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This blog talks about the benefits of integrating two open sources software i.e. WordPress and SugarCRM and the ways it will benefit you as an organization.
Integrate the Powerof WordPress andCRM There are so many platforms available for website creation. But,manydeveloperspreferworkingwithWordPress. YoumightalsobeusingWordPress. In fact, according to a study done by Kinsta, more than 29% of websites’ development is in WordPress. This number is huge. It means that more than one-fourth of the websites on the internetuse WordPress. It truly showcases the power of open source software. Today WordPress is a large community. Not only onthe sales@crmjetty.com
developing side but, millions of people use WordPress to manage their website’scontent. Because of its robust features, WordPress has turned out to beafavoritetoolformanypeople. This was all about CMS. Now, let’s look at the CRMs. Companies use CRMs to maintain the records of their customers to provide them with better user experience and customerservice. CMS handles your website and CRMs handle your customers’ data. But, the real magic happens when they both are insynchronization. For this, portals play a vital role. They bridge the gap betweenCRMsandCMS.Portalsarehelpingcompaniesalot tomanagetheircustomers,optimizetheircustomerjourney and serve thembetter. There are various types of portals available likeCRM customer portal, knowledge portal, self-service portal, etc. each with a unique use case and companies either purchase or develop them according to their needs and business model. These various types of portals are available on a variety of platforms. So, you can decide which portal you want to use onthebasisoftheCRMandCMSyouhave.Youcaneven sales@crmjetty.com
decide which type of portals you want to serve your customerswith. • Let’s say you are using SugarCRM for your storing your clients’ data and WordPress as your CMS then, you need to makesurethatyourportalintegrateswithbothofthem. • Many small and medium sized businesses use SugarCRM. It is known for its open source nature and robust functionalities. It helps you to streamline your business by helpingyoumanageallyourcustomersandtheirdata. • Just imagine the power of SugarCRM WordPress Integrationwithportalsasacherryonthecakecanbe. • SugarCRM WordPressSynchronizing: • SugarCRM WordPress integration is the best combination for small and medium sized companies. This integration is a good opportunity for your employees to reach out to your clientseasily. • Let'sexplorethebenefitsofusingthis: • Lead DataManagement: • Whenyourvisitorsfilluptheformonyourwebsitewhichis in WordPress, you will be able to see their details inthe sales@crmjetty.com
backend in your SugarCRM. This makes it an easy way to collect,storeandmanageyourleads’datainyourCRM. • Not only this but with the help of these leads also you can start cold calling and try to convert them into your clients. Your CRM will have your clients’ data and this will help you analyze and understand your users. Additionally, it will even help you to streamline various processes to help you grow bigger. • PreciseData: • When your CRM and CMS are in proper sync, the data within will be precise and it’ll be easier for you to maintain data hygiene. The data travels from CMS to CRM and then SugarCRM with its functionalities gives you the freedom to utilize that data the way you want. Both of these platforms being secure also gives an assurance that there’ll be no data loss in theprocess. • User ActivityTracking: • You can know which web pages your clients are visitingand track their activity on your website. This data, in turn, will help you to understand your users’ behavior better. You can send them custom messages on the basis of their sales@crmjetty.com
interaction with your website, decrease bounce rate, and enhance your customerservice. • Create Custom FormDesigns: • SugarCRM provides you a feature called a WYSIWYG builder. This lets you create a custom field for your form. Youcanhavecompletecontrolofwhatyouwishtodevelop, you can even showcase your creativity, maintain your brand valueandusecolorcombinationwithrespecttoyourbrand. • User SpecificAccess: • You can provide specific access to each user according to their use and WordPress assures you that only authenticated users can make changes in your WordPress site. • Optimized LeadJourney: • This integration will let you engage and analyze visitors on yourWordPresswebsite and helps youtoconverttheminto efficient clients for your business. It provides you insights into what people are looking for on your website, you can know about your target audience, customer habits and understand theirbehavior. sales@crmjetty.com
FinalWords: This integration will help you get the best of both worlds. You can easily create responsive websites using WordPress and SugarCRM and the portals, an interface for your customers, will work as a cherry on the cake for you. It will helpyouunderstandyouruserseffectively;gaininsightsand help you increase yourbusiness. Source: https://justpaste.it/39ci9 sales@crmjetty.com