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The world's best kept secret , Success coach , love coach

Daisy Pappu2019s Excellence Coaching is unlike life coach in the world. Daisy has successfully completed extraordinary training in the fields of NLP, Psychology, emotional intelligence. Athletes, celebrities in Germany, USA, Australia, India, Brazil, UK and Spain and other countries are our clients.<br>visit site: https://daisypapp.com/

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The world's best kept secret , Success coach , love coach

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  1. Blog Contact Us Cart daisy papp Home Humanism.Global Products Podcast SelfRecoding® Art Videos Foundation Inverse The Island Model - Homo Sapiens Isolatus  "The Island Model Rewritten for the New Generation" eBook ( PDF ) The Island Model - Homo Sapiens Isolatus is groundbreaking in its simplicity and depth alike. During crisis, humans tend to be more stressed - understandably so - as we increasingly face uncertainty. In this book, you can acquire insights and gain a brighter outlook. Much is possible when we acknowledge that the only way out is inward. Learn More..... $9.99 5 + 2  ( German Language ) Gewusst wie: der Weg zur wahren Liebe 5+2 eBook ( PDF ) Gewusst wie: der Weg zur wahren Liebe

  2. In dieser bahnbrechenden Arbeit führte Daisy Papp Millionen von Lesern in einer einfachen Formel in das Konzept der Liebe, der 5+2 – die Verschmelzung von leicht verständlichen psychologischen Fähigkeiten und Eigenschaften, von denen sie behauptet, dass sie 80 % des Erfolgs im Liebesleben ausmachen. Fähigkeiten wie Achtsamkeit und Selbsterkenntnis sind von Kindheit an unglaublich tief in unseren Herzen und in unseren Köpfen verankert, aber Daisy erklärt, dass Erwachsene dies rückgängig machen und trotzdem lernen und anwenden können. Dieses Buch zeigt sich von seiner besten Seite, wenn Daisy Papp ihre Grundüberzeugung „Verhalten ist immer eine Wahl und das einzige, was zählt“ äußert, einschließlich des soliden, verhaltensneurowissenschaftlichen Unterbaus des Buches. Die Formel 5+2 ist ebenso aufschlussreich wie die nachfolgenden Kapitel und die „wahren Lebensgeschichten“ und Selbstbewertungstools im Anhang. Psychologen und Life Coaches auf der ganzen Welt empfehlen diese wichtige und hochgelobte Arbeit, die nicht nur für Sie und Ihre Lieben, sondern auch für das Leben selbst relevant ist. In diesem Buch lernen Sie: 1. Wie man "Liebe" de?niert; 2. Wie Achtsamkeit und Erfolg in der Liebe und im Leben im Allgemeinen entwickelt werden; und 3. Wie Sie die Formel zum Finden der wahren Liebe verwenden können, um alle Ihre Beziehungen zu verbessern. Daisy Papp ist Exzellenz-Coach, Autorin, Rednerin, Podcast-Moderatorin und Gründerin von SelfRecoding®. $12.95        About Daisy Daisy Papp’s Excellence Coaching is unlike any other life coaching program in the world. Daisy has successfully completed extraordinary training in the ?elds of NLP, Psychology, EFT, Energy Psychology, and other modalities from world-renowned psychologists, neuroscientists, and leaders in the coaching industry. Daisy has helped individuals, couples, athletes, world champions, groups, small businesses, and Forbes 500 companies over the span of four continents. Her books have been sold in more than 50 countries. She has a proven track record and has spent hundreds of hours conducting seminars and workshops.    Not only has Daisy achieved outstanding results in her own life, but also has an unrivaled commitment to her profession with more than 10 thousand hours of one-on-one sessions completed. Does that mean Daisy, your exclusive Excellence Coach, will be better than you in the speci?c area of life and/or the goals you are focusing on and trying to achieve? Not necessarily.  Coach Phil Jackson was never a better basketball player than Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant, but he was able to bring out the best in his players and develop a game-winning plan.  That is the kind of value and expertise Daisy, your exclusive Excellence Coach, will bring to your life. Your Excellence Coach will become a trusted friend. A friend who wants and expects the best from you, who will challenge you to perform at your best, show compassion and empathy for your past, is non-judgmental and is passionate about your future. Daisy Papp is the world's best kept secret. Daisy Papp’s Excellence Coaching is unlike any other life coaching program in the world.

  3. Make a contribution. Promote love and tolerance. Help me bring this message to larger audiences. Bitcoin Ethereum Bitcoin Cash Address Address Address 0x1CEac9bE1069BfBF480cb5bC307a80af4e125Cd4 3FZNfDvkR1KHFuvoE7wxWvcsG4jT8Ru35z qz80tau4jnfwj6k8y8ukfjg2r6u78y6qggc7fx3cyy XLM XRP 

  4. PayPal Me Address Address rw2ciyaNshpHe7bCHo4bRWq6pqqynnWKQg GDQP2KPQGKIHYJGXNUIYOMHARUARCA7DJT5FO2FFOOKY3B2WSQHG4W37 Memo/Tag # 3562573451 Memo/Tag 959316798 I'M COOLER THAN YOU ARE is a project of love created by Daisy Papp. For decades Daisy has collected fans from around the globe in various colors, sizes and styles. The timeless Resort Style design is dedicated to one of the world's most sought after destinations, the Florida Keys, where Daisy lives. Encouraging self worth and self esteem, the slogan I'M COOLER THAN YOU ARE reminds us to take a second to cool down, not taking everything personally, and to smile more often. Smiles are contagious, and make the world a better place. The fans are available in select stores in the Florida Keys, from Key Largo to Key West. Feel free to contact us for additional information.

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