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Dot Net Training in Chennai | HopeTutors

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Dot Net Training in Chennai | HopeTutors

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  1. Different Aspects of .Net Website - https://www.hopetutors.com Email - info@hopetutors.com Call - +917871012233

  2. Index ● What is .Net? ● Different Aspects of .NET? ● Benefits of using ASP.NET MVC ● Benefits of Entity Framework ● Benefits of Web API ● Why should you choose HopeTutors? https://www.hopetutors.com

  3. What is .Net? Dot Net is a framework used to develop an application for web, Windows Server, Windows Phone, Microsoft Azure and Windows. Dot Net framework has individual class library and CLR (Common Language Runtime). The combination of the above two aspects gives us different variety of functionality and help for numerous industry standards. The new version of .Net is 4.7.2 https://www.hopetutors.com

  4. Different Aspects of .NET? Introduction to C# Introduction to ADO.NET Introduction to ASP.NET Introduction to ASP.NET MVC https://www.hopetutors.com

  5. Introduction to C# C# (See Sharp) is a basic of .Net. It initiates the .Net Framework. It is a object-oriented, type-safe, easy-to-use, and contemporary programming language. C, C++, Java, JavaScript knowned persons or programmers will easily realize this C# language. https://www.hopetutors.com

  6. Introduction to ADO.NET ADO is nothing but ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Technology used to communicate Frontend and Backend in the Dot Net framework. It is database control based attribute. It provides data access service and interact with database. The ADO can also brings us XML file, Excel Spreadsheet or Text file. https://www.hopetutors.com

  7. Introduction to ASP.NET ASP Stands for Active Server Page server side web application. It is used to create dynamic web pages. In this application was developed by Microsoft. It provides us with advantages like inheritance, garbage collection, multi-language interoperability and type safety. https://www.hopetutors.com

  8. Introduction to ASP.NET MVC MVC means Model View Controller used to separation of views or to display the data in different types of angles. ASP.NET MVC is the beneficiary of the web forms. The uses of MVC is to Faster development process, Support for asynchronous technique, Ability to provide multiple views. https://www.hopetutors.com

  9. Benefits of using ASP.NET MVC Separation of concern Supports ASP.NET attributes Easily pluggable and highly extensible TDD (Test Driven Development) Absolute power over application behavior System for URL routing https://www.hopetutors.com

  10. Benefits of Entity Framework Highly productive Simple Maintainability Exceptional Performance https://www.hopetutors.com

  11. Benefits of Web API Very simple to configure and create. Very easy to test business logic by utilizing tools such as fiddler or advanced rest client. The architecture is extremely lightweight. We can easily define the work. It supports various MVC features. It utilizes URIs to identify resources or information paths. https://www.hopetutors.com

  12. Why should you choose HopeTutors? Hope Tutors is an IT training institution that offers the Best Dot Net Training in Chennai. In spite of the fact that there are a few SQL training and C# Training Classes in Chennai, and also we providing live interaction with instructor by 24x7. https://www.hopetutors.com

  13. HopeTutors provide services like Course Content and Live Recording Sessions, time flexibility, and live project assistance, course materials along with career support. Get Enroll us now for the Best Dot Net Training in Chennai or call us @ +917871012233 or +917871872233 https://www.hopetutors.com

  14. Email - info@hopetutors.com Call - +917871012233 Website - https://www.hopetutors.com https://www.hopetutors.com

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