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10 Skincare Tips to Follow for Glowing Skin This Summer

Follow simple skincare tips for glowing skin this summer and keep signs of ageing away.

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10 Skincare Tips to Follow for Glowing Skin This Summer

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  1. 10 Skincare Tips to Follow for Glowing Skin This Summer

  2. Skincare Tips As the summer season comes knocking, we are sharing some effective skincare tips with you. Skincare concerns have become even more profound now when most of the people were confined for months due to the pandemic. With little or no access to skin treatments during the last few months, skincare tips were the only saviour.

  3. Skincare tips to keep your skin soft &young-looking.  • Keep it Hydrated  • Use Sunscreen  • Use a Gentle Face Wash • Use Moisturisers • Exfoliate Every Week • Avoid Alcohol-Based Products • Add Supplements to Your Diet • Watch the Sugar and Salt Intake • Get Regular Facials • Cleanse Your Face Before Going to Bed • Go for Medically-AdvancedSkincare treatment

  4. Keep it Hydrated  Water comprises 75% of the body. It is imperative to drink more than 3 litres of water daily for soft and supple skin as the summer heat dries out the skin quickly. Water provides the much-needed moisturisation and hydration from within for the skin. It is the best skincare treatment that revives the skin naturally

  5. Use Sunscreen  Apply sunscreen always, even indoors. Use a low SPF sunscreen indoors and a broad spectrum SPF that works in protecting skin against UVA and UVB rays. Reapply the sunscreen every few hours and step into the sun only 20 minutes after the application of sunscreen. One can also get anti tan treatments to tackle tanning and sun damage.

  6. Use a Gentle Face Wash As one ages the skin becomes more sensitive and dry. Choose a face wash that provides hydration to the skin without further drying it out. Acne face washes should be avoided at all costs and gentle formulas with anti-ageing benefits should be used. Face washes can also double up as an inexpensive anti tan treatment.

  7. Use Moisturisers Oil glands become less active as a person ages and this increases fine lines and wrinkles. Use moisturisers diligently, choosing a hydrating face cream that will help trap water, pump up the deep crevices in the skin as well as smoothen the neck area. It's imperative to equally care for the skin of the hands as this also gives away to ageing. This is an important skincare tip that most don't follow.

  8. Exfoliate Every Week Dead skin cells regularly get accumulated on the skin and are shed as a new layer of skin comes up. However, this process slows down with age which makes the skin look dull with rough patches. It is for this reason that one should exfoliate every week for brighter skin. For this skincare treatment, one can use easily available kitchen products or a reliable scrub cream. 

  9. Avoid Alcohol-Based Products Alcohol in skincare products can dry out the skin. So in the dry weather of the summer, keep away from sprays and gels that contain alcohol. These skincare tips can save your skin, so look for water-based skincare products. 

  10. Add Supplements to Your Diet Add supplements like Omega Oil, Rosehip, Vitamin, Iron and Zinc to your daily/weekly routine. They are necessary for keeping the skin healthy and glowing. Consult a dermatologist on the supplements to be taken for the correct dosage of the same instead of relying on the advice and skincare tips of the neighbouring friendly chemist.

  11. Watch the Sugar and Salt Intake Be healthy from the inside out is the skincare tip that the skin specialists will tell you. Increased salt leads to water retention and gives a bloated look to the body. Don't stop salt completely but cut it down. Increased sugar means increased glucose levels in the body, which binds to the proteins in the skin. Proteins like collagen and elastin are responsible for keeping the skin young and with excess glucose binding to them, it becomes stiff and brittle. 

  12. Get Regular Facials As the age numbers go up, so do spots and pigmentation on the face. One sees it prominently on the forehead and the cheeks. To counter these, one should go in for clinical facials. Facials besides clearing up the skin, also encourage elasticity of the skin and break the pattern of tension in facial muscles to uplift them. Clinic Dermatech offers the best facial for pigmentation in India and offers customised solutions for every skin type and skin requirement. 

  13. Cleanse Your Face Before Going to Bed Always take your makeup off before going to bed and never go to bed with an unclean face. Use a gentle foam cleanser and moisturise the face well. The skin repairs the skin at night and whatever is on the skin surface, goes into the deeper layers of the skin. Sleeping with makeup on is a cardinal skin sin and neglecting these skincare tips is not a wise move. 

  14. Go for Medically-Advanced Skincare treatment Rev up the skin with medically advanced skincare treatments. One can try the anti ageing laser treatment which removes the dark spots, pigmentation and melasma from the skin. It also helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles and other early signs of ageing. 

  15. Review the Skincare Regimen and Skincare Tips Each person is unique and so is their skin. The skincare regimen and skincare treatments are not a One Size Fits All solution but should be personalised. Factors like lifestyle, food habits, exercise level, daily routine, stress levels and even weather are important. 

  16. Contact Us Phone Number:- 8905320330 Email ID – info@clinicdermatech.in Website:- https://www.clinicdermatech.com/

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