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  2. УДК 811.111:61.(075.8) ББК 81.2А.-923 Е 56 Рецензенты: Доктор филологических наук,заведующаякафедройиностранныхязыков естественныхфакультетовФГБОУВО«Башкирскийгосударственный университет», профессорН.П.Пешкова; Докторфилологическихнаук,профессоркафедры немецкой и французской филологии ФГБОУ ВО «Башкирский государственный университет»О.И.Таюпова И. о . главного врача ГБУЗ РБ Стоматологическая поликлиника № 1 г.УфыЕ.А. Казакова English for Medical Students: сборниктематическихзаданий длясамостоятельнойработыобучающихся/ сост.: О.Н. Гордеева. – Уфа: Изд-во ФГБОУ ВО БГМУ Минздрава России, 2017. – 178 с. Е 56 Сборниктематическихзаданийдлясамостоятельнойработыдляобу- чающихсяподготовленвсоответствиистребованиямиФГОСВОирабо- чейпрограммойдисциплины«Иностранныйязык».Сборниксодержитфо- нетические,лексические,грамматическиезаданияпобазовымтемамдля стоматологов. Изданиепредназначенодлясамостоятельнойработыобучающихсяпо специальностям 31.05.01 «Лечебное дело», 31.05.02 «Педиатрия», 31.05.03 «Стоматология». РекомендовановпечатьКоординационнымнаучно-методическимсо- ветомиутвержденорешениемРедакционно-издательскогосоветаФГБОУ ВОБГМУМинздраваРоссии. УДК 881.111:61(075.8) ББК 81.2 А-923 ©ФГБОУВОБГМУМинздраваРоссии, 2017 2

  3. СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Введение ................................................................................................... 4 Unit 1. An Introductory Course ................................................................ 7 Lesson 1. The Basics of Phonetics ................................................... 7 Lesson 2. At a Lesson ...................................................................... 11 Lesson 3. About Myself .................................................................... 15 Lesson 4. My Family ........................................................................ 21 Lesson 5. My Day ............................................................................. 27 Lesson 6. At the Cinema ................................................................... 35 Lesson 7. Alexander Fleming ........................................................... 42 Unit 2. Dental Anatomy ........................................................................... 48 Lesson 8. Structure of the Teeth ...................................................... 48 Lesson 9. First and Second Dentition ............................................... 57 Lesson 10. Anatomy of Individual Teeth ........................................ 64 Lesson 11. The Jaws ........................................................................ 69 Lesson 12. Soft Tissues .................................................................... 82 Unit 3. Therapeutic Dentistry ................................................................... 89 Lesson 13. Causes of Caries ............................................................ 89 Lesson 14. Prevention and Treatment of Caries .............................. 95 Lesson 15. Filling ............................................................................. 104 Lesson 16. Fillings ........................................................................... 110 Unit 4. Oral Hygiene ................................................................................ 116 Lesson 17. Oral Hygiene and Prevention of Dental Disease ........... 116 Lesson 18. Toothbrushing ............................................................... 123 Lesson 19. Public Health Measures. Preventive Dentistry .............. 128 Lesson 20. Diet. Fluoridation .......................................................... 134 Unit 5. Endodontics .................................................................................. 137 Lesson 21. Endodontics .................................................................... 137 Lesson 22. Periodontal Disease ........................................................ 143 Lesson 23. Pulpotomy and Apicectomy ........................................... 152 Unit 6. Health Care in Russia ................................................................... 156 Lesson 24. Dental Services in Russia. At the Dental Clinic ........... 156 Unit 7. Dental Education .......................................................................... 159 Lesson 25. Dental Education in Russia ............................................ 159 Lesson 26. Bashkir Medical University .......................................... 163 Lesson 27 Dental Education in the USA ......................................... 170 3

  4. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Данныйсборниктематическихзаданийдлясамостоятельнойработы дляобучающихсясоставленвсоответствиистребованиямиФГОСВО,ра- бочейпрограммыдисциплины«Иностранныйязык».Цельюучебногопо- собияявляетсяформированиеуобучающихсяосновныхуменийиспользо- ванияанглийскогоязыкавкачествесредстваинформационнойдеятельно- стиипрофессиональногообщения.Предусматриваетсяформированиеу обучающихсянавыковчтенияипереводааутентичныхмедицинскихтек- стов,пополнениесловарногозапасаспециальнойстоматологическойтер- минологией,атакжеразвитиенавыковпрофессионально-ориентированной устнойречидляболееширокоговключениявсферуобщениянаанглий- скомязыкевобластяхмедицины. Данныйсборниктематическихзаданийдлясамостоятельнойработы профессиональноориентировандляобучающихсяналечебном,педиатри- ческомистоматологическомфакультетах. Тематикатекстовогоматериала соответствуеттребованиямпрограммыиотражаетсодержаниепрофессио- нальнойподготовкиспециалистоввобластяхмедициныистоматологии. Созданиеданногосборникаобусловленозначимостьюсамостоятельной работыкакодногоизважныхвидовучебногопроцесса.Недостатокв учебнойлитературетакихзаданийнепозволяетовладетьнадостаточном уровнетипичнымидлянаучногостиляречевымимоделямииграмматиче- скимиструктурами.Данноеизданиевосполняетэтотпробелинацеленона развитиеисовершенствованиезнанийвобластилексикииграмматики,а такженавыковречевогообщениянаанглийскомязыкеврамкахтематики, предусмотреннойрабочейпрограммой. Сборниктематическихзаданийпостроенпотематическомупринципу исостоитиз 7 разделов,охватывающихосновныенаправленияпрофессио- нальнойподготовкибудущихмедиков. Каждыйразделсостоитизне- сколькихуроков.Всегопособиевключаетвсебе 28 уроков.Каждыйурок состоитизфонетических,лексическихиграмматическихупражнений. Упражнениясоставленысучетомграмматическихявлений,превалирую- щихвтекстеи«привязанных»кнему.Ониотражаюттипичныедлянауч- ногостиляявленияиготовятстудентовкработестекстамиипоследую- щимвовлечениемвпроцесскоммуникации.Текстыспециальноподобраны 4

  5. дляобучающихсяивключаютматериалпоанатомиизубов,терапевтиче-дляобучающихсяивключаютматериалпоанатомиизубов,терапевтиче- скийкурсстоматологии,профилактикустоматологическихзаболеваний. Обучающиесядолжнызнатьосновныеособенностинаучногостиля медицинскойлитературы;основыаннотированияирефератированияспе- циальногонаучноготекста;основныепринципысамостоятельнойработыс оригинальнойлитературой;основныевидысловарно-справочнойлитера- турыиправилаработысними;типичныекоммуникативныеформулы,не- обходимыедляучастиявмежкультурномпрофессиональномобщениина иностранномязыке;уметьчитатьипереводитьспециальныетекстыпо различныммедицинскимтемамнаосновевладенияактивнымипассивным лексическимминимумом;фиксироватьполученнуюизтекстаинформацию вформеаннотации,реферата(устноиписьменно);участвоватьвбеседена иностранномязыкепотемам,связаннымисомедицинскимобразованиемв Россииистранеизучаемогоязыка;владеть 2200 лексическимиединицами, изних 1000 продуктивно;основнымиграмматическимиконструкциями, присущимиустнымформамобщения:порядоксловвразныхтипахпред- ложений,вопросительныеконструкцииидр. Изучениеанглийскогоязыканаправленонаформированиеустуден- товследующихобщекультурных(ОК), общепрофессиональныхипрофес- сиональных(ПК)компетенций: -ОК-1 –Способностькабстрактномумышлению,анализуисинтезу; -ОК-5 –Готовностьксаморазвитию,самореализации,самообразова- ниюииспользованиютворческогопотенциала; -ОПК-1 –Готовностьрешатьстандартныезадачипрофессиональной деятельностисиспользованиеминформационных,библиографическихре- сурсов, медико-биологической коммуникационныхтехнологийиучетомосновныхтребованийинформа- ционнойбезопасности; -ОПК-2 –Готовностьккоммуникациивустнойиписьменнойформах нарусскомииностранномязыкахдлярешениязадачпрофессиональной деятельности; -ПК-17 –Готовностьканализуипубличномупредставлениюинфор- мациивобластипрофилактическоймедицины. терминологии, информационно- 5

  6. -ПК-18 –Способностькучастиювпроведениинаучныхисследова- ний. Посколькувсеаспектыязыкавзаимосвязаны,работасоспециальным текстоммедицинскойтематикипоможетразвитиюнавыковнетольковсех видовчтения(просмотрового,поискового,ознакомительного,изучающе- го),ноиперевода,устнойиписьменнойкоммуникации. 6

  7. UNIT 1 AN INTRODUCTORY COURSE Lesson 1 The Basics of Phonetics 1. Чтениеударныхгласных I [ei ] name [i:] be i / y [ai] fine / my o [əʊ] bone u [ju:] student 2. Чтениесочетанийсогласныхбукв sh [ʃ] – she, fish; ck [k] – black, luck; ch [ʧ] – chess, check; tch [ʧ] – match, catch; qu [kw] – question, quick; 3. Согласныебуквы,имеющиедватипачтения [j] yes, years y [i] body [s] перед e, i, y – pencil, cell, medicine c [k] cap, cat, cup [ʤ] перед e, i, y – gin page, large g [g] good, big, green [s] вначалеслова– sit, student, s [z] вконцеслова,послеглух.согл.- please, ties, pens II III IV a e [æ] cat [e ] pen [i] pin / myth [ɔ] dog [ʌ] but [ɑ:] car [ə:] turn [ə:] girl [ɔ:] sport [ə:] burn [ɛə] care [iə] here [aiə] fire [ɔ:] more [jʊə] pure th th ph [f] wh [w] – which, what, why wh [h] –перед who; j [ʤ] – jet, jam, judge [ð] [θ] – this, that; – thick, three; – phone, physics; 7

  8. [ks] text, six [gz] exam x 4. Чтениеударныхсочетанийгласныхбукв Spain [ei] day sea [i:] meet point [ɔɪ] boy [ju:] New, few [u] moon 5. Напишитетранскрипциюследующихслов: duty bush back large bone thirty student nerve pale form 6. Сгруппируйтесловасогласнотипучтения: Example: I bone cape pupil plate music bad bed type tired ai ay ea ee oi oy ew oo ou ow oo ai+r ee+r ou+r [auə] our oo+r [ɔ:] w [w] [au] [u] [ɛə] [ɪə] out brown book chair engineer door white, when fine bad dine start tooth pain tea line child gym call cut trust site II send III horse IV cure spoke take state stone star here pipe time nurse forty sore bird firm desire fire impure rare fun up mass cut home sphere parents curve 8

  9. 7. Напишитетранскрипциюследующихслов: physics phone chemistry medicine school pleasure hand 8. Cross out the word that does not rhyme with the others This – these – please I’m– him –time Here – there –we’re All – shall – call Where – near – pair Worry – sorry – lorry Quit – right – quiet Sword – cord – word Or – four – hour Come – some – dome Your – for – our Head – plead – tread Knew – sew – few – true Bought – caught –cough – fort Treat – sweat – feet – meet Height – weight – late – great Most – roast – post – lost Buys – advise – price – prize – tries Clear – bear – beer – dear – fear Goes – chose – lose – shows – toes chin sing she June then vision health station knew son type teeth come food Doubt – could – shout Plough – rough – tough Land – wand – sand Soot – root -foot Most – cost – post – roast – toast Route – boot – foot – shoot – suit Son – fun – on – sun – won There – care – hair – here – wear Throw – go – know – toe – too Word – bird – heard – lord – third Knees – niece – peas –pleas – trees Thumb – come – home – some – sum Weight – great – height – late – straight Worse – horse – nurse – purse – re- verse Shoes – choose – does – lose – news Could – good – mood – should – wood Knew – grew – sew – threw – through Made – afraid – paid – played – said Alone – phone – shown – thrown – town 9

  10. 9. Insert missing transcription symbol God [g … d] Lead [l … d] Boot [b … k] Foot [f … t] Four [f … ] Worn [w … n] 10. Find the corresponding transcription symbol to the underlined let- Feet Bit Fit Do Boot What [f … t] [b … t] [f … t] [d… ] [b … t] [w … t] ters yes vision then chin thin sing she june [ʃ] [ʤ] [θ] [ð] [ʒ] [ŋ] [ʧ] [j] pure five now home hair join near page [ei] [ou] [ai] [au] [ɛə] [iə] [ɔɪ] [ju] 11. Read the following sentences and explain the rules of pronuncia- tion. 1.Ann can take care of a car. 2.He met her here. 3.A fine girl sits by the fire. 4.Tom has more horses at home. 5.For sure he must buy pure fur in future. 6.I type the myth about tyrants and sly myrmidons. 10

  11. Lesson 2 At a Lesson Grammar: Prepositions. Глаголto be 1. Check up if you remember the following words 1.комната– room 2.стена– wall 3.пол– floor 4.дверь– door 5.доска– blackboard 6.столыистулья– tables and chairs 7.цветы– flowers 2. Translate the following word combinations стеныкомнаты настене настоле уокна околодвери передомной 3. Read and analyze the following sentences a)His parents are in the room. Her sisters are not in the park. Are his sisters in the room? Is his wife in the room? Is his daughter in the University? b)The flowers are on the walls. The backboard is on the wall. The books are on the table. Is the blackboard on the wall? Are the flowers on the walls? Are the books on the table? Where are the flowers? Where is the blackboard? Where is the bag? 8.книжныйшкаф– bookcase 9.окно– window 10.подоконник– window-sill 11.потолок– ceiling 12.белый– white 13.коричневый– brown 14.вуглу– in the corner 15.посередине– in the middle вуглукомнаты посерединекомнаты надстолом вкомнате сзадинего передней позадинеё. 11

  12. c)Their bathroom is clean. Our room is warm. Is their room cold? Are their rooms large? d)The walls are white Are the walls white? What colour are the walls? The floor is brow. Is the floor brown? What colour is the floor? The bag is black. 4. Read and learn the following text Our Classroom We are medical students. We are at a lesson. This is our classroom. It is not large, but it is light, clean and warm. The walls in our room are light pink. The floor is brown. The ceiling is white. The doors and the windows are brown too. The blackboard is at the wall. We have a lot of flowers. Some flowers are on the window-sill, others are on the wall. The book-case is in the corner. The tables are in the middle of the room. The chairs are at the tables. Our room is nice and comfortable. 5. Make interrogative of the following sentences 1.Our room is large. 2.Our room is warm. 3.The blackboard is on the wall. 4.The bookcase is in the corner. 5.The flowers are on the window-sill. 6. Make up questions to the text 1.Is … ? 2.Is … ? 3.Are … ? 4.Are … ? 5.Where is … ? 6.Where is … ? 7.Where are … ? 8.Where are … ? 9.What colour is … ? 10.What colour is … ? 11.What colour are … ? 12.What colour are… ? 12

  13. 7. Memorize the following preposisions 1. Предлогиместа: on [ɔn] обозначаетнахождениепредметанаповерхностииобычнопе- реводитсянарусскийязыкпредлогомна: My bag’son the table. Моясумканастоле. under[ˈʌndə] обозначаетнахождениепредметаподдругимместоми обычнопереводитсянарусскийязыкпредлогомпод: My book’sunder the table. Моякнигаподстолом. in [in] обозначаетнахождениепредметавнутридругогопредмета, нахождениевзамкнутомпространстве,иобычнопереводитсянарусский языкпредлогомв: My book is in my brief-case. Моякнигавпортфеле. at[æt] обозначаетнахождениепредметавблизидругогопредметаи обычнопереводитсянарусскийязыкпредлогамиу,около: I’mat the table. Яустола. The teacher is at the blackboard. Преподавательу(около)доски. 13

  14. 2. Предлогинаправленияидвижения: to [tu,] обозначаетнаправление,движениепредметапонаправлениек другомупредметуиобычнопереводитсянарусскийязыкпредлогамик,в, на: Go to the blackboard, please. Идитекдоске,пожалуйста. into[‘intu,] –составнойпредлог (in+to) , обозначаетдвижениепредме- тапонаправлениюкдругомупредметуиобычнопереводитсянарусский языкпредлогомв: Please go into that room. Пойдите,пожалуйста,втукомнату. Put your book into your brief-case, please. Положите,пожалуйста,своюкнигувпортфель. from [frɒm] обозначаетдвижениепредметаотдругогопредмета , ино- гдасповерхностидругогопредмета,иобычнопереводитсянарусский языкпредлогамиот,с,из,у: Take your book from the table, please, and open it. Возьмите,пожалуйста,своюкнигусостолаиоткройтееё. Please take your book from Peter. Возьмите,пожалуйста,своюкнигууПетра. off [ɒf] обозначаетдействиепредметасповерхностидругогопредмета иобычнопереводитсянарусскийязыкпредлогомс(со): Please take your book off the table. Уберитевашукнигусостола,пожалуйста. out of [aʊt ɒf] обозначаетдвижениепредметаизнутридругогопредме- танаружуиобычнопереводитсянарусскийязыкпредлогомиз: Go out of the room, please. Выйдитеизкомнаты,пожалуйста. 14

  15. Lesson 3 About Myself Grammar: Местоимения. Глаголto be 1. Replace nouns with appropriate pronouns: my father my mother the students my parents my parents and I his sister his neighbors her daughter our teacher a book a table. 2. Insert an appropriate form of the verb to be (am, is, are): 1.This … a book. 2.… this book good? 3.Those doors … black. 4.It … red. 5.I … in my room. 6.–… Tom and Bill students? – Yes, they are. 3. Insert an appropriate form of the verb to be (am, is, are): 1.Her brother … an engineer. 2.We … at the university. 3.This ... our teacher. 4.Ten students … present. 5.Two students … absent. 6.They … not well. 7.My friends … absent too. 4. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Онанестудентка.Онаврач. 2.Мывуниверситете,аонидома. 3.Гдемоякнига?Онанастоле. 4.Еёотецинженер.Сейчасоннафабрике. 5.Моидрузья–молодыехудожники. 6.Гдевашбрат? 7.We … doctors. 8.She … a teacher. 9.… you students? 10.–… they doctors? – No, they … not. 11.The pens … on the table. 12.The table … in the room. 8.He … ill. 9.He … at home. 10.… you free? 11.He … tired. 12.We … not tired. 13.We … are thirsty. 14.She … young and beautiful. 15

  16. 7.Ктовашасестра(попрофессии)? 8.Каконасебячувствует? 9.Каквысебячувствуете? 5. Find mistakes in the following sentences: 1.We good are students. 2.He is in the room? 3.Is you free? 4.She likes her work. 5.My friends is doctors. 6.She is a good nurse, isn’t it? 7.Is you a students? 8.Are you live in Ufa? 9.Who is absent? 10.Is Tom and Nick students? 6. Put in he, she, him, her, it, they or them: 1.Where are my pens? –… are on the table. 2.John’s nice. I like … a lot. 3.Have you got any dogs? – No, I don’t like … . 4.Is Mary at home? – Yes, … is. Can I speak to … , please? – Yes, of course. 5.Are your children here? – Yes, ... are in the garden. 6.My brother’s a shop assistant. – Where does … work? 7.Do you like shopping – I hate … . 8.Do you like cats? – No I don’t like … at all. 9.Is the car in the garage? – No, …’s in the street. 10.Ann likes Bill, but he doesn’t like … much. 11.What do you think of Peter? –I’m quite like … 7. Change the sentences using it, them or her 1.I like bananas. – I like them. 2.I don’t like rock music. 3.Can I speak to Bill, please? 4.Alice loves children. 5.I hate whiskey. 6.She loves fast cars. 7.I don’t like Mrs. Harris very much. 8.Do you like big dogs? 9.I hate rain. 10.She loves fast cars. 11.Children love Alice. 12.You can’t speak to John. He isn’t here. 16

  17. 8. Put in am, is or are 1.The weather ..is.. very nice today. 2.I … not tired. 3.This case … very heavy. 4.These cases … very heavy. 5.The dog … asleep. 6.Look! There … Carol. 7.I … hot. Can you open the window please? 8.This castle … one thousand years old. 9.My brother and I … good tennis players. 10.Ann … at home but her children … at school. 11.I … a student. My sister … an architect. 9. Write full sentences. Use am / is / are each time 1.(my shoes very dirty) My shoes are very dirty. 2.(my bed very comfortable) ………………………… 3.(your cigarettes in your bag) ……………………… .. 4.(I not very happy today) …………………………… 5.(this restaurant very expensive) …………………… ... 6.(the shops not open today) ………………………… 7.(Mr. Kelly’s daughter six years old) ………………… 8.(the house in this street very old) …………………… 9.(the examination not difficult) ……………………… 10.(those flowers very beautiful) ……………………… 10. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am / am not / is / isn’t / are / aren’t 1.(Paris / the capital of France) Paris is the capital of France. 2.(I / interested in football) I’m not interested in football. 3.(I / hungry) ……………………………………………… 4.(it / warm today) ………………………………………… 5.(Rome / in Spain) ………………………………………… 6.(I / afraid of dogs) ………………………………………… 7.(my hands / cold) ………………………………………… 17

  18. 8.(Canada / a very big country) ……………………………… 9.(the Amazon / in Africa) ………………………………… .. 10.(diamonds / cheap) ……………………………………… 11.(motor-racing / a dangerous sport) ………………………… 12.(cats / big animals) ……………………………………… 11. Read and translate the following text About Myself 1.My full name is … 2.I am from Ufa / Kumertau 3.My parents live in B. 4.I was born 17 years ago 5.I went to school / gymnasium in S. 6.At school I was good at biology and chemistry 7.I got interested in medicine when I was in the 10th form. I left school this year 8.After leaving school I decided to enter the medical university. I entered the university last summer. 9.It was not easy to pass examinations but I did my best to become a student. 10.I study at the faculty of dentistry. 11.The other faculties are: the faculty of pediatrics the faculty of general medicine the faculty of pharmacy the faculty of microbiology the faculty of preventive medicine. 12.I am a first-year student 13.We study anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, English. 14.I like to deal with people. I want to help people and treat diseases. I think it is a noble, creative, rewarding profession which requires a lot of patience. I am going to have deep knowledge in dentistry. After graduation from the University I am going to be a dentist. 18

  19. 12. Memorize the following verbs 1. go 2. come 3. have 4. know 5. find 6. leave 7. sit 8. stand 13. Insert an appropriate pronoun: 1.Give (ему) a book. 2.Open (её). 3.Go to (моему) table. 4.Send (нам) a letter. 5.(Её) friend has a computer. 6.We know (его) and (его) parents. 7.He lives with (своей) sister. 8.(Наши) relatives work at the University. 9.(Они) don’t get stipends. 10.(Она) doesn’t get bad marks. 11.(Мы) want to become doctors. 12.Wait for (меня). 13.He likes (свою) work. 14.He knows (нас) and (наших) friends. 15.Do (вы) speak Spanish? 16.I don’t understand (вас). 17.Do you often meet (ваших) friends? 18.He doesn’t get letters. 19.We go to the park in the evening. 20.They get books from the library. 14. Translate the following sentences into English: 1.Вызнаетееёиеёдочь? 2.Онотвечаетнанашивопросы. 3.Мынепонимаемих. 9. understand 10. get 11. read 12. write 13. take 14. become 15. speak 16. be 17. see 18. put 19. hear 20. tell 21. study 22. open 23. close 24. help 25. live 26. watch 27. wait 28. ask 29. like 30. answer 19

  20. 4.Высмотритетелевизорвечером? 5.Студентычастозабываюткнигивкласснойкомнате. 6.Ониживутвобщежитии. 7.Достаньтекнигиизсумок. 8.Когдаунеголекцияпохимии? 9.Мыиногдапишемписьмасвоимдрузьям. 10.Ониредковидятсвоихдрузей. 11.Янечасторазговариваюсней. 12.Онапоказываетсвоирисункимаме. 13.Посмотритенанего. 14.Выпонимаетеего? 15.Увасестьсобака? 16.Еёмамавстречаетеёушколы. 17.Онинеговорятпо-испански. 18.Вызадаётемноговопросов. 19.ВыживётевУфе? 20.Выполучаетеписьмаотдрузей? 15. Insert an appropriate pronoun: 1.Write (ей) about (своей) group. 2.(Его) parents are pensions. 3.(Их) room isn’t large. 4.(Он) often sees (нас) in the library. 5.(Их) brother gets many newspapers. 6.(Мы) know (их). 7.(Ей) likes her lectures in Anatomy. 8.Tell (нам) about yourself. 9.Where do (вы) study? 10.Where does (он) have a lecture in physics? 11.Send (ему) (наши) book. 12.He doesn’t live with (своим) son. 13.(Её) father is a detective. (Он) is in the office. 14.(Вы) don’t understand (нас). 15.(Наши) teachers love (нас). 16.He is (занят) with his work. 17.Are you (хорошочувствуете)? 20

  21. 18.Is he (неправ)? 19.Why are you (удивляетесь) your mark. 20.Is dinner (готов)? 21.We are (счастливы) to show you our flat. 22.Are they (уверены) that they are (устали)? 23.Is our university large? 24.What are you? 16. Insert an appropriate pronoun: 1.Write (ему) about (своей) daughter. 2.(Eё) parents are (наши) neighbours. 3.(Наша) flat isn’t small. 4.(Она) usually meets (их) after classes. 5.(Их) children watch TV in the evening. 6.They know (нас). 7.(Ему) likes his classroom. 8.Tell (им) about yourself. 9.Where do (вы) live? 10.When do (мы) have practical classes in chemistry. 11.Send (ей) our pen. 12.She doesn't live with (своей) daughter. 13.Are (наши) students at the hostel? 14.(Его) mother is a doctor. 15.(Она) is at the hospital. 16.You don’t understand and 17.Their teacher love (их). 18.We are (сердиты) (насвоих) friends. 19.Are you (уверены) that (он) is right? 20.Is she (ошибается)? 21.Why are you (опаздывает) for classes? 22.Is breakfast (готов)? 23.They are (довольны) to speak to you. 24.Are they (готовы) to have supper? 21

  22. Lesson 4 My Family Grammar: Have, have got. The possessive case of nouns 1. Read and translate the following sentences I have a sister. Have you a sister? Неhas a brother. Has he a brother? I have got a sister. Have you got a sister? He has got a brother. Has he got a brother? Have you got a brother? We have not got any relatives in Ufa? Do you have lectures on Monday? Have you a brother? We have not any relatives in Ufa. We have lectures on Monday. 2. Read and translate the following sentences 1.My father’s name is Igor. 2.His brother's name is Peter. 3.Is your name Mary? 4.Is your father's name Igor? 3. Read and analyze the following sentences 1.I am 17. He is 20. 2.We are 18. You are 17. You are 21 years old. 3.Your father is 40. Your mother is 35. 4.How old are you? How old is your father? How old is your mother? How old is their son? 5.What is your father's name? 6.What is her mother's name? 7.What are your parents’ names? Am I 17? Is he 20? Are we 18? Are you 17? Are you 21 years old? Is your father 40? Is your mother 35? 22

  23. 4. Read and translate the following sentences: 1.I study at the University. 2.Do you study at the University? 3.Where do you study? 4.Where does your sister study? 5.Where does your brother work? 6.What school does your father work? 7.What hospital does your mother work? 5. Read and translate the following text My Family My family is not large. There are 4 members in my family: father, mother, brother and me. We are very friendly. We help each other when somebody is in a difficult situation. We trust and respect each other. We like to spend our free time togeth- er. We have some family traditions. We usually celebrate holidays and birthdays together. When I have a problem I turn to my parents. I value my parents as friends. I have got a mother. I’d like to say a few words about her. Her name is R.I. She is 40 years old. She works in a hospital. She is a nurse. She works full time. She keeps the house clean, goes shopping and cooks well. I try to help my mother to do the work about the house. Sometimes I do shopping and clean the flat. I have got a father. like to say a few words about him. His name is N.I. He is 45 years old. He works in an office. He is an engineer. He works hard. He is all day out. When he has time he helps around the house. He has the last word on big decisions. I have got a brother. My brother’s name is Ruslan. He is a schoolboy. He is in the 7th form. He is 13.He likes biology and computer games. He likes playing football. 6. Translate the following word combinations using possessive case 1.дочьеедруга 2.сынмоегодяди 4.женаегодруга 3.мужмоейтети 5.братихотца 6.родителивашегодруга 23

  24. 7. Check up if you know the following words 1.mother / father 2.sister / brother 3.son / daughter 4.uncle 5.aunt 6.husband 7.wife 8. Translate the following sentences 1.Еготетяимеетсобственнуюсемью.Еедядянеимеетсобственнойсе- мьи. 2.Оназамужем.Онженат. 3.ВашуплемянницузовутАнна?ВашегоплемянниказовутРоберт? 4.Унееестьотец.Унегоестьродители. 5.Нашотецработаетполныйрабочийдень.Онпомогаетмамеподому. 6.Вихсемье 4 человека. 7.Онидоверяютдругдругу.Ониуважаютдругдруга. 9. Translate the following sentences and answer them 1.Утебяесть братьяисестры? Увасестьродители?Унегоестьтетя? 2.Какзовутвашегоотца?Какзовутвашихродителей?Какзовутего дочь?Каквасзовут? 3.Скольколетвашеймаме?Скольколетвашейсестре?Скольколетвам? Скольколетвашимплемянникам? 4.Гдеродилисьваширодители?Гдеродилсявашотец?Когдавыроди- лись? 5.Сколькочеловекввашейсемье?Сколькодетейввашейсемье?Сколь- коувасродственников? 6.Унегонетсестры?Унегонетбратьев?Унегонетквартиры,ноесть дом? 7.Гдеучитсявашасестра?Вкакомклассеучитсявашасестра? 8.Ктоходитзапокупками? 9.Выумеетеготовить? 8.relatives 9.niece 10.parents 11.child – children 12.grandmother. 13.grandfather 24

  25. 10.Зачтовыуважаетесвоихродителей?10.Зачтовыуважаетесвоихродителей? 11.Увасестьсемейныетрадиции? 12.Вашбратженат? 10. Make up sentences with the following word combinations 1.have breakfast –завтракать have lunch –обедать have dinner –ужинать 2.have tea –выпитьчая have coffee –выпитькофе 3.have lectures –иметьлекции have classes –иметьзанятия 4.have a shower –принятьдуш have a bath –принятьванну 5.have a shave –бриться 6.have a party –иметьвечеринку have a birthday party –отмечатьденьрождения 7.have a good time –хорошопровестивремя 8.have a haircut –подстричься 9.have a cold –простудиться 10.have a headache –испытыватьголовнуюболь 11.have a toothache –испытыватьзубнуюболь 12.have cough –иметькашель 13.have temperature –иметьтемпературу 14.have problems –иметьпроблемы 15.have difficulty in smth –испытыватьтрудностивчем-либо 16.have a meeting (a conference) –проводитьсобрание 17.have some experience in the smth –иметьопытвчем-либо 18.have something in common (with) –иметьобщеесчем-либо 19.have an idea –иметьпредставление,идею 20.have in mind –помнить,иметьввиду 21.have good (bad) luck –иметьудачу / испытыватьневезение 25

  26. 11. Most personal nouns have the same form whether man or female (doctor, teacher, etc). Some nouns have different forms, though. Some of- these are: actor – actress boy – girl brother – sister father – mother gentleman – lady grandfather – grandmother husband – wife nephew – niece son – daughter uncle – aunt bride -groom 12. Put (m) for male (f) for female or (m / f) for both in the space doctor –m / f nurse teacher student bride waiter wife driver journalist king child 13. Make these nouns feminine actor –… boy –… uncle –… husband –… prince –… nephew –… King – Queen lord – lady monk – nun policeman – policewoman prince – princess steward – stewardess waiter – waitress widow – widower hero – heroine duke – duchess queen lord scientist lady prince grandfather policeman engineer musician lord pilot king –… son –… waiter –… duke –… gentleman –… earl –… 26

  27. 14. Singular or plural? 1.I don’t want your … . 2.Knowledge … power. 3.The scissors … on the table. Look! 4.Their progress in English … good. 5.He knows well the … of the Black Sea. 6.The police here … helpful. 7.My trousers … torn. 8.There … some money on the table. 9.The furniture … rather olds. 10.Did you catch many … ? 15. Translate the following word combinations 1.дружнаясемья 2.помогатьдругдругу 3.бытьвтруднойситуации 4.доверятьдругдругу 5.уважатьдругдруга 6.проводитьвремявместе 7.отмечатьпраздники 8.обращатьсякродителям 9.когдауменяестьпроблема 10.яценюсвоихродителей 11.яхочусказатьнесколькослов 12.работатьнаполнуюставку 13.содержатьдомвчистоте 14.ходитьпомагазинам 15.хорошоготовить 16.ястараюсьпомогать 17.делатьработуподому 18.многоработать 19.иметьпоследнеесловопобольшимрешениям 20.онучитсяв 7 классе 21.оннеженат 22.онимеетсвоюсобственнуюсемью 23.я–единственныйребеноквсемье 24.моястаршая / младшаясестра a) advices a) are a) are a) were a) fish a) is a) is a) is a) was a) fish b) advice b) is b) is b) was b) fishes b) are b) are b) are b) were b) fishes 27

  28. Lesson 5 My Day Grammar: Present Simple. Adverbs. Types of questions. Articles 1. Translate the following word combinations and memorize them 1.вставать 2.умываться 3.чиститьзубы 4.унас 2 лекции 5.мытратим 2 часа 6.стараться;делатьвсевозможное 7.обедать 8.смотретьтелевизор 9.посещатьзанятия 10.противболезней 11.занятияначинаются 2. Translate the following word combinations and memorize them 1.обычно 2.иногда 3.развнеделю 4.всегда 5.вечером 6.регулярно 7.какправило 8.редко 9.послезанятий 3. Read the following text My Day My working day begins early. I usually get at 7 o’clock. First of all I do my morning exercises. Physical exercises are a good remedy for the protection of our health against disease. We remember the Latin saying “Mens sana in corpo- resano”. Then I wash my face and hands, brush my teeth and dress. After that I 12.чиститьзубы 13.делатьзарядку 14.завтракать 15.унаспрактическиезанятия 16.мытратим 3 часа 17.оставатьсявуниверситете 18.ужинать 19.выпитьчашкучая 20.пропускатьзанятия 21.защитаздоровья 10.преждевсего 11.послеэтого 12.часто 13.впонедельник 14.утром 15.затем 16.поэтому 17.каждыйдень 18.дозанятий 28

  29. have my breakfast. As a rule I have a cup of tea with a sandwich. I often listen to the latest news on the radio. After breakfast I go to the institute. I live not far from the university. Usually I go there by bus. Our classes begin at 9 o’clock. Every day we have a lecture and two practi- cal classes. On Friday we have a lecture in Anatomy. We study Latin and English. Every day I work at my English. I spend half an hour on it. Every day I read a page of some English book. I like English. I do my best to master it. I attend classes and never miss lectures. I work at it regular- ly. I can already read and speak English a little. Our classes are over at 4 o’clock. If I have no meeting I go home. I often stay at the university. Sometimes I stay at the university because I need a book or an article which I can get in the library. After classes I walk home. At home I have dinner and a short rest. In the evening I have supper and watch TV. Some- times I go to the cinema. I usually go to bed at 12 o’clock. In the evening I pre- pare for my classes. 4. Translate the following sentences 1.Янечастовстаюв 7 часов. 2.Вовторникунаспрактическиезанятияпохимии. 3.Когдазаканчиваютсяихзанятияпоанатомии? 4.Онвсегдапосещаетлекции 5.Чтовыделаетепослезанятий? 6.Какправило,мытратим 2 часанахимию. 7.Чтовыедитеназавтрак? 8.Ихродителинеразговариваютснамиинашимидрузьям. 9.Гдеработаетвашотец? 10.Онинезнаютеё. 11.Ихсоседилюбятих. 12.Мыстараемся. 13.Ейнравитсяееуниверситет? 5. Write in negative 1.I study French. – I don’t study French. 2.I get up at 7. 29

  30. 3.He brushes his teeth after breakfast. 4.She washes her face with cold water. 5.We do our best. 6.They attend all lectures. 7.We sometimes miss practical classes. 8.I go to the University every weekday. 9.We often stay at the department of anatomy. 10.He spends very little time on chemistry. 11.I have lunch in the canteen. 6. Write questions with do / does 1.I get up very early. And you? – Do you get up early? 2.I wash my face and hands very quickly. And you? 3.I dress before breakfast. And he? 4.I have a cup of tea for my breakfast. And she? 5.I do exercise every morning. And they? 6.I attend all classes. And he? 7.We sometimes miss lectures. And you? 7. Translate the following sentences 1.Когдавывстаете? 2.Какойпастойвычиститезубы? 3.Чтовыедитеназавтрак? 4.Когдавывыходитеиздома? 5.Когданачинаютсявашизанятия? 6.Сколькоувасзанятийвпонедельник? 7.Какчастовыпропускаетелекции? 8.Какдолгодлятсявашизанятиявовторник? 9.Скольковременивытратитенаподготовкуканатомии? 10.Какчастовыостаетесьвуниверситете? 11.Чтовыделаетедомапослезанятий? 12.Какдолговыготовитеськзанятиям? 13.Когдавыложитесьспать? 30

  31. 8. Write questions begin with where / what / how 1.I live in Ufa (where / you). 2.I watch TV every morning (how often / you). 3.I have dinner at 4 at home (where / you). 4.I go to the University by bus (how / you). 5.We have four classes every day (how many / you). 6.They get up late on Sunday (when / you). 7.I come home very late (when / you). 8.Our classes are over at 4 (when). 9.I do exercises in the morning (what / you). 10.Sometimes I stay at the University (where / you). 9. Complete the sentences. Use the correct from of these verbs: boil close go like 1.She’s very clever. She ..speaks.. four languages. 2.Steve … ten cigarettes a day. 3.We usually … dinner at 7 o’clock. 4.I … films. I often … to the cinema. 5.Water … at 100 degrees Celsius. 6.In Britain the banks … at 9.30 in the morning. 7.The City Museum … at 5 o’clock every evening. 8.Food is expensive. It … a lot of money. 9.Shoes are expensive. They … a lot of money. 10.Tina is a teacher. She … mathematics to young children. 11.Your job is very interesting. You … a lot of people. 12.Peter … his hair twice a week. 10. Write the negative 1.I play the piano very well. I don’t play the piano very well. 2.Jack plays the piano very well. Jack. … very well. 3.You know the answer. … 4.She works very hard. … 5.They do the same thing every day. … cost have meet open smoke speak teach wash. 31

  32. 11. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative, Use don’t / doesn’t + one of these verbs: cost drive know see 1.“Have a cigarette.” No, thank you. I don’t smoke. 2.They … newspapers in than shop. 3.She has a car but she … very often. 4.I like films but I … to the cinema very often. 5.He smokes because he … very often. 6.It’s a cheap hotel. It … much to stay there. 7.He likes football but he … very often. 8.I … much about politics. 9.She is married but she … a ring. 10.He lives near our house but we … him very often. 12. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Decide which is the correct verb form 1.Maria (comes / is coming) from Spain. 2.She (doesn’t smoke / isn’t smoking) now. She is in class. 3.She (smokes / is smoking) 20 cigarettes a day. 4.He (speak / is speaking) French and Spain. 5.Today she (wears / is wearing) jeans and a T-shirt. 6.I (work / am working) for my father in his factory. 7.I (am working / work) for my father until I find another job. 8.I (paint / am painting) my room once every three years. 9.I (am painting / paint) my room dark blue. 10.She (does / is doing) the washing up at week-ends. 11.They (do / are doing) a typing course at the moment. 12.I (use / am using) a pen but normally write in pencil. 13.We (use / are using) pens for all personal. 14.I (study / am studying) for an important exam. 15.I (am studying / study) every evening after dinner. go play sell smoke wash wear 32

  33. 13. Complete the sentences using the correct tenses Example: I usually work on an old typewriter but at the moment. I’m writing by hand because my typewriter is broken. 1.I usually study in the library but at the moment … because … 2.Generally … but at the moment I’m not reading anything at all because … 3.I normally go to the gym twice a week but at the moment … 4.Normally I … but at the moment I’m doing it every day because my mother is ill. 5.I usually drive to work but at the moment … because … 6.Generally I … but at the moment I’m practicing 5 hours a day because I’ve got a concert soon. 14. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous 1.Чтовыздесьделаете? (do) 2.Яжду.Коговыждете?Яждудруга. (wait) 3.Онговоритпо-французски?–Даонхорошоговоритпо-французски. (speak) 4.Послушай,кто-тостучитвдверью. (knock) 5.Невходитевкласс,студентыпишутдиктант. (write) 6.Онапишетписьмасвоейматери. (write) 7.ГдеВадим?Ониграетвтеннис.–Онхорошоиграетвтеннис?Нет,он играетвтеннисплохо. (play) 8.Янезнаючеловека,которыйразговариваетсдиректором. (speak) 9.Андрейхорошопоет. (sing) 10.Слушайте,Ивановпоетвсоседнейкомнате. (sing) 11.Позвонитеемусейчас.Ядумаю,онещенеспит. (sleep) 12.Онисейчасзаняты.Ониобсуждаютважныйвопрос. (discuss) 15. Complete the sentences with the correct articles if necessary 1.When will they have … dinner? a) a b) the 2.Most people proper to have their holidays in … summer. a) a b) the 3.I live in … Queen Street. a) a b) the 4.It’s… delicious lunch. a) a b) the c) an c) an c) an c) an 33

  34. 5.I want to enter … Moscow State University. a) a 6.Will you meet me in … afternoon? a) a 7.Russian nature is very beautiful in … winter. a) a 8.How many guests will come for … supper? a) a 9.Alaska is one of the states in … USA. a) a 16. Supply the articles if necessary 1.… Urals 2.… Philippines 3.… Arctic Ocean 4.… English Channel 5.… Crimea 17. Which question word is used to put the question to the bold word or expression? Who How Where 1.Jack phoned Ann. 2.Janet likes spaghetti very much. 3.We can start work on Monday. 4.The last exercise was the easiest. 5.Jane met her friends at a party. 6.She doesn’t want to dance with you. 7.He’s worried about the last. 8.We have seen this film three times. 9.My friend’s family has got a flat on the sixth floor. 10.It isn’t cold in England in the winter. 11.We are going to the cinema tonight. 12.Jack was upset because he wasn’t invited to the party. 13.I’d like to listen to the radio. b) the c) an b) the c) an b) the c) an b) the c) an b) the c) an 6.… Asia 7.… London 8.… Sahara 9.… Baikal 10.… Caucasus What When Why 34

  35. Lesson 6 At the Cinema Grammar: Present Continuous. Prepositions 1. Memorize the following word combination 1.stand outside the cinema –стоятьукинотеатра 2.wait for the girl –ждатьдевушку 3.look at the watch –смотретьначасы 4.to be late –опаздывать 5.go out of the cinema –выходитьизкинотеатра 6.come into the cinema –входитьвкинотеатр 7.buy a ticket from the cashier –покупатьбилетыукассира 8.sit in the cinema –сидетьвкинотеатре sit with the girl –сидетьсдевушкой sit in the front of smb. –сидетьвпередикого-либо sit behind smb. –сидетьпозадикого-либо sit between smb. –сидетьмеждукем-либо 9.wear smth. –бытьодетымвочто-либо 10.smoke the pipe –куритьтрубку 11.go into the eyes –попадатьвглаза 12.lie across the line –лежатьнарельсах 13.come along the line –идтипорельсам 2. Read and translate the text At the Сinema Peter is standing outside the cinema. He is waiting for Lulu, his girlfriend, and he is looking at his watch because she is late. An old man is coming out of the cinema. A young man is going into the cinema. A boy is running up the steps. A woman is buying a ticket from the cashier. Now Peter is in the cinema with Lulu. He is sitting between Lulu and a man with a moustache. A lady is sitting in front of him. She is wearing a large hat. Peter can’t see a film. A man is sitting behind Peter. He is smoking a pipe. Lulu is unhappy because the smoke is going into her eyes. 35

  36. This a scene from the film. In this scene a beautiful young girl is lying across the lines. She is shouting“Help!” because the train is coming along the lines. It’s very near. It is coming round the bend now. 3. Make up sentences according to the modal He is writing with a pen. Is he writing with a pen? What is he writing with? 1.He is waiting for a girl. 2.He is looking at his watch. 3.A young man is going into the cinema. 4.An old man is going out of the cinema. 5.He is buying a ticket from the cashier. 6.He is sitting with Lulu. 7.A lady is sitting if from of him. 8.She is wearing a large hat. 9.A man is sitting behind him. 10.She is shouting “Help!” 4. Translate the following dialogues 1.–ГдестоитПётр? –Онстоитукинотеатра. –Чтоонделает? –Онждётсвоюдевушку. –Почемуонсмотритначасы? –Онсмотритначасы,потомучтоегодевушкаопаздывает. –Ктовыходитизкинотеатра? –Пожилоймужчинавыходитизкинотеатра. –Ктовходитвкинотеатр? –Молодойчеловеквходитвкинотеатр –Укогоженщинапокупаетбилет? –Женщинапокупаетбилетукассира. 36

  37. 2.–ГдесейчасПётр? –Сейчасонсидитвкинотеатре. –Скемонсидит? –Онсидитсосвоейдевушкой. –Ктосидитпередним? –Переднимсидитженщина. –Чтоунеёна(надето)голове? –Унеёнаголовебольшаяшляпа. –КтосидитпозадиПетра? –ПозадиПетрасидитмужчина. –Чтоделаетмужчина? –Онкуриттрубку. –Почемудевушканесчастлива? –Онанесчастлива,потомучтодымпопадаетейвглаза. 5. Translate the following dialogue using the verb to wear –ЧтонадетонаДжулиисегодня? –Нанейбелаяблузкаичернаяюбка. –Чтоунеёнаногах? –Наногахунеёчерныекожаныетуфли. –Чтоунеёвруке? –Врукеунеёкоричневаякожанаясумка. –Онавочках? –Нет,онаневочках. –Ачтоунеёнашее? –Унеёкрасивоеожерелье. 6. Complete the sentences. Use am / is / are+one of these verbs: building coming cooking 1.Listen! Pat … is playing … the piano. 2.They … a new hotel in the city centre at the moment. 3.Look! Somebody … in the river. having standing swimming 37

  38. 4.– You … on my foot. – Oh, I’m sorry. 5.Hurry up! The bus … 6.– Where are you, George? – In the kitchen. I … a meal. 7.(On the telephone) – Hello. Can I speak to Ann, please? – She … a shower at the moment. Can you phone again later? 7. What’s happening at the moment? Write true sentences 1.(I / wash / my hair) I’m not washing my hair 2.(It / snow) It is snowing 3.(I / sit / on a chair) ……………… 4.(I / eat) ………………………… 5.(It / rain) ……………………… .. 6.(I / learn / English) ……………… 7.(I / listen / to the radio) ………… 8.(The sun / shine) ……………… .. 9.(I / wear / shoes) ………………… 10.(I / smoke / a cigarette) ………… . 11.(I / read / a newspaper) ………… . 8. Insert missing prepositions 1.… Saturday he gets up … 10 o’clock. 2.… the evening he usually goes out. 3.He works … 9 o’clock… 1 o’clock. 4.Then he starts work again … and … stops … 5. 5.Julia’s birthday is … January. 6.I like getting up early … the morning. 7.What do you usually do … the weekend? 8.Take the pen … her and put it … the table. 9.… classes we sometimes stay … the University. 10.May I go … for a minute? 11.Put the books … your bags. 38

  39. 12.We often go … the park and look … the lake. 13.I always come … the university … 4 o’clock. 14.We work hard … our Latin. 15.Don’t go … that room. 16.The nerve impulses come … the brain … the motor fibres. 17.The voluntary muscles contract … the will … the man. 18.Voluntary muscles consist … striated muscle tissue. 19.Striated muscles are necessary … manipulation of the bones … the skeleton. 20.The visceral muscles react slowly … changes … the body. 21.The muscles are divided … 3 groups. 22.A wave of contractions may pass … one end … the muscle … another. 23.At home I play … my little sister, speak … my parents and answer … their questions. 9. Insert missing prepositions at by from next to Michael is an accountant in a language school. He lives ..1.. a small flat ..2.. the fourth floor of a building ..3.. a small street ..4.. Tokyo. The school is not very ..5.. his home; he goes ..6.. work ..7.. bus, and leaves home at eight o’clock to arrive ..8.. work at nine. He usually does some work in the bus ..9.. his way ..10.. work. Michael’s school is ..11.. a railway station. It is very big, and it has got a lot ..12.. students. Michael likes his office; it is ..13.. the reception desk, but it is big and quiet; there are some pretty trees ..14.. his window. He works ..15.. nine o’clock ..16.. a quarter to one, and goes to lunch. Then he starts work again ..17.. two and stops ..18.. five. On his way back ..19.. work he buys some food, and has supper ..20.. home. He likes living ..21.. Japan; he doesn’t go England ..22.. holiday, but visits pretty places ..23.. Japan. It is Saturday morning now, and Michael is ..24.. home ..25.. bed. ..26.. Saturday he gets up at ten o’clock, and then sits ..27.. the living room to have in near of on opposite outside to until 39

  40. breakfast. ..28.. Saturday afternoons he plays tennis or goes swimming. ..29.. the evening he usually goes out. 10. Use a proper form of the verb to be to be glad to be ill to be late to be angry to be hungry to be in the office 1.Peter is shouting at Mary. He is … today. 2.You’ve got a high temperature. I think you are … . 3.I can do nothing at all. I had a lot of work today. Oh, I … . 4.You know he is going to get married. … ? 5.Let’s meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. Don’t … ! 6.Why … your boss … again? 7.What time … tomorrow? I need to send a fax. 8.Peter is hard working pupil, he … languages. 9.… crossing the street! The traffic is heavy. 10.I … . I want to have a bite. 11.I … to see you! How are you? 11. Complete the conversations. Use was / were, or use the past simple (I did, etc.) or the past continuous (was doing, etc.) of the verb in brackets 1.POLICEMAN: What were you doing (you / do) when the accident happened (happen)? COLIN: I was at the bus-stop. I was waiting (wait) for a bus. POLICEMAN: … (you / see) the accident? COLIN: No, because I … (read) the newspaper. 2.NICOLA: I … (telephone) you at 9 o’clock last night but you were not at home. MARTIN: 9 o’clock? I … (sit) in a café,… (drink) hot chocolate. NICOLA: … Jane with you? to be tired to be careful to be good at to be sure to be on a business trip. 40

  41. MARTIN: No, she … (work) in the library. NICOLA: Where … (you / go) after the café? MARTIN: I … (go) home. 3.MUM: Oh no! My beautiful new plate. What happened? ANGELA: I’m really sorry, Mum. I … (break) it when I … (wash) it. MUM: How? ANGELA: My hands … wet and I … (drop) it on the floor. 4.SOPHIE: … (you / think) yesterday’s exam … difficult? EDWARD: No, not really, but I … (not / write) very much. SOPHIE: Why not? EDWARD: Because I … (dream) about my holidays. 5.ANDREW: There … a crash outside my house yesterday. PIPPA: What … (happen)? ANDREW: I don’t know. It … (rain) but the drivers … (not / go) fast. PIPPA: Were they hurt? ANDREW: One man … (break) his arm and the other man … (cut) his head. 6.TRACY: Pardon? I didn’t hear you. Could you repeat that, please? NEIL: I … (not / talk) to you. TRACY: Who … (you / talk) to? NEIL: Sarah. TRACY: Oh, sorry. 41

  42. Lesson 7 Alexander Fleming Grammar: Past simple. Impersonal sentences 1.Read and memorize the following words antibacterial [ˌantɪbækˈtɪərɪəl] colony [ˈkɒləni] penicillin [penɪˈsɪlɪn] nature [ˈneɪtʃə] dangerous [ˈdeɪn(d)ʒ(ə)rəs] immediately [ɪˈmiːdɪətli] injection [ɪnˈdʒekʃ(ə)n] discovery [dɪˈskʌv(ə)ri] numerous experiment assistant mould importance pathogenic bacteria biologist [ˈnjuːm(ə)rəs] [ɪkˈsperɪm(ə)nt] [əˈsɪst(ə)nt] [məʊld] [ɪmˈpɔːt(ə)ns] [ˈpæθədʒənik] [bækˈtɪəriə] [baɪˈɒlədʒɪst] 2. Learn three forms or the following verbs делать становиться выращивать бытьготовым приносить 3. Memorize the following words combinations 1.do research work –проводитьнаучнуюработу 2.by means of numerous experiments –припомощимногочисленныхэкс- периментов 3.become interested in smth –заинтересоватьчеловека 4.discover –открыть discovery –открытие 5.carry out investigation –проводитьисследование 6.place some mould –поместить(положить)немногоплесени 7.appear –появляться disappear –исчезать 8.allow –разрешать получать начинать установить посмотреть увидеть открывать понимать обнаружить излечить 42

  43. 4. Read and translate the following text Alexander Fleming Alexander Fleming was born in 1881. He did research work at one of the hospitals in London, and became interested in bacterial action and antibacterial drugs. One day Fleming's assistant brought him a plate on which a colony of dan- gerous bacteria were being grown. "This plate cannot be used for the experi- ment, said the assistant. "Some mould [mould] (плесень) has formed on it and I'll have to take another plate." Fleming was ready to allow his assistant to do so. Then he looked at the plate and saw that the bacteria around the mould had dis- appeared. Fleming understood the importance of what had happened and imme- diately began to study the phenomenon. He placed some mould on other plates and grew more colonies. By means of numerous experiments on animals he determined that this new substance was not toxic to the tissues and stopped the growth of the most common pathogenic bacteria. Fleming called this substance penicillin. It is of the same family of moulds that often appear on dry bread. But many investigations had been carried out before a method of extracting pure penicillin was found . It was also very difficult for Fleming to interest biol- ogists and mould experts in penicillin and to decide the problem of its produc- tion. In 1942 Fleming tried his own first experiment . A friend of his was very ill, dying. After several injections of penicillin the man was cured. It marked the beginning of penicillin treatment. Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his great discovery. But he said: "Everywhere I go people thank me for saving their lives. I do not know why they do it. I didn't do anything. Nature makes penicillin. I only found it." 5. Translate the following word combinations 1.проводилнаучнуюработу; 2.принестарелочку; 3.посмотрелнатарелочкуиувидел; 4.вырастилколониюопасныхбактерий; 43

  44. 5.заинтересовалсядействиембактерий; 6.понялважность; 7.начализучатьэтоявление; 8.назвалэтовеществопенициллином; 9.провелмногоисследований; 10.егодругзаболел; 11.человекбылвылечен; 12.получилНобелевскуюпремию; 13.людиблагодарили; 14.онспасжизньдруга; 15.припомощимногочисленныхэкспериментов; 16.онустановил; 17.лечениепенициллином; 18.оноткрыл / обнаружилпенициллин; 19.бактерииисчезли. 6. Read, translate and correct the following sentences 1.Fleming worked out the science of physical culture. 2.He worked in Ufa. 3.It was easy for him to find this substance. 4.Fleming received the Nobel Prize for his book. 5.He cured his friend. 6.The new substance stopped the growth of bacterea. 7.He didn’t make experiments on animals. 8.Fleming didn’t find anything. 9.Fleming was a scientist. 10.Fleming’s assistant didn’t bring him a plate with mould. 7. Answer the question 1.When was Fleming born? 2.What did he become interested in? 3.When did Fleming work? 4.What did his assistant bring him one day? 5.What did the assistant want to do? 44

  45. 6.What was Fleming ready to do? 7.Why did he begin to study this phenomenon? 8.What did he see on the plate? 9.What name did he give to this substance? 10.What did he receive the Nobel Prize for? 11.What did Fleming discover? 8. Translate the following sentences using Past Simple 1.Оннепроводилнаучно-исследовательскуюработувУфе. Ониневыращивалиплесеньнатарелочке. 2.Онприносилсвоемуассистентутарелочку? Онзаинтересовалсядействиембактерий? 3.Чтоонувидел? Чтоонустановил? 4.Людиблагодарилиегозаоткрытиепенициллин. Онспасжизньсвоегодруга. 5.ЧтопонялФлеминг? ЧтополучилФлеминг? 6.Выбылибольнывчера? Выбылиготовывчера? 7.Гдевыбыливчера? Когдавыбыливуниверситете? 8.Вынебыливуниверситетенапрошлойнеделе. Вынебыливтеатренапрошлойнеделе. 9. Translate the following sentences 1.Егокомнатахужеитемнее,чемее. Этоттекстлегчеиинтереснее,чемтот. 2.Ктосамыйлучшийисамыйдобрыйстудентввашейгруппе? Ктосамыймолодойивысокийввашейгруппе? 3.Вашгороднетакойчистый,какнаш. Этаулицанетакаягрязная,какта. 4.Вымоложеихдочерей. Выстаршееготети. 45

  46. 10. Translate the following impersonal sentences 1.Студентамполезнопосещатьлекции. Мнененужнождатьстудентов. 2.Приятнопообедатьвресторане. Емуцелесообразнозаработатьденьги. 3.Емунепозднобылоначатьновуюжизнь. Емубылонепростопопастьвресторан. 4.Намнелегкоучитьсявуниверситете. Намтруднопроводитьнаучнуюработу. 5.Имнеобходимоизучитьэтовещество. Имнеобходимовыраститьплесень. 6.Важновылечитьэтогочеловека. Важноспастиегожизнь. 11. Complete these sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple: сlean die enjoy finish happen smoke 1.Yesterday evening I … television. 2.I … my teeth three times yesterday. 3.Bernard … 20 cigarettes yesterday evening. 4.The concert last night … at 7.30 and … at 10 o’clock. 5.The accident … last Sunday afternoon. 6.When I was a child, I … to be a doctor. 7.Mozart … from 1756 to 1791. 8.We … our holiday last year. We … at a very good hotel. 9.Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it … . 10.It was hot in the room, so I … the window. 11.The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we … tennis. 12.William Shakespeare … in 1616. live open play rain start stay want watch 46

  47. 12. Write the past of these verbs leave see go hear think 13. Write sentences about the past (yesterday / last week etc.) 1.He always goes to work by car. Yesterday … 2.They always get up early. This morning they … 3.Bill often loses his keys. He … last Saturday. 4.I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week … . 5.She meets her friends every evening. She … yesterday evening. 6.I usually read two newspapers every day. … yesterday. 7.They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday … . 8.We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. … last Sunday. 9.Tom always has a shower in the morning. … this morning. 10.They buy a new car every year. Last year … . 11.I eat an orange every day. Yesterday … . 12.We usually do our shopping on Monday. … last Monday. 13.Ann often takes photographs. Last weekend … . 14.We leave home at 8:30 every morning. … .this morning. get eat pay make give find buy know stand take do put tell lose speak 47

  48. UNIT 2 DENTAL ANATOMY Lesson 8 Structure of the Teeth Grammar: Временагруппы Continuous. Modal verbs. Revision of Simple Tenses 1. Practise reading the following words crown [kraʊn] dentine [ˈdentiːn] cementum [siˈmentəm] pulp [pʌlp] process [ˈprəʊsɛs] neck [nek] mouth [maʊθ] apex [ˈeɪpeks] called [kɔːld] compose [kəmˈpəʊz] tissue [ˈtɪʃuː] 2. Check up if you read these words correctly root [ruːt] consist [kənˈsɪst] junction [dʒʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n] undergo [ʌndəˈɡəʊ] damage [ˈdæmɪdʒ] occur [əˈkəː] interior [ɪnˈtɪərɪə] blood [blʌd] 3. Check up if you can translate these word combinations эмаль дентин цемент пульпа коронка ткань membrane outer covering substance decay occupy consist alveolar nerves chamber enamel [ˈmembreɪn] [ˈaʊtə] [ˈkʌv(ə)rɪŋ] [ˈsʌbst(ə)ns] [dɪˈkeɪ] [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ] [kənˈsɪst] [alˈvɪələ] [nɜːvz] [ˈtʃeɪmbə] [ɪˈnæm(ə)l] vessel foramen [fəˈreɪmɛn] attach [əˈtætʃ] insert [ɪnˈsɜːt] decay [dɪˈkeɪ] sensitive [ˈsensɪtɪv] contain [kənˈteɪn] [ˈves(ə)l] шейка корень зуб–зубы челюсть кровеносныйсосуд апикальноеотверстие альвеолярныйотросток десна оболочка 48

  49. 4. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into Eng- lish 1.зубсостоит; 2.коронка,шейка,корень; 3.местосоединениякоронкиикорня; 4.кореньзубаназываетсяверхушкой; 5.зубсостоитизэмали,дентина,цементаипульпы; 6.наружноепокрытиекоронки; 7.самоетвердоевещество; 8.цементсоединяетсясэмальюушейкикорня; 9.дентинзанимаетвнутреннюючастькоронки; 10.ончувствителенкболи; 11.рыхлая(мягкая)ткань; 12.пульпасодержиткровеносныесосудыинервы; 13.пульпазанимаетцентрдентина; 14.черезкорневоеотверстие ; 15.доходитьдокорневогоканала ; 16.участок,занимаемыйпульпой; 17.нервыотвечаютзаболь ; 18.когдабываетзубнаяболь ; 19.зубпогруженвчелюсти; 20.альвеолярныйотростоксодержитзубы ; 21.зубыудерживаютсявсвоейячейке; 22.мягкой(рыхлой)фибрознойтканью ; 23.периодонтальнаяоболочкадействуеткакамортизатор; 24.сосудыинервывходятвверхушкукорня 5. Read and translate the following text The Structure of the Teeth. 1.Every tooth consists of crown, a neck and root. The junction of crown and root is called a neck. The end of the root is called the apex. Every tooth is composed of enamel, dentine, cementum and pulp. 2.Enamel is the outer covering of the crown. Enamel is hardest substance in the body. Enamel consists of long solid rods, called enamel prisms, cemented together by the interprismatic substance. 49

  50. 3.Cementum is the outer covering of the root. Cementum meets enamel at the neck of the root. 4.Dentine occupies the interior of the crown and root. Dentine is sensitive to pain. 5.Unlike enamel, dentine and cementum, the pulp is soft tissue. The pulp contains blood vessels and nerves. The pulp occupies the center of the dentine. Vessels and nerves of the pulp enter the root apex through the apical fora- men and pass up the root canal into the crown. The space occupied by the pulp is called the pulp chamber. The nerves of the pulp are responsible for pain felt when dentine is drilled or toothache occurs. 6.The tooth is inserted into the jaw by its root. 7.The alveolar process is covered with a soft tissue called gum. A tooth is attached to its socket in the jaw by soft fibrous tissue. It is called the periodontal membrane. This acts as a shock absorber. 6. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations 1.наружноепокрытиекоронки 2.твердоевещество 3.соединениекоронкиикорня 4.конецкорня 5.чувствителенкболи 6.мягкаяткань 7.внутренняячастькоронки 8.наружноепокрытиекорня 9.частьчелюсти,содержащаязубы 10.отвечатьзаболь 11.компактное вещество, выстилающее 12.мягкаяфибрознаяткань 13.пучкиволокон 1.sensitive to pain 2.a soft tissue 3.the apex of the root 4.the part of the jaw containing the teeth 5.responsible for pain 6.a soft fibrous tissue 7.outer covering of the crown 8.hard substance 9.bundles of fibres 10.compact substance lining 11.the interior of the crown 12.the junction of the crown 13.outer covering of the root 50

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