesofICAIacrossIndia. AICITSS Training - This is the extension of the above training, which aims to develop advanced skillsindatabase management, accounting software, ERPsoftware and, similarly,an advancedlevelofsoftskillsandnegotiationskills,enhancing the employability skillsthe candidate. The training programme encourages students to enhance their ability to work with others, think strategically, and function effectively in theworkplace.Acertificatewillbeawardedtothestudentsforthistraining. Articleship Training – This is a significant time taking the C.A. Course. The aim is to introduce the candidate to real-world experience and practical knowledge of taxation systems,accounting systems etc.C.A.Students mustregisterwitha registered member of the Institute of chartered accountants of India. Students have to attempt variousauditassignmentsand variousprofessionalservices.During thistraining, students willalso receive a stipend from their principal, which usually ranges from around2000 –8000permonth.ThestudentalsohastofollowvariousguidelinesofICAI regardingleaves,workinghours, attendanceetc. Industrial Training(optional)– Thistrainingaims to exposethe students to the industrial environment. This training is helpful for candidates aims to make their career in corporates as it primarily focuses on problem-solving and f inancial activities at the industry level. The student has to register for this training through the ICAI Student Serviceportalunderform104. 4.CAFinal Thisisthelaststageofbecoming a chartered accountant. Thislevel testthe advancedandexperiencedknowledgeofvariousf ieldslikeaccounting, capital markets, laws, Taxation etc. The student has to appear for 8 subjects divided into 2 groupsof4subjectseach

  4. ElectiveSubject(chooseany1subject) Direct andInternationalTaxation IndirectTaxLaws The two groups can be attempted separately by students, or they can attempt both simultaneously. Only those students will receive ranks from ICAI who attempt both groupsindividually. PasscriteriaforCAIntermediateand CAFinal The passing criteria ofthe C.A. Inter and C.A. Final are unique; a student must score at least40%in individualsubjectsand50%in aggregatein allthepapers. Ifany student fails to meet the above criteria but gains more than 60+ marks, they can claim the exemption in the same paper, which can be carried forward to the subsequent 3 attempts. Ifany candidate cannot clear all the papers, they can claim theexemptionandappearfortherestoftheexams. CACourseDurationinIndia The duration of the C.A. Course depends on each candidate in how many attempts they make to clear the exams. Although ifthe candidate clears the exams at once, then a candidate who joins the Course after the 12thcan complete the chartered accountancyin5years, andthecandidate,throughdirectentry,cancompleteitin 4.5 years.Thebreakdownoftheentiredurationisgivenbelow.

  5. The above duration is the further breakdown as CA Foundation 6 months, including a 4-monthstudyand1.5to2monthsresultwaitbefore registeringintoC.A. Inter. CAInter 10months include 8 month study period and a 1.5To 2-month result wait. C.A. Final includes6monthstudyperiodanda1.5to2-monthresultwait. StudentsjoiningtheCoursethroughdirectentrycanignore theC.A.Foundationperiod Eligibilityandprocessfor CACoursein India Documentsrequiredforregistration underCACourse Nationalitydocumentation,suchasan Aadhaarcard,avoterID,orapassport CAFoundation Amarksheetfromthe12thgrade(to proveeligibility) Amarksheetandcompletion certificate fromclass10(toproveyourage) Latestpassport-size photos CAIntermediate CAFoundationmarksheetorGraduation Marksheet Articleship CAIntermediateMarksheet Anapplicationforthearticleship AcopyoftheICITSS(Orientationand IT Training)certificateofcompletion. Acopyof theCAIntermediate mark reportsisrequiredforCAFinal. CAFinal A certificate of completion for the articleship

  6. A certified copy of Advanced ITT completion A copy of the Advanced ICITSS certificateofcompletion Syllabus of CA IntermediateandFinal Foundation, The syllabusofthe Course isvery vast. Itemphasizes mainly the application of accounting, fundamental principles of the various applicable laws, critical analysis of the f inancial statements, f inancial decision-making, applicable standards of auditing, legalframeworksgoverningtheentitiesetc. All the candidates appearing for the C.A. Exams must be familiar with the applicable syllabus for effective planning ofthe ICAI exams and complete the revision ofthe entiresyllabus on time. Students must carefully observe the weightage allotted to eachtopicsoallotaccuratetimetoeachpartofthe syllabus. Subjects Syllabus BestBooks Accounting Accountingstandards,Cashflowstatement, Pre-post incorporation, Bonus and right issue, redemptionofpreferencesharesand debentures, Investment accounting, ICAI Material

  7. Bangar ElectiveSubject Download ICAI Material CACourseRegistrationFeeStructure ThefeestructureoftheC.A.courseis differentfor eachCourse,including thecostof studymaterialprovidedbyICAI.CheckthefeeforeachleveloftheC.A.Course. Thefeestructureisdifferentforforeigners;checkfeesforstudentshavingforeign nationality. ThesearetheofficialregistrationfeesfortheCourse.Inadditiontothesecharges, studentsmustbearcoachingandothermiscexpenses. SalaryofCAinIndia SalariesofcharteredaccountantsinIndiadepend onvariousfactorssuchasdomain f ield,expertise, city, job roles,industry etc. However, its highlyprobable to get an excellent job compared to other professions for a chartered accountant. Firms offer a salarypackage ofaround Rs550,000to 750,000fora freshly quailed chartered accountantwithlittletonoexperience.Thispackageincreasedwithtime and expertise. Chartered accountants are getting good packages in metro cities from big f irms like EY, Deloitte, PWC etc., compared to working in smaller f irms. Individuals should consider other factorsalsoalongwith salarypackagelikejobsatisfaction,workplace environment, growth etc. Chartered accountants with other qualifications like MBA, ACCA, CPA, C.S. or others can qualify for a salary package of around Rs 20,00,000 to 85,00,000. Type Experience Salary(P.A) Big4Firms 0-6YrsofExperience Rs8to11.50Lac Mid-SizeFirms 0-9YrsofExperience Rs5.5to7lac

  8. Banks 0-5YrsofExperience Rs4.5to7.5lac ITFirms 0-7yrsofExperience 8.5to11Lac CAinSelf Practice 0-12yearsofExperience 8to15Lac Thetopskillsdemandedforagoodjobareaccounting,Taxation,auditingandfinance. The highest salary that a chartered accountant can earn is Rs 2,15,00,000or more, depending on the network, negotiation skills and various other factors. Job placement also depends on the academic performance of the candidates. Rank holders got more priority in comparisontotheothers. The salary of a chartered accountant in a foreign country ranges from around $35000 to $ 50000for a Fresher and More than $ 105,000for an experienced chartered accountant. In some countries like the UK,Ireland salary of a chartered accountant rangesaround$160,000. JobRolesforaCharteredAccountant inIndia Due to the expertise in the f ield of f inance and Taxation, various job roles are available foracharteredaccountantlike 1.Investment Banker – Here,Activities likemerger acquisition, valuation of f irms, financialadvisoryservices,andIPOsarecarriedout. 2.ForensicAuditor– Here,Investigationsofaccounting frauds,conducting forensic auditsandprovidingadvisory in legaldisputesaretackled. 3.ManagementConsultant–Here,workslikeprocessoptimizationtosavecostand steamlinetheworking,financialrestructuringetc.,arecarriedout. 4.RiskCompliance–Here,charteredaccountantsensurethatthefirmcomplieswith allthelegalformalities,internalprocesses,etc. 5. Corporate Finance – Here, various f inancial activities like capital budgets, fundraising, financialmodelling,andfinancialplanningaremanaged. &More ExamFormforCAFinalInterand FoundationExams Before appearingfortheC.A.exams, studentshavetofilloutanexam formin addition to the admission taken in the Course. Exam forms are mandatory for each candidate interested in appearing for the exams. Exam forms are available on the ICAI official site generally 3 months before the exams. Students also have to pay certain charges for the exam depending on the number of papers they appear for. Based on the exam form,onlyanadmitcardofthecandidatewillbegenerated.

  9. Tofillouttheexamform forC.A.FinalInterandFoundation: FirstvisittheICAIWebsiteStudent ServicePortal(SSP)– (https://eservices.icai.org/EForms/loginAction.do? subAction=ViewLoginPage&formId=55999&orgId=1666) Fillallthefieldslikecontactdetails,personalinformation,preferredcityforexam centreetc.,availablein theexamformwithaccuracy. Choose theCourseandsubjectsandmentioninformationregardingexempt subjectsalso, ifany ClickonApply MakeonlinePaymentandsubmit theform Examformchargesforallthelevelsof CACoursearelistedbelow Oncethe entire processoftheexaminationform iscompleted,studentsmustwaitfor 1.5monthsfortheadmitcardinwhichtheircentre,examtiming,whichis2.00PMto 5.00 PM and Roll number will be mentioned along with examination guidelines. Students must download the admit card by visiting the same website panel on the ICAI SSP portal. From time to time, you must check ICAI guidelines or updates about the form f illing or changesrelatedtotheentireprocess. CAFinalIntermediate andFoundation ICAIStudymaterial An appropriate study resource is essential to crack this challenging C.A. Final Inter and Foundation exam. Choosing the suitable study material is the f irst step. None of the study materialisbestexcepttheoneprovidedbytheInstituteofchartered accountants of India to all the students. C.A. Final Inter Foundation ICAI Study material is comprehensivematerialwhichcoverseveryrelevanttopic withamendmentsforthe exams. 95% of materials available in the market are copied from ICAI material only. The syllabus is well presented in sub-topics and appropriate category-wise; this material equips withallthecontentsrequired forprofessional knowledgeandskillstocrackthe C.A.Exams.

  10. Business Mathematics and logical reasoningandstatics Download Business Economics andbusiness and commercialknowledge Download The subject matter expert carefully creates C.A. Final Inter and Foundation ICAI Study material according to the Course requirement. The entire study material comes with all the relevant applicable legal amendments so that students can use this material without any difficulty. This study material includes each Subjects textbooks, revision testpapers,past exampapersandICAImocktestpapers.Sufficientpracticalexamples and case studies are included in the material for students practice so that a student can judge the type ofquestions that can be asked in the exams. These practice problemshelptodevelopfamiliaritywithexampatterns. CA Final Inter and Foundation Revision Test Papers (RTPs) are also one ofthe best sourcesofknowledgeforthestudents,whichincludealltheamendmentsapplicablein the same attempt and 1-2 problems from each topic. The best part about the RTPs is that it covers amended questions separately and provides comprehensive suggested answers which properly guide the students about various aspects. RTP picks specific questions from the entire Course, and it takes only 3-4 hours to attempt one RTP of a subject. ICAI Study Material is a comprehensive guide for students in understanding complex concepts, practising various problems and case studies and understanding the key points at a glance. Students should target to revise the entire study material of ICAI at least 2 times before the exams to score good marks. No question comes out of the scope of this ICAI study material in the exams. This study material helps plan the full coverageandrevisionfortheexams.

  11. ScopeofCACourseinIndia&Howto becomeCAinIndia This CA Course prepares a candidate to specialize in accounting, taxation, f inancial management, auditing and business advisory services. C.A. designation is recognized and respected globally for its expertise and witnesses a vital role in improving and maintainingthefinancialhealthoforganizations. Chartered accountants inIndia provide various services likeconducting audits of various entities, tax planning,business advisors,Financial data analytics, preparing f inancial statements and f inancial strategies etc. They provide critical insights and suggestionstohelpf inancialgrowthandsustainabilityasreliable advisorsto organizations,people,andgovernment departments. A chartered accountant must undergo an exhaustive training process and one of the country most difficult exams to handle crucial f inancial matters intelligently. ICAI has also set up a professional code ofethics to maintain a high level of professional integrity, objectivity,confidentialityandprofessionalcompetenceamongtheICAI. CandidatecanachievetheirdreamofworkinginMNCs throughthis Course. Government departments andpublicsectorundertakingsalsohireChartered accountantsforvarious tasks.CharteredAccountantscanalsoruntheirpracticesand provideservicesliketaxf iling,auditing,f inancialmanagementetc.,toclients independentlyorthroughfirms. Inconclusion,a chartered accountantisa highlyqualifiedprofessionalwhohas completedthetrainingprocessandexamsandobtainedtherequiredcertifications. C.A.sareoneofthemosttrusted andreliablepartnersinthegrowthand successof businessentitiesorindividualsin allfinancialmatters. TopCoursealongwithCACourseto boostthecareer Though the C.A.course is sufficient for a strong career in f inance and Taxation, some relatedcoursescanfurtherenhancespecializationinspecificareas.Coursesare CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst is a globally recognized qualification in f inancial management. The combination ofC.A.and CFA opens the door to a thriving careerin investment bankingin Indiaandoverseas. CPA – Certified publicaccountant iswidely recognized and qualified inmany countries. Candidates interested in working overseas or in MNCs in India can obtain CPAqualifications. ACCA – ACCA offers expertise in the f ield of accounting across the world. Along with C.A., ACCA offers a broader scope in International accounting standards and practices. CIMA – It equips the profession with cost management expertise, decision making andbusinessperformanceevaluation. Bothqualificationsoffermanagerial positionsin variousbigcorporates FRM – Candidates are interested in capital markets FRM,along with C.A.,offers great jobs increditrisk,riskmodelling, and market riskmaking you a perfect candidateforfinancialinstitutionsandbanks. Share FrequentlyAskedQuestions Popular

  12. CAInterUpdatedchapterwise WeightageofEachSubject CharteredAccountantorCASalaryin India|CAannualsalaryin2023 CAFinalExamDates Card Readmore Readmore Readmore ‹› Latest CAFinalAmendmentsforNovember 2023ICAIExamsTopicWise HowtowriteCAPap TipsForCAExamsM Readmore Readmore CACourseinIndia:Exams,Fee,Result, Salary,After12thEverythingtoknow Readmore ‹› Callus +9178886-34515 +9199884-83167 Mailus exam@catestseries.org Whatsappus +9178886-34515 OurCourses CAFinal CAInter CAFoundation QuickLinks Schedule Fees Blogs FAQs Policies Terms&Conditions Refund&Cancellation PrivacyPolicy PaymentMethods CAOnlineTestSeriesexclusivelyforChartered Accountancycourse.WeareprovidingTestSeriesfromlast 8yearsin collaborationwithex-examinersofICAI Copyright©2015-2023|CATestSeries® Login|Register

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