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To keep you and your family safe, you need to make sure your home is properly secured. Learn how by consulting with a trusted, licensed locksmith.
July 4, 2017 Strengthen Your Home's Security by Following the Recommendations from a Professional Locksmith To effectively protect your family, your property must first be secure. The statistics serve to remind homeowners of this urgency: Studies indicate that 2.5 million burglaries happen annually in the U.S. By adopting the following safety precautions, you can reduce the chances of break-ins and increase safety for your family. Page | 1
Change the Locks When you move into a new house, the previous owners possess at least one set of keys. Even if they leave a set for you, ask an experienced locksmith to rekey the entire house. You don't know if someone with bad intent may have copied the previous owner's keys or even obtained possession of them after your move. When rekeying, a locksmith removes pins and springs, replacing them with a new set that works with an entirely different key. You no longer need to worry about an intrusion resulting from the previous homeowner's carelessness or ill intent. If your home’s locks are not in good condition, the locksmith may replace them entirely. You can choose from an array of options, including deadbolt and electronic locks. For even more security, you can ask for high security locks to be installed. They feature hardened cylinders that make it virtually impossible for intruders to unlock. The cylinders may get damaged, but at least everyone inside your home, as well as your possessions, will be safe. Install a New Door Frame When the door frames in your home get damaged, burglars can more easily bypass those doors. That’s why you need to replace them if they incur door-jamb damage, a rotting frame, or trim damage. Like locks, door frames can be replaced quickly by a locksmith. Consider having these professionals install a hollow, metal, door frame. There’s a reason many contemporary facilities install them at every major access point. They are uniquely fabricated to repel impacts from fire arms, explosives, and fire. These frames also feature a divided design, which mitigates structural damage. A unique fabrication process keeps hollow, metal-frame doors resistant to weather's worst onslaughts. Fiberglass doors may be another security option. They are durable and can be made to look like real wood. They also perform well when faced with sudden climate changes. Page | 2
Use an Access Control System Although access control systems were originally designed for commercial businesses, you can use them just the same in your household. You can set these systems up in rooms that warrant limited access. You may store special valuables in these areas, for example, that demand ultimate protection. For family and guests to gain access, they must enter a combination that opens a locking mechanism. These systems are also compatible with video surveillance, giving you the ability to monitor who enters these restricted areas. You should never second-guess your home’s security. With the right structures and security measures in place, you can provide your family with the unprecedented safety they deserve. Consult with a locksmith to discover other ways you can beef up your home security. About Coastal Contract Hardware: If you need extra security for your property, consult with Coastal Contract Hardware. We have been assisting customers in the Myrtle Beach area for nearly two decades now. No security project is too small or too big, and we deliver a wide variety of security solutions. Talk to one of our locksmiths today. Sources: Should You Replace or Rekey Locks, angieslist.com Burglary Crime Statistics and Facts, alarms.org Page | 3