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What Do Pre Purchase Building Inspections Involve?

This Presentation information about the pre-purchase building inspections in Melbourne. This information is the most useful for those who need to make a decision about a property. For more detail visit https://www.360degreespropertyinspections.com.au

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What Do Pre Purchase Building Inspections Involve?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Do Pre Purchase Building Inspections Involve?

  2. The pre-purchase house inspections are also known as building inspections. This service is required before making an investment in a property. Pre Purchase Building Inspections in Melbourne are also referred to as a standard property report and are a written document that states the condition of a property.

  3. Information About Significant Problems Or Building Defects The building’s exterior The building’s interior The roof space The roof exterior The sub-floor space

  4. The building’s interior Ceilings, walls, floors, windows, bedrooms, living areas, doors, frames in the kitchen, WC, bathroom, ensuite, stairs, laundry and damp areas

  5. The Building’s Exterior Walls, steel or timber frames & structures, stairs, chimneys, balconies, verandahs, decks, patios, suspended concrete floors and railing.

  6. The roof exterior For the roof exteriors, the Pre Purchase Inspections in Melbourne include roof, skylights, vents & flues, valleys, downpipes, guttering, fascias, eaves and barges

  7. The roof space Condition of the roof covering, framing, party walls and adequate insulation

  8. The sub-floor space Timber flooring and suspended concrete floor

  9. Pre Purchase Building Inspections in Melbourne can only be provided by a reputed and accredited building practitioner who is qualified to offer advice on the cost of repairs and building changes. 360 Degrees Property Inspections offers excellent quality Pre Purchase Inspections in Melbourne at affordable rates. We are reliable and offer services only of the highest standards.

  10. 12 Aitken Court, Ferntree Gully, Victoria 3156 Contact Number: - 0424 259 408 support@360degreespropertyinspections.com.au https://www.360degreespropertyinspections.com.au

  11. Thank You

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