

Switch To Organic Gardening With The Help Of These Essential Tips! The price of produce is absolutely going through the roof as the economy continues to tank. A lot of families cannot afford to eat healthy these days and many are turning to organic gardening to grow delicious and healthy food. Whatever your reasons for wanting to go organic are, you need to check out this article. Use a solution made of a combination of alcohol, water, and vinegar to remove the salt deposits that may accrue in clay pots. Spray it on the the pots and scrub away with a brush, preferably plastic. This allows you to continue to reuse those clay pots! Make sure the pots are dry before using them though. To keep dirt from getting under your fingernails while gardening, reach for a bar of soap beforehand! As much as we all love gardening, none of us really enjoy all that soil that gets stuck under our nails that can be so challenging to remove. Simply claw a bar of soap before you begin working in your garden and when finished, run your hands under water and as the soap washes away, so does the dirt! Did you know that a tablespoon of powdered milk sprinkled around your rose bushes early in the season can help to prevent fungus growth on your beautiful flowers later in the spring? If you prefer to use a spray, you might try diluting some skim milk and spraying the plant leaves. The lower fat content in reduces the chance that it will turn rancid. Turn a quiet corner of your garden into a romantic arbor. By using a store bought arbor or simply constructing one yourself out of a few rustic poles, you can create an arbor. Use a selection of old fashioned, heavily scented flowers to create an intimate atmosphere. Honeysuckle, climbing roses, jasmine and sweet peas are ideal. By adding seating, you can sit and enjoy the scent on a summer evening. Save money by drying the seeds from your annuals to plant next year. Petunias, zinnias and impatiens are just a few of the flowers from which it is easy to extract and save seeds. You will have to extract the seed pod from some flowers, and wait for it to split open. With others, such as marigolds, you will have to open the flower and extract the seeds yourself. After extracting the seeds, let them dry for at least a week. Place them in a jar with a rubber seal, and add silica gel pouches to keep them from absorbing moisture. Store them in a cool, dry location until you're ready to plant them next year. Did you know that a tablespoon of powdered milk sprinkled around your rose bushes early in the season can help to prevent fungus growth on your beautiful flowers later in the spring? If you prefer to use a spray, you might try diluting some skim milk and spraying the plant leaves. The lower fat content in skim milk reduces the chance that it will turn rancid. Try using a natural weed killer that does not contain harsh chemicals. Spray weeds with full strength white vinegar to kill them, and reapply as necessary if you see any new growth. Vinegar can also kill plants that you want to keep, so make sure not to spray it on weeds that are growing in the middle of other plants you do not want to kill. You should place human hair in netting around your garden to deter animals from eating your growing produce. The scent of humans can deter animals from coming near an area. When you get a hair cut place the cut hair into satchels made from netting. Hang the netting around your garden to ward off pests. When you are planning where to put your garden, choose a location that allows it to get plenty of sun. If you place it in the shade, you will be restricting the types of plants that you are able to grow. For example, tomatoes need a lot of sunshine to thrive and a shaded area just won't work for them. When you have an abundance of seeds from your garden, a helpful way to store them away without drying them out is to use old, nylon stockings as a storage bag. After you add the seeds to the stocking, simply tie a knot at the top and hang the stockings in a warm, dark place to store until spring. It is important to spray chemicals when it is not windy outside. Wind can cause chemicals to get into your eyes or cause you to inhale them. There are some chemicals that can be very harmful if ingested. By only applying sprayed chemicals on windless days you can help protect yourself from accidental ingestion. As outlined in this article, growing your own vegetables is simple and beneficial. Physically appealing and mouth-wateringly good, home-grown vegetables are simply a matter of seconds of research, minutes of work, and a few weeks or months of growing time. While results aren't instant, they certainly are gratifying and can provide you with a bountiful supply of food.


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