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DIY craft trend is creating a comeback- larger and stronger than ever. this can be why web is flooded with nice DIY tutorials and concepts. A tiny low tool chest, a concept and patience is all it takes to finish a prospering and exquisite DIY project.
Make gold leaf pendants at home Source: www.nyhandymannyc.com
DIY craft trend is creating a comeback- larger and stronger than ever. this can be why web is flooded with nice DIY tutorials and concepts. A tiny low tool chest, a concept and patience is all it takes to finish a prospering and exquisite DIY project.
This used to occur to me whenever I purchased an costly part of jewelry. But, now I choose creating something on my own which, in most of the situations, comes out to be more stylish and creative. Today’s development will power you to believe why DIY is always my first option over purchasing a part of jewelry that my wallet doesn’t allow to.
Stuff you need: • Black polymer clay • Gold leaf • Aluminum foil • Blade • Awl • Pasta machine • Eye pin • Needle-nosed pliers • Jump ring • Chain
Steps:- • Roll aluminum foil into a rounded tight ball. You can take a bigger foil sheet depending on the size of the pendent you want. • You need to condition the black clay once you are done with preparing a firm ball of aluminum foil. Pass the black clay though pasta machine to get two flat sheets and cut one of them in a circular shape. Place the foil ball on the circular sheet of clay and wrap it around the ball. • You can remove the extra clay if you don’t want to add extra mass to the pendent after wrapping the clay around the ball evenly. • Pierce the ball through the middle with the help of an awl and put the eye pin through it.
Steps:- • Curl the bottom of the pin and press it inside the ball. Take a small ball of clay and place it to cover the pin in order to avoid injuries. • Take second sheet of clay and stick gold leaf on upper surface of it. Cut narrow straight strips and then small squares out of stripes with the help of sharp blade. • Stick the small squares on the ball symmetrically and bake it on recommended temperature for a suitable time. • Take it out after being baked and cool it. Add a jump ring and a chain, and you have a glistening new pendent ready to wear.
Similarly you can prepare a Fringe Pendant without buying any extra stuff. Process black clay in pasta machine to get four sheets and cut them in rectangular shape of size ¾’hx1 ¼’w. You need a piece of paper straw that you need to place at the upper edge of the sheet.