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Ways To Make Money Online - Free Book Tells You about to discover the quickest, easiest way to make money online. Just follow the steps outlined in this report and you can easily make $100 a day on Facebook in the next 30 days!
How to Make $100 a How to Make $100 a Day on Facebook! Day on Facebook! Facebook Money - Gold Edition You’re about to discover the quickest, easiest way to make money online. Just follow the steps outlined in this report and you can easily make $100 a day on Facebook in the next 30 days! Congratulations! You Now Have Free Giveaway Rights To This Ebook Worth $67 You now have 100% free giveaway rights to this ebook! You can give it away to anyone who may benefit from it,put it on your website , blog , social media pages or add it to your membership site, Go Share! © Copyright Dakanda, InternetMarketingIdeas.Info - All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info– 1 Presented By Dakanda http://www.internetmarketingideas.info/BestAffiliateMarketingTraining ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this product may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This product is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info- 3 Table of Contents Why It’s so Easy to Make Money on Facebook The Secret Formula for Online Success How to Make Money on Facebook Step #1: Find a Product to Sell Step #2: Create a Facebook Account Step #3: Create a Fan Page Step #4: Activate the Direct Pay Profits Facebook App Step #5: Create an Incentive Offer Step #6: Create a Viral Fan-Getting Machine Step #7: Post Regular Status Updates Step #8: Set Up Facebook Events Step #9: Set Up Facebook Ad Swaps Step #10: Buy Hundreds of Fans for $5 Conclusion
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info- 4 Why It’s so Easy to Make Money on Facebook There are over 600,000,000 active users on Facebook and roughly 300,000 people join Facebook every day. That means 300,000 NEW potential customers for you EVERY DAY! If you follow the steps in this report, you can start making money in 24 hours with but a FREE Facebook™ account! And the cool thing is: You don't need a product You don't need a website You don't need an email list You don't need any experience You just need to FOCUS on the #1 way to get FREE traffic from social media and that, my friend, is Facebook™. Seriously, Facebook gets more traffic than Google and has over 600 million members who regularly log in to interact. It's a virtual GOLDMINE for Internet marketers who know how get traffic from Facebook and then turn all that traffic into cold hard cash! The Secret Formula for Online Success I'm about to let you in on a HUGE secret that most marketers completely ignore. Most marketers talk about traffic and conversions. And it’s true, if you send traffic to an offer that converts, you will make money!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –5 Traffic is the number of people who visit a website. Conversion is the percentage of visitors who buy on that website. So if 100 people visit a website and 3 of them buy, that’s a 3% conversion rate. But what’s more important than the conversion of an offer is the visitor value or Earnings Per Click. So the "secret" formula for online success is: P ÷ C = EPC Earnings Per Click (EPC) is the average amount earned per click. So if 100 people click on your affiliate link and you make 3 sales, and the commission for each sale is $20, then your EPC would be 60¢. Total profit: $60 EPC: $60 ÷ 100 clicks = 0.60 or 60¢ per visitor. So making money as an affiliate involves more than just finding places to promote your link. What you want to do is increase your EPC so you make more money from all the traffic you’re going to get. If you send 80 visitors to a sales page that converts at 5% and pays you $20 in commission, you’ll make four sales, which is $80 or $1 per visitor (EPC). In this case, you make more money from fewer visitors because the conversion rate is higher And there are additional factors the affect your EPC including the quality of the traffic, the price of the offer, and the backend marketing.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –6 Quality or ‘targeted’ traffic is a group of people who are specifically interested in the topic related to your offer. You wouldn’t create a Fan Page about baseball and then try to get people interested in video games to like your page. And you wouldn’t try to sell them products related to making money online. The price of the offer can also make a huge impact on your EPC. If you send 100 visitors to a $197 offer that converts at 2% and pays 50%, you’ll make $197 and $1.97 per click. Backend marketing means selling additional products to the same customers. So if you send 100 visitors to a product with a front-end offer priced at $37, pays 60% commission, and converts at 3%, your EPC is 67¢ from 100 visitors. But if 33% of them buy the upsell at $97, your EPC jumps to $1.24. That’s a 185% increase in profit! So to make money online, you need to drive targeted traffic to offers that give you the highest earnings per click. To make $100 per day, you just need to send 200 visitors per day to an offer that generates 50¢ per visitor. It’s that simple! That’s what’s so cool about Facebook. You can target your audience by searching for keywords related to your topic and then get them into your network. Then you can use your Facebook account, Facebook Pages, and Facebook Events to promote your offers!
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 8 How to Make Money on Facebook Now that you understand what it takes to make $100 a day, I’m going show you how to achieve that goal by using Facebook to drive targeted traffic to high- converting offers. Let’s go through the system step-by-step… Step #1: Find a Product to Sell Product selection is critical to your success and your reputation as an ethical marketer. If you promote the latest, greatest product launch without even knowing what you’re selling, you risk losing the respect of your subscribers. You may make a quick sale, but if the product recommended turns out to be junk, you won’t sell anything else to that person in the future... If you don’t truly believe that a product or service will help your Friends and Fans succeed, then you shouldn’t recommend it. Here are a few places to find good offers: The ClickBank MarketPlace has thousands of products to promote and many of them pay 50% to 75% commission. Derrick VanDyke’s Digital Profits. Pays up to 100% on multiple products with back-end continuity programs. Promote ONE product and you get paid on anything that customer buys. Lee McIntyre’s Get More Momentum. Pays on multiple products ranging from $97 to $997, and has a continuity program for $97 per month. Armand Morin’s Generator Software. Pays on multiple products ranging from $97 to $1,997, and has multiple continuity programs to promote. Pays 10% on the second tier.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 9 Step #2: Create a Facebook Account Go to http://facebook.com and set up a separate Facebook account for marketing purposes only. You need a separate email address for each Facebook account you create. You will have to confirm your email address to activate your Facebook account. Just click the confirmation link and you’re ready to go. Note: you can create a new Facebook account for each niche market that you enter.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 10 Step #3: Create a Fan Page Once you’re logged into your Facebook account, click ‘Ads and Pages’. Then click ‘Create Page’. Or you can go directly to http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php. You’ll see six different options:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 11 If you’re promoting a product as an affiliate, then select ‘Brand or Product’ and complete the form. Click ‘Get Started’ and you’ll immediately see your new page .
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 13 The next step is to add an image that is relevant to the product you’re promoting. The image should be a JPG file (filename.jpg). If it’s a GIF or PNG, Facebook will convert it to JPG and it will be blurry. For this example, I uploaded an ecover graphic of a free report. You can use any image as long as it’s relevant to the product you’re promoting. You can find images http://www.google.com/images or http://www.bing.com/images. But make sure they are not copyrighted
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 14 Just enter keywords in the search box to find hundreds of images: You can also find free, public domain images at http://publicphoto.org and www.publicdomainpictures.net. Right click the image to download it to your computer and then upload to your Facebook page.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 15 Step #4: Activate the Direct Pay Profits Facebook App Click here to activate the app and then click ‘Add to My Page’. Now when you visit your page, you’ll see a new menu item in the sidebar:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 16 Step #5: Create an Incentive Offer You want to get as many fans as possible. So you need to offer visitors an incentive (free report, audio, video, etc.) to ‘Like’ your page. You can use our software to create a Direct Pay Profits Fan Page. Here’s what your page will look like before someone clicks the ‘Like’ button: Here’s what it will look like after they click the ‘Like’ button:
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 18 If you’re an upgraded member, you can use our software to create Fan Pages for any product or service. Here’s an example of a page we created to give away a free report: After they click the ‘Like’ button, they immediately see this:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 19 Notice the small link to download the report and the big banner advertising an affiliate program. You can also add an opt-in form to capture leads! Every time someone clicks the ‘Like’ button on your page, their friends are notified and they find out about your page as well. Your page also appears in their ‘Likes’ on their Facebook Profile and their friends can see your Page too. When they like or comment on one of your Page’s updates, that update is also seen in their friends newsfeed! So every time you make a status update you’re potentially reaching an entire network of friends and fans. And as your fan base grows, that network grows too. So imagine if you had 1,000 fans on your Facebook Page and each of those fans had 100 friends. That’s a huge network of 100,000 people that you can reach by simply by posting status updates on your Facebook Page Wall! Click the link on the home page to create a Direct Deposit Profits Fan Page. If you’re an upgraded member you can click the ‘Facebook Pages’ tab to create unlimited custom fan pages. There is a separate tutorial for each one.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 20 Next, click ‘Edit Info’ and enter the ‘Basic Information’ about the Page: Further down the page, you can also enter the products you sell or promote as an affiliate and your links.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 21 Next, click on the ‘Wall’ tab, and add a short welcome message to introduce your new page and link to your site. Include http:// to make it clickable. You now have a new Facebook Page that will convert visitors into raving Fans. The next step is to get some Fans…
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 23 Step #6: Create a Viral Fan-Getting Machine Once you have your incentive offer set up, it’s time to get some Fans. You can start by inviting your friends and importing your contacts. You can import contacts from Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Skype and more. You’ll also notice that Facebook displays people that you might know and people who have mutual friends. So you can send them a friend request and they may visit your page. Facebook only allows you to send friend requests to 20 people per day. If you exceed that limit, Facebook will not allow you to send friend requests for 2 days. So you need to get people to send friend requests to you by joining their groups and liking their pages… Then you simply approve their requests and you can have up to 5,000 friends in each Facebook account! Here’s how to find relevant groups and pages…
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 24 Enter keywords in the search box to find groups and pages related to your product or niche. Join as many groups as you can find and click the ‘Like’ button on hundreds of pages. Click the ‘Like’ button next to each page:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 25 Next, click ‘Groups’ and then click ‘Join Group’ next to each group: Soon you’ll have hundreds of people sending you friend requests, visiting your page, and becoming fans! Every time someone clicks the ‘Like’ button on your page, their friends are notified and they find out about your page as well. Your page also appears in their ‘Likes’ on their Facebook Profile and their friends can see your Page too. When they like or comment on one of your Page’s updates, that update is also seen in their friends newsfeed! And every time you make a status update, it’s sent to everyone in your network of friends and fans!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info - 26 Step #7: Post Regular Status Updates Update your status several times a day by posting on your page’s wall. Every time you update your status, your fans are notified and your update appears in their friend’s newsfeed. Keep your posts relevant to the topic of your page and alternate content with offers. Mix in helpful comments and interesting information like jokes, quotes, news, tips, etc. This way people will like you and your Facebook Page and will click more when you do make offers. The more often you post on your Facebook Page Wall the faster your Facebook Page will grow! Because your posts will appear in the ‘Newsfeeds’ of your page’s fans, and when they ‘Like’ the post or comment on the post, their friends will see it in their newsfeeds too!
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info – 28 Step #8: Set Up Facebook Events You can use Facebook Events to promote webinars, teleseminars, or product launches as an affiliate. When you invite your Facebook Friends, they receive an email notifying of the event. Facebook Page, is by setting up a Facebook Event in your Facebook profile, inviting all of your friends, and then emailing them through the ‘Message All Guests’ tool in your Facebook To create a Facebook Event, go to your profile at Facebook.com and click the ‘Events’ tab. Next, click ‘Create an Event’.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –29 First, add an image. Then select the dates of your event Name your event and add the URL to the event registration page or the product you’re promoting. In the ‘More Info’ section, you can add as much text as you want and URLS with www or http:// will be converted to clickable links. Next, click ‘Select Guest’ to invite your Facebook friends
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –30 You can select Friends one by one. But that could take forever if you have thousands of Friends (Facebook allows you to have up to 5,000 friends per account). And at the time of this writing, Facebook doesn’t allow you to select all Friends. But we have an App for that . Actually, it’s just a line of code that you copy and paste into your browser’s address bar while the ‘Select Guests’ dialog box is open. Copy and paste all of this code into your web browser’s address bar: javascript:var selectedids = ''; var input_checkbox = document.getElementById('pop_content').getElementsByTagName('input');var listitem = document.getElementById('pop_content').getElementsByTagName('li'); for (var li=0; li<listitem.length; li++) { listitem[li].setAttribute('class', 'multiColumnCheckable checkableListItem selectedCheckable ');};for (var cb=3; cb<input_checkbox.length-6; cb++) { input_checkbox[cb].setAttribute('checked', '1'); selectedids += input_checkbox[cb].getAttribute('value')+','; };var invites = document.getElementsByName('sgb_invitees'); invites[0].setAttribute('value', selectedids.substring(0,selectedids.length-1)); Next click ‘Enter’ on your keyboard. Note if you have more than 100 friends, you may have to hit ‘Enter’ several times to select all friends.
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –31 Here’s what people will see when they check out your event: Note that the hyperlink is clickable in the ‘More Info’ section. You can also send a message to your invited guests whenever you want by clicking the ‘Message Guests’ button. You can also send a different email to each group of ‘Attendees’: Attending, Maybe Attending, and Not Yet Replied. Facebook will tell you how many people have confirmed or not. So you can tailor your emails to each group.
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http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –32 Step #9: Set Up Facebook Ad Swaps Have you heard of email ad swaps? Well, you can do the same thing on Facebook! It’s fast and easy way to get more fans with paying a dime. Once you have at least 500 fans, contact people with Pages in your niche and set up a Facebook Ad Swap! Just post on their wall: Not only will the page owner see your post, but all of his friends and fans will see it too!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –33 Step #10: Buy Hundreds of Fans for $5 Go to http://fiverr.com and search for facebook friends, fans, and groups. You’ll find hundreds of people willing to promote your page to 5,000 friends for just $5! Each fan is worth at least 10¢ per month. So if you got 100 people to like your page, that’s an extra $10 per month (minimum). Let’s look at another examples:
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –34 Conclusion Now you know why I say this is the quickest, easiest way to make money online and I’ll bet you’re very excited and anxious to get started. To recap, you’re going to: 1. Find a Product to Sell 2. Create a Facebook Account 3. Create a Fan Page 4. Activate the Direct Pay Profits Facebook App 5. Create an Incentive Offer 6. Create a Viral Fan-Getting Machine 7. Post Regular Status Updates 8. Set Up Facebook Events 9. Set Up Facebook Ad Swaps 10. Buy Hundreds of Fans for $5 Remember, all you need is 200 visitors at 50¢ per click, to make $100 a day! That’s $3,000 a MONTH! And that’s just from one account in one niche market! Get started now! http://www.internetmarketingideas.info
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –35 Remember To Check Out This Resouce... “Way to Make Money With Clickbank on Autopilot” Click Here To See This Now ! Recommended Resources The CB Passive Income Affiliate Marketing Training Portal Autopilot Profits 2016 - Your Online Atm Machine!
http://www.internetmarketingideas.info –36 Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions.I will be also doing my best in updating you with useful tips and techniques, when they are tested and tried by me personally. Best of success, Dakanda http://www.internetmarketingideas.info/ Email :help@InternetMarketingIdeas.Info FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/shareinternetmarketingideas