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Vietnam Tour Packages offer travelers an immersive and diverse experience in one of Southeast Asia's most captivating destinations.
Vietnam is most loved travel destination, and home to the charming lantern-lit streets of the old town, whichlienestledalongtheriverbank. The Japanese, Chinese and French influences translate backintothestreetscenewheretraditional old wooden and yellow colonial buildings sit side-by- side. Not to mention the baguettes being sold on every streetcorner- yum. Vietnamhasgoneto become oneofthemost popular tourist destinations in the South East Asian region. Tourists from all over the world are visiting Vietnamtoexploreandexperiencethepristine beaches,traditional cuisine,wonderfulcities and lush landscapes. For those of you who haven’t been totheSouthEastAsianregionbefore,Vietnam seemstobe the bestplacetostartwith. ABOUTVIETNAM
Double INR79,999 Bookyouseatby depositing anadvanceof INR10,000perpersonforpackage and INR 35,000Perpersonforflightbooking and rest hasto bepaid 30days priorthetimeof departureofthetrip.