

One fricked up dentist On September 11, 2014 James Wiener D.D.S. published a youtube video on YouTube which included his dentist office and the ones being dental staff dancing with him. It was said to be a pilot generated for TV. The original video today has 70,605 hits. Dentist James Wiener also sings under another name, Jimmie Lee - The Jersey Outlaw. Wiener practices dentistry in Audubon, Haddonfield, and Marlton New Jersey. YouTube characters Ethan and Hila chose to make a youtube video commentary on Wiener's TV pilot after you have contacted by a genuine patient of Dr. Wiener's. The patient also wrote that Dr. Wiener hands out his music on CD's to patients after their appointments. Hila and Ethan wear red winter hats on camera plus a ledge with pictures is to their rear. On the ledge there's an puzzling picture seems as being a child colored while using words "I enjoy drinking beer" printed in crayon around the hat of the people they drew. The video is funny to look at. It was posted it up on YouTube two days ago. "One Fricked Up Dentist" already has over 178,000 views. The F-bomb is dropped often over the video by Ethan. They re-titled their commentary video similarly but more politely from created by Wiener. One memorable line inside dentist's movie takes place when a fairly large male patient says he or she is "as hard as jeopardy" when an assistant named Natalie together with her cleavage exposed is going to leave the surrounding. The jacket she actually is wearing contains the name Shweta Verma D.D.S. embroidered into it even thought she actually is should be an assistant. In the original video the dentist made, the person can be purchased in towards the front desk and says he needs 1 hour with an appointment. That is what a dentist would say instead of someone. Patients do not know how much time of your appointment they're going to need. Hila and Ethan stop the film and comment involving the dialog. Hila comments in a really soft voice "Gross. Did this change into porn all of the sudden?" Ethan replies "It looks like it and it provides the similar production quality." A man walks in on the waiting room from the dentist office that has a boom box playing music and sits down alongside a guy in the suit. The man inside suit says "Why does the gay guy always gotta sit alongside me?" Ethan comments "Oh he's a gay guy. That's why they are acting this way. That explains his behavior." Hila replies "I didn't have that." "Yeah that is why he's so flamboyant and loud and obnoxious because he's gay" Ethan stated. A lady within the dentist's TV pilot gets as much as leave the waiting room then and drops another F-bomb about the way on your way. Ethan adds his opinion. "Oh, just 'cause that gay guy's inside the lobby? This is one f'---d up dentist. Allowing gay people in here. This is insane." The man with all the boom box only agreed to be inside the bar scene prior to this and sitting nearby the man inside suit inside the bar like they're friends, but suddenly the guy inside the suit is just not okay with sitting beside him? That will not make for good business. Another older female patient from the waiting room from the TV pilot asks the individual together with the boom box "Are which you guy or possibly a girl? I have no idea of." She also exits the waiting room. His fashion sense will not say gay man. Every piece of clothing he or she is wearing is outdated. "Are which you guy or maybe a girl? Come on. Come on guys" Ethan comments after watching this and adds "Come on dentists so why do you gotta be so f---d up?" Dentist Wiener is available in and the affected person asks "Who are you currently?" Dr. Wiener answers "I am your physician." Ethan then comments "You ain't no doctor. You are an f-ing dentist. You are not obviously any good dentist you're Dennis in terms of I'm know. I am done with dentists saying they're doctors. That is bulls--. I am tired of doctors saying they may be doctors, for being frank. I don't trust any of them." The patient inside the movie says "I would not like your physician. I want the broad." Dentist Weiner states "Well you have to may have a threesome. We will use the hands." "Is video massage parlor?" the sufferer asks. "It is often a discount massage parlor - self service" the dentist replies. The patient leaves as well as the dentist says to his newly re-named assistant "I guess now Elaine we shall have to use 1 another." Ethan interjects his comment "Wifey alert, careful in your house." "I said there isn't any wife anymore" adds Hila. The next scene looks as being a dental practice break room and dentist Wiener explains to your population group hanging out around a table how he stole a wrist watch from someone. "I wish to check out he's practice. I want he to get my dentist" Ethan remarks. "He tells his patients to essentially go check out watching this" Hila comments. "Hey many thanks coming by. I appreciate ya. Go watch my parody. Go watch my TV pilot where I steal from patients when they are out. You see this chair you might be laying in here. Well I had an enormous f---ing husky shirtless guy laying in here and the man was masturbating. Its funny. Check out that movie" Ethan states. There is usually a joke the place that the receptionist asks the patient for his records and the man hands her a 45 rpm record. Ethan comments which it was the only real actual create joke within the TV pilot. Then some sexual jokes follow. Ethan says he thinks one of these is as being a 120 month old joke. Hila comments "Its a 120 month old in the dad form." "Sexualized. A child's joke inside a grown man's form" Ethan adds. "Its the scariest thing ever" Hila says. The video ends with a lot more sexual jokes which often can have female patients uncomfortable seeing this dentist after watching this.


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