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Communication School is India's First Self learning online School that provide high quality and best teaching process for students, professionals and those who are very much interested to improve their communication skills and personal development. This course is designed with a complete professional in mind. Call us: 91 901 081 9536 or Email us at: info@communicationschool.in for more information.
CourseOverview Skills in the art of communication is crucial to a person’s success. She/he can accomplish nothing unless they communicateeffectively. We are trying to reach out to folks who didn’t get an opportunity to learn and develop their skills due to somereason. This online portal will help all professionals, job seekers, students who may not know some rules and techniques on how to develop skills on communication, pronunciation, email writing, personality development as well as a job interview.
CourseOverview In this course, you will be learning the followingtopics. • CommunicationRules • PronunciationTechnique • PersonalityDevelopment • Job Interview Tips • Effective Email WritingStrategies • Positive WorkEnvironment • Tense and EssentialGrammar • ConversationPractices Let’s have a look at the overview of each topic with someexamples.
CourseOverview Overview of CommunicationRules. In this topic, you will be learning some Key Rules to speak correct English fluently and confidently. Most of the people do not follow the rule and speak the incorrect sentence without knowing them. You will also be learning how to Avoid Making Common Mistakes in our conversations and soon. Let’s have a look at some rules withexamples…
CourseOverview Rule. Second person always come first followed by ‘I’. Hence do not use ‘me’ or‘myself’.
CourseOverview • Example: • Me and David went for a movie on Sunday. (IncorrectSentence). • Myself and David went for a movie on Sunday. (IncorrectSentence). • David and me went for a movieonSunday. (IncorrectSentence). • I and David went for a movieonSunday. (IncorrectSentence). • David and I went for a movieonSunday. (CorrectSentence). • Note: All possible combinations are incorrect except the last one. These rules will teach us to avoid confusion among many sentences and help us to improve our fluency and correctness of ourcommunication.
CourseOverview Overview of Avoiding CommonMistake. • Can you please repeat again? • Can you please repeat? [Incorrectsentence.] [Correct sentence.] • I will SMSyoutomorrow. [Incorrectsentence.] • I will send you anSMStomorrow. [Correct sentence.] • You are smarter thanme. • You are smarter thanI. [Incorrect sentence.] [Correct sentence.] Note. This will help us to speak English correctly. We also won’t be offendedby others who knows the correctsentences.
CourseOverview Overview of PronunciationTechnique. In this topic, you will be learning some RULES and TECHNIQUES like AW sounds, VE Rules, Stretching Rules, Intonations, American Liaisons and Syllables words for better pronunciation and eliminating Mother Tongue Influence (MTI) and First Language Influence(FTI). Note. This topic has been published by a gentleman having many years of experience on voice processing and shared some techniques to practice in a very easiest and unique way to improve thepronunciation.
CourseOverview • Example: • Alphabet ‘a' individually available in a sentence is always pronounced as‘aw’. • I want to buy acar. • I got a phone callyesterday. • Any name of the place end with land is always pronounced aslend. • Thailand, • Switzerland, [The Pronunciation isThai-lend]. [The Pronunciation isSwitzer-lend]. • SyllablePractices. • Capability. • Direction. • Parents. [Pronounced as K-Pay-bility]. [Pronounced as D-rec-tion]. [Pronounced asPay-Rents]. • Intonations. • Buffet, • Responsibility, [Pronounced as, Boo-fay] [Pronounced as,Ris-ponsibility]
CourseOverview • Overview of PersonalityDevelopment. • YouwillbelearningsomeKEYPOINTSonthebelowtopicstodevelopthe interpersonal skills that help you to stand out from the crowd. • Body Language • Greeting • First Impression • ConfidentManagement • OvercomeShyness • Public SpeakingTips • Soft SkillsDevelopment • Attitudedevelopment
CourseOverview • Example: • How to Greet the Audience ?[Greetings]. • Good Morning toEveryone. • Good MorningEveryone. (This is inappropriate sentence as 'to' is not required here). (This is appropriatesentence). • How to Stand Professionally ? [Body Language]. • Do not slouch. [i.e don’t sit or stand in a lazymanner]. • Legs in number 11position. • Display a Smile and many more. • Knocking the door. [FirstImpression]. • Do not knock theDoor. • PULL or PUSH accordingly what is written on the door. If there is nothing written on the door, then it's always suggested to 'PULL'it.
CourseOverview Overview of InterviewTips. You will be Learning some IMPORTANT TIPS to improve Interview Skills by learning Effective Self Introduction, JAM topics, Resume Preparation, Interview Checklists, Group Discussion, Practice some sample interview questions in a structured way, and manymore.
CourseOverview • Example of Effective SelfIntroduction: • Always use “My Name is” or “I am” in self introduction. Don’t use “This is” or“Myself”. • This is DavidJohn. • Myself DavidJohn. • My Name is DavidJohn. • I am DavidJohn. [Incorrect sentence]. [Incorrectsentence]. [Correct sentence]. [Correctsentence]. • Avoid using the month of, the year of in any of the MONTH OR YEAR used in asentence. • I have completed my Master Degree in the month of May. [Incorrect Sentence. Here 'the month of ' is not required as April itself is amonth]. • I have completed my Master Degree in May. [CorrectSentence].
CourseOverview Overview of Email WritingStrategies. You will be learning some important STRATEGIES on Writing an Effective Email by learning Email Structure, Managing Inbox, Email Etiquette, Avoid Common Mistake etc. Also follow and practice some Sample Emails for the references.
CourseOverview • Example: • Managing Inbox • Use 4Dmodel. • Reference and Actioninformation. • EmailEtiquette • Always remember to KISS (Keep It Short and Simple) inemail. • Keep the Structure of the emailclean. • Avoid CommonMistake • Change the TOPIC without changing theSUBJECT. • Replying Vs.Forwarding
CourseOverview • Overview of Positive WorkEnvironment. • In this topic, you will be learning on ANGER Management and Create Positive Circumstance in theoffice. • AngerManagement- Learn about what are the possible reasons to make us getting angry. Then learn about what we should do and how to control our anger at the office. Example - If possible, sing in your head, it will divert yourmind. • PositiveCircumstance- Learnhowtoremainpositiveatofficethathelpusgrowin • ourcareer. • Example – Do not bother withcriticism.
CourseOverview Overview of ConversationPractice. You will be practicing the conversation on followingtopics. • QuestionWords • Travels • Eating Out • MoneyMatters • Entertainments • AboutCareer • Sports • Word Power A-Z • SentencePower • Word Power (50 ImportantWords) • Making FormalSpeech • Emotions • Idioms andPhrases
CourseOverview Overview of Tense and EssentialGrammar. You will be learning about the THREE tenses and their FOUR forms. You will also learn Essential Grammars such as Parts of Speech, Use of Temporal and, manymore.
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