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Selling insurance and loans is complicated. When the demand is high and you cannot have in person meetings, even more so. A self service portal might do the trick.
Self Service PortalFor Two Big Financial Transactions Back in March when the lockdown was beginning, the weather was also changing from spring to summer. And whentheweatherchanges,Itendtogetasorethroat.Soof course, as someone who Googles everything, I Googled the symptomsofcoronavirusandconvincedmyselfthatmaybeI had it. Reader, Ididn’t. If you can convince yourself you have a much bigger health issue when you just have the common cold, it is needlessto sales@crmjetty.com
say, the scale of that comparison and panic varies from persontopersonanddiseasetodisease. And health is one aspect of life that we’d like insured, so whensomethingactuallyhappens,wearetakencareof. Other things that we like insured are our cars, houses, gadgets,andalmost everything.Why?Becausewebuyreally expensive things sometimes and expensive things also break. It just takes way more to fix an expensive thing as comparedtosomethingthatcostlessoriginally. Similarly, an equally complicated financial matter is getting a loan for anything. And just like with insurance, getting a loantopurchaseanythinghasbecomethetrend.Rightnow, while personal finances have taken a hit, more people are likely to take loans for various things like education, house, etc. Insurance policies and loan dealings are confusing. One betterthantheother,eachwithsomecaveatthatyounever findoutaboutuntilit’stoolate.Itcanbemessy. And if you are in the insurance and loan business, that will definitely not go well with the people now. More and more businesses are learning the value of being transparent with their clients and customers, and earning an honest buck instead of fraudulentpractices. sales@crmjetty.com
And of course, being transparent with your customers is simplerthaneverbeforenow.Youcanjustgivethemaccess tocertainmodulesofthebusinessthatconcernthem.How? Using aportal. YoucangivethemaccesstoyourCRMinawaythatbenefits them. How will this work? The below points apply to both insurancepoliciesandloans.Let’stakealook: Choosing apolicy: First and foremost, your client has to choose a policy that works for them. Unless they have all the information regarding all that you offer, they cannot make an informed decisionaboutit.Givethemaccesstoyourpolicyplans,and if you update any of your policies, make sure to notify them of the updates. Be clear in your language in the policy so thereisnothingambiguousthattheyareagreeingto. Comparison: Theeasiestwaytomakeapurchasedecisionregardingmost things, product or service, is to compare it with close matches. As an insurance provider or mediator, your job is toprovideaplatformthathelpsthemcomparethedifferent plans. Onceapersoncompares, itbecomeseasyforthemto seewhichplanprovidesthemthebestcoverage. sales@crmjetty.com
Policybenefits: Putting your hard earned money into a future you cannot see, is difficult. So if you are providing benefits on purchase of the policy, or a yearly benefit after that, be clear in getting that message across. Now, these gifts would differ based on the plan that a client has picked, so the portal is a greatwaytomanagethedynamicoffersyouhave. Calculator: No one is going to buy insurance of any kind without knowing exactly how much they will have to pay and the benefits they will get in return. Add a neat calculator where the client can feed in variables. When they try out variations,theycandecidewhichplanisintheirbudgetand works forthem. Knowing theinterestonewouldhavetopayonaloanisjust as important and the client will appreciate being able to calculateit. sales@crmjetty.com
Support Backing theBusinesses: Any business needs financial support, especially in a pandemic. So around the globe are looking for the places where they can get a short-term mortgage loan to back their business to sustain in this situation and come out strongly. Hence, the portal interface will provide them a place to find and choose from different loan options and easily apply for it online with minimal steps. A win-win for lendersandborrowersusingportals! Exceptionlist: With each plan, make sure to give a detailed exception list for situations that the plan will not cover. This makes it easier for the client to know how to navigate the plan and thereforepickonethatmatchestheirneedsthemost. Overall, financial transactions like insurance and loan havea number of small details to take care of. And with increasein thedemandrightnow,youmightjustbeshortstaffed.Good thing a self service portalcan help your clients serve themselves. And clients often prefer that over too many insistent calls from people trying to sell them misery via insurance coverage. And it is hardly possible to have your agents take meetings with clients right now. It is not going tobepossibletodosoatscale,inthenearfutureaswell. sales@crmjetty.com
Aboutus: CRMJetty makes custom portals. And we can make one for you fast enough that your business can take advantage of it right now when the demand is high.Contact usto discuss thisinmoredetailandwecangettogetheraportalthatbest suits your businessofferings. Source: https://www.crmjetty.com/blog/self-service-portal-financi al-transactions sales@crmjetty.com