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Seceon approached this problem with a different perspective. It primarily wanted to provide the comprehensive cybersecurity to the organizations of any size. The CyberDefenseMagazine article that I wrote in August 2019 goes into details on what requirements and ingredients this imposes on such a cybersecurity platform. Seceon aiSIEM platform has been built grounds up and used by many enterprises and service providers to achieve this comprehensive cybersecurity. Call Us: 1 (978)-923-0040
Seceon aiXDR provides the best ComprehensiveCybersecurityfor Digital-Era!!! Seceon was founded with the mission of providing ‘Comprehensive CybersecurityforDigital-Era’toanysizeorganization.Therehave beennumerousarticles,whitepapersandanalystreportswritten since then to describe what it means and what it takes to achieve this mission.However,insummary,thecomprehensivecybersecuritycan
beachievedwhenyouhavea360degreeviewoftheorganization,its assets,applications,usersandtheircommunicationwitheachother aswellastheexternal world.Thereare3primarythingsoneshould considerforthis360degree view–Endpoints,NetworkandUsersand alltheirinteractionswithinorganizationandwiththe externalworld. Gartner definedthisasaSOCNuclearTriad,atermoriginallycoined byAntonChuvakin inSOCNuclearTriadBlogandlater defined in detailbyGartner analystsin theGartner SOCVisibilityTriadusing Network-Centric Approach; however, Gartner focus was mostly on NDR,SIEMandEDR.SeceonaiXDRgoesbeyondthatin makingsure thattheMachineLearning(ML)andArtificialIntelligence (AI)based capabilities of aiSIEMTM are fully utilized and extended to detect most cyber security threats in real time and to eliminate them by pushing the policy response to the network, endpoints and policy management systems in anautomatedmanner. Ifyoudon’tknowmuchaboutaiSIEM,pleasestopreadingthisblog and first learn about aiSIEM here. Without, that this blog will not be ofmuchinteresttoyou. Seceonapproachedthisproblemwithadifferentperspective.It primarily wanted to provide the comprehensive cybersecurity to the organizationsofanysize.TheCyberDefenseMagazinearticlethatI wrote in August 2019 goes into details on what requirements and ingredients thisimposesonsuchacybersecurityplatform.Seceon aiSIEMplatformhasbeenbuilt groundsupandusedbymany enterprises and service providers to achieve this comprehensive cybersecurity. SowhatisSeceonaiXDRTMsolution, howdoesitachievethe comprehensive cyber security and what is additional differentiation comparedtoaiSIEM? ThetermXDRhasbeenaroundforquitesometimeandtypically representsanytypeofdetectionandresponseascomparedtoEDR (Endpoint Detection andResponse),NDR(Network Detection and Response)andMDR(Managed DetectionandResponse).
SeceonaiXDRTMcombinesthepowerfulaiSIEMTMsolutionwith agents on the endpoints to provide this 360degree view. It combines the network, identity, application, cloud, and endpoint visibility with behavioral MLalgorithmsandAIbaseddynamicthreat models to surface only the alerts that matter. It does this by using contextual, situational and behavioral context/awareness, eliminating false positives and reducing the alert fatigue. It also includes aiSIEM’s automated actionable intelligence and extends it to stop any harm by automated actionson the endpoints. Usingtheendpointagent TheaiXDRplatformincludesoftheaiSIEMusecasesand extends them by providing better Asset Management which includes detailed fingerprintingoftheendpointprovidinginformationsuchasOS,OS version,Hostname,Macaddressetc.OneofthekeyusecaseisFile IntegrityMonitoring,whereonecaneasilytrack changestocritical files.OneofthekeydifferentiationthataiXDR providescomparedto most cyber security tools is 360degree view which is defined by our co-founderNaveenRohatgiasan“IntegratedComprehensive Visibility” that includes the collective visibility of endpoints and IT/Network InfrastructuresuchasFirewalls, IdentityManagement, Proxies,RoutersandSwitches.Additionally,onecanuseaiXDRfor advancedThreat Hunting,searchingspecifichosts,users,andeven filesby name,path orSHA, runningprocess,networkconnectionsetc. onaspecific Host,Server,AssetGroup orforan entireorganization. In today’s unprecedented situation with the pandemic, organizations areforcedintodigitaltransformation, resulting inthe perimeter getting extended to employee’s homes and other remote work places and increased usage of cloud. With mobile endpoints, software defined networksandincreasedcloud adoption;anagent isamuston the endpoint to capture all activity details of the endpoints when it cannotbecapturedby networkactivityalone.SeceonaiXDRplatform completes that story by using the endpoint agents on top of the aiSIEMplatformtoprovidethebestcomprehensivecybersecurity evenwhentheendpointisremoteandnotconnectedto organization’s network.
Contact Us Address -238 Littleton Road, Suite #206,Westford, MA 01886, USA Phone Number - +1 (978)-923-0040 Email Id - sales@seceon.com , info@seceon.com Website - https://www.seceon.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Seceon_Inc