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A brain injury can debilitate you physically as well as cripple you financially. Let a brain injury lawyer help you claim for just recompense.
June 8, 2017 Getting Help from a Brain Injury Lawyer When Filing for Compensation Brain injury can put a person’s life at grave risk. Not only can it cause ether temporary or permanent damage to the brain, but it could also even be fatal. If you or a loved one suffer brain injury through the fault of another, you should consult with a lawyer. An experienced brain injury lawyer will apprise you of the legal options you may take to receive fair and just compensation for your injuries. 1
About Brain Injury Brain injuries can come in the form of a mild concussion, contusion, acquired brain disorder, or traumatic brain injury among others. It can be a result of an external force or impact, such as when a person hits their head on the steering wheel upon impact with another vehicle. It could also be a result of a slip and fall accident, or a sports injury as in a softball hitting a player on the head. In other instances, it’s a consequence of a deliberate action such as when a person gets hit by another. Despite the many different possible scenarios, the factor that remains constant is that a head injury, especially if it was caused by the actions of another, entitles the victim to seek compensation. Brain Injury as a Legal Issue A brain injury ceases to be simply a matter of medical concern but also a legal one when there is someone who should be accountable for it. Receiving treatment and recovering from a brain injury deprives the sufferer not only of their physical functions and capabilities, but also the chance to earn a living As brain injuries often affect mobility, general motor skills, and even mental functions, victims have a hard time living normal lives. Eventually the victim’s finances suffer, which then affects the whole family. This makes it important to file a claim for compensation as early as possible. Important Criteria In filing a brain injury lawsuit, the most important criteria is establishing and proving the case that the identified defendants or liable parties are indeed the cause of the injury, whether direct or indirect. This will be the basis of the court in assessing how much compensation the plaintiff deserves. Excluding cases when the injury resulted from an action taken with intent to harm, the foundation of any personal injury case such as brain injury rests on the presumption that the defendant had a duty of care towards the plaintiff, but such duty was breached or failed to be met. It must also be proven that such failure resulted in physical, emotional, economic damages to the plaintiff. Apart from establishing liability, it’s also crucial that the claimant be able to show documents pertaining to the actual medical condition of the injured, as well as the costs (acquired and projected) 2
of the injury. Filing a personal injury claim for damages incurred as a result of brain injury is no easy task. For best results, never make a legal move without the assistance of a brain injury attorney. About D & Z Law Group: D & Z Law Group is a Los Angeles-based law firm that focuses on cases concerning personal injury. We aim to provide honest but aggressive service in pursuit of justice for our clients. We are always ready to represent our clients whether it be at the negotiating table or in court, if necessary. Sources: 10 Things You Need to Know About Brain Injury Litigation. braininjury.com Brain Injury Lawsuit FAQs. injury.findlaw.com 3