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Highland Care Center offers neurological physical therapy for stroke patients in Queens to help them regain strength, mobility, and independence. Our skilled therapists use evidence-based techniques to design personalized treatment plans that address each patient's unique needs and goals. We use different ways to approach physical therapy for stroke patients. Doctors commonly advise physical therapy for stroke patients, particularly a discipline known as neurological rehabilitation. <br>To know more:https://highlandrehabandnursing.com/services/neurostar/
‘NEUROSTAR’(NEURO/STROKE REHABILITATION) The Neuro/Stroke RehabilitationProgram at Highland Care Center has been designed specifically for individuals who are recovering fromastrokeorothertraumaticbraininjury.Our goal is to help you recover as much functionality as possible and improve your physical and cognitive status so you can return home as quicklyandsafelyaspossible.
Thefirst stepistodesigna ‘CUSTOMIZED’ treatment plan based on your needs and abilities which will teachyouhowto movecorrectly again.Priortoadmission,the Interdisciplinary Team (therapists, and other nurses, related review social workers, health professionals) will the clinical information provided by your acute care facility in order to familiarize the team with the clinicalcareyoureceivedpriorto transfertoHighlandCareandthe recommendations oftheacutecare physiciansandtherapists.
During your first few days at Highland Care Center, members of the Interdisciplinary Team, led by a board-certified physician, will assess your current level of functioning, discuss your current physical & cognitive statuswithyouandyourfamily(aspermitted) and ask you to define YOUR GOALS (ambulate adesignateddistance,climbsteps,driveacar). Based on this discussion, a plan of care will be developed, which will include a full range of neurological recovery and brain injury rehabilitative services (based on your health history, medical needs, and outcome goals) so that the team can work closely with you in ordertoachievethosegoals.
COMPREHENSIVECAREAND UNPARALLELEDTHERAPY Therapyuptosevendaysperweek State-of-the-ArtTherapyRoom Strength-buildingandmobilityequipment(treadmill,bike,armbike,SciFitand gymballs) Ultrasound,E-stimandshort-wavediathermytreatmentsthatenhancerecovery byhelpingtorelaxandhealmuscles,aswellasalleviatepainandstiffness. Balancemachinetoidentifybalancerelatedissues,developinterventionsand monitorprogresstoimproveyourbalance MedicationManagement,cognitiveretrainingandpsychologicalconsultationsto providemotivation,addressanxiety,depressionandothersideeffectsofstroke. Ahighlyskilledteamoflicensedtherapistsandnursingstaffcertifiedinpost- acutecareprotocolsandpractices. Licensednurseswhoprovidecareandservices24hoursaday Casemanagementanddischargeplaningtocoordinateourtreatmentplanand ensureasmoothtransitiontohome.
CONTACTUS 718-657-6363 www.highlandrehabandnursing.com 91-31175thStreetJamaica, NY11432