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PrestaShop vs Shopify Compared. Which Is The Best For Your Online Store?

Choosing the proper eCommerce platform can be challenging. Thus, to make the store profitable, you have to pick the shopping cart that meets your basic needs, and provides you with all the necessary functionality. Which one will appear to be the best choice for you? Read on to know the difference between Shopify vs PrestaShop. <br>Here you can migrate data to/from Shopify: https://www.shopping-cart-migration.com/prestashop-shopify-migration<br>Or here you can migrate data to/from PrestaShop: https://www.shopping-cart-migration.com/shopify-prestashop-migration

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PrestaShop vs Shopify Compared. Which Is The Best For Your Online Store?

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  1. CART2CART PRESENTS PrestaShop vs Shopify Pump Up Your Sales in 2022

  2. Fact 1. Key Data PrestaShop is being used by more than 300,000 shops worldwide. It's an ideal option for entrepreneurs planning to set up a small or medium online business. It powers 4,766,134 stores and is considered to be one of the fastest- growing platforms in the world. Due to its flexibility, Shopify is a perfect shopping cart for any online store.

  3. Fact 2. Ease of Use Both PrestaShop and Shopify are user-friendly; even not tech-savvy users feel comfortable working with them. Prestashop set-up might take a little longer because it requires more profound technical skills. Detailed guides can be found in the eCommerce library.

  4. Fact 3. Basic Features Store functionality Shopify's basic plan includes all the features needed to set up an eCommerce store (but one should understand that more capabilities are provided only within advanced pricing plans). All the needed features are for free. But keep in mind that additional expenses are associated with hosting, add-ons, themes, and templates.

  5. Fact 3. Basic Features Number of Entities PrestaShop offers clients the ability to list as many products as they wish to sell. Shopify's clients can also add an unlimited number of entities regardless of their pricing plan.

  6. Fact 3. Basic Features Themes and Templates VS

  7. Fact 3. Basic Features Themes and Templates PrestaShop marketplace has 2778 high-standardtemplates and themes. Their prices range from € 83.99 to € 839.99. The official Shopify store has 10 free and 72 paid themes. All the themes are really modern-looking, and the price of the paid ones ranges from $100 to $350.

  8. Fact 3. Basic Features Modules and Applications VS

  9. Fact 3. Basic Features Modules and Applications. PrestaShop PrestaShop has a huge collection of modules, divided into categories, designed for different purposes of every store-owner. Some of the modules are free, and the paid ones' price ranges from € 41.99 to € 1539.99 (it's a one-time purchase). Keep in mind that they're usually made by different developers and may not be compatible with each other. Thus, you'll need a developer to synchronize them.

  10. Fact 3. Basic Features Modules and Applications. Shopify Shopify has one of the biggest Application stores out of all the eCommerce platforms. Free and paid apps (most of them require a monthly fee) are separated into different subcategories and collections depending on their purpose. All the apps are being constantly checked and will not damage your store.

  11. Fact 3. Basic Features Customization You can change your shop's functionality, edit or create items following any specific needs and requirements. Shopify's interface allows editing codes directly. Users can easily change the main attributes of the site. Drag and drop Builder feature.

  12. Fact 3. Basic Features Orders and Shipping. PrestaShop It is possible to manage all orders from the admin panel Offers merchants the possibility to create order fulfillment and returns Configurable shipping methods, variety of shipping zones, services, costs, and taxes depending on the region

  13. Fact 3. Basic Features Orders and Shipping. Shopify It supports different dropshipping ads Customers have two checkout options - they can either create a profile or buy products under a guest account It allows one-click order fulfillment, refunds, and the creation of customer profiles and groups

  14. Fact 3. Basic Features Payment Options VS

  15. Fact 3. Basic Features Payment Options As for payment gateways, both PrestaShop and Shopify platforms support various payment methods. PrestaShop works well with almost any payment gateways, including PayPal, Amazon Pay, Worldpay, Authorize.net, etc. There are over 250 add-ons that support different payment providers. Over 100 worldwide companies, but these are are the third-party gateways, and to use them, you need to pay additional fees. As an alternative software suggests its customers to use Shopify Pay with 0% transaction fees.

  16. Fact 3. Basic Features Coupons and Discount Codes PrestaShop offers coupons & dicsounts immediately, without any additional payments on your side. Shopify offers this option only after purchasing a plan with more advanced functionality.

  17. Fact 3. Basic Features International Integration & Mobile-Friendliness PrestaShop has a multilingual interface and supports multiple currencies and checkout options for international shipping and taxes. International trading with Shopify is also available, but this platform doesn't havebuilt-in multilingual capabilities. You will have to install a paid app. Both PrestaShop and Shopify have built-in mobile-optimized shopping features.

  18. Fact 4. Overall Costs PrestaShop It is free to download, but you will spend a fair amount of money on building a full-featured store. The store will need web hosting since it's not a self-hosted platform. The prices of hostings can vary depending on the provider. Keep in mind that customization of open-source solutions like PrestaShop requires coding skills.

  19. Fact 4. Overall Costs Shopify Shopify is also free to download. The company offers a 14-day free trial to determine if the platform's functionality and performance are enough for the user. After the trial period, you can choose one of the three pricing plans that suit your store size and budget.

  20. Fact 5. Security PrestaShop, as well as Shopify, are both PCI compliant. Shopify has a Level 1 PCI DSS compliant server. Also, software regularly creates backups of all the data. Unfortunately, PrestaShop requires you to buy an additional SSL certificate and continuously check it on security patches.

  21. Fact 6. SEO Provides its clients with a significant number of modules to promote their business online and end up in the highest ranks of search engines. Has almost all the necessary features, i.a., meta title and description, custom URLs, headings, image alt text, excellent speed and uptime, 301 redirects, SSL encryption, canonical tags.

  22. Fact 7. Customer Support VS

  23. Fact 7. Customer Support Shopify has a dedicated team of customer support professionals who are on call 24/7. This support includes phone, chat, email support, user forums, tutorials, and FAQs. PrestaShop offers only paid support. There are four different levels of support. They differ in price and suggested options. PrestaShop's website has different support resources - documentation, videos, webinars, tutorials.

  24. Regardless of the store you choose, you can always perform an automated migration to PrestaShop or Shopify Set up the connection between stores; Specify the entities you want to transfer; Start free Demo Migration to ensure everything works properly; Launch Full Migration. Try Free Demo

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