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Attorney Christopher T. Braddock, a Colorado criminal defense lawyer

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  1. Denver Rape Charges Criminal Defense Attorney There is no sex crime called rape under Colorado law. Rape is considered a type of sexual assault that is often enhanced by other charges, such as kidnapping or burglary. Since sexual assault is already a felony charge, when it is aggravated by an additional criminal charge, it can be as high as a class two felony.

  2. Denver Criminal Defense Lawyer: Child Sexual Assault If you have been accused of a sex crime involving a child, your future is on the line. You must take advantage of every opportunity to avoid the worst consequences, including prison and sex offender registration. I am criminal defense attorney Christopher T. Braddock, and from my Denver offices, I represent clients who have been charged with child sexual assault and unlawful touching.Colorado takes child sexual assault cases very seriously. If the state can prove that an act involving a child was for the perpetrator’s sexual gratification, it is considered a sex crime. If there was physical contact involving sexual penetration or intrusion between the child and the accused, a sexual assault charge is likely.

  3. Denver Child Pornography Defense Lawyer Possession of Child Pornagraphy or Sexual Exploitation of Children makes it illegal for anyone to possess explicit photos of any child UNDER THE AGE OF 18.  A child under the age of 18 cannot consent to allow explicit photo’s to be taken.  What is explicit, that is a question that is normally decided by a jury.  However pictures of breasts, genitals  or any sexual acts have found to be sexually explicit and against the law.  Additionally photos of minors under 18 where they are positioned in a sexual manner might be considered sexually explicit.

  4. Contact Christopher T. Braddock 1900 Grant Street, Suite 750 Denver, CO 80203 Tel:303-675-0100 Mobile:303-332-3629 Fax: 303-675-0015 E-mail-

  5. Thanks Visit Our Website -www.braddocklaw.net

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