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Accounting Software with VAT in Dubai

EzyAccounting Software is an accounting software in Dubai which anyone can use with very little knowledge of accounts. Managing your business is extremely easy using EzyAccounting Software.

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Accounting Software with VAT in Dubai

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  1. Manage Your Business… NotJust Accounts EzyAccounting An Accounting SoftwareBy: Delicate Software SolutionsDubai, +971-4-4216577

  2. Overview EzyAccounting is a software that records and processes accounting transactions within well-designed modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll and trial balance. The software can be used to record transactions, maintain account balances, and prepare financial statements and reports. EzyAccounting is a system of recording financial transactions on a computer across a full range of accounting options for any size of business. www.DelicateSoft.com

  3. Main Benefits Optimizing Financials & Accounting • Take Control of Your Cash Flow • Streamline Accounting Process • Transform Financial Data into Actionable Insights www.DelicateSoft.com

  4. Special Features • Option for creating up to 100 company database • Option for setting different financial period, closed financial year can be opened if user wants to do so • Many settings which can be enabled or disabled by user • One Click Data back up & restore facility. • Offers multi user environment • Handles multi currency, exchange rate of currencies are taken automatically. Option to set default currency to assign. • Option for setting multiple units for products • Provides option for generating and printing of barcodes www.DelicateSoft.com

  5. Special Features Cont… • Maintain bill by bill details of parties • Maintain payroll accounting • Handles budgeting • Automatic calculation of tax • Option for setting price list • Option for setting seasonal rate • provides manufacturing journal • keeping registers of all vouchers • Option for transferring goods between go downs and branches www.DelicateSoft.com

  6. Special Features Cont… • Supports various stock value calculation: we provides following methods : FIFO Average cost method • Graphical User Interface with Context Sensitive Help • Short cut keys, key board navigation for easy access • No special training is required. Any one can use it. • Paper usage can be completely eliminated by using this system www.DelicateSoft.com

  7. Features by Modules Sales Module • Sales Quotation The Quotation is used for creation, editing, look through the information concerning the potential sales to client. Quotation numbers are unique and generated automatically as per your numbering policy defined in settings. • Sales Order Prepare sales order efficiently. Sales Order Number is automatically generated. User can set the due date of order. Orders can be cancelled by user. • Delivery Note Option to deliver goods before bill. DO number is auto generated. • Sales Invoice Sales Invoice can be prepared & managed efficiently. Sales Invoice can be done against order, delivery note directly. Changes to the stock and accounts will be done automatically. www.DelicateSoft.com

  8. Features by Modules Sales Module • Receive Payments Receipt Vouchers handles all cheque, cash payments. Receipt can be done against a bill or directly. Multiple receipts can be done in a single voucher. • Sales Return The returning of damaged items can be done easily. Return may be against an invoice otherwise direct return is also possible. • Point of Sale Software offers POS module. Simple & Easy to manage counter sales with flexible settings to display or hide extra information. www.DelicateSoft.com

  9. Features by Modules Purchase Module • Purchase Order This Module is used for creation, editing and managing the purchase orders. Purchase can be done against order, material receipt or directly. • Purchase Invoice It is very easy to enter purchase invoices in the software. Purchase Invoice can be done against order, material receipt or directly. • Material Receipt Receive the purchased material. Purchase receipt can be against purchase order or direct and affects your inventory. • Purchase Return The returning of damaged items can be done easily. Return may be against an invoice. Direct returning is also possible. • Payment Voucher Can handles cheque & cash payments. Payments can be done against a bill or directly. Multiple payment can be done in a single voucher. www.DelicateSoft.com

  10. Features by Modules Inventory Module • Inventory Master The Inventory Item Master is used for the storage of detailed information about the products or services you sell. Items Numbers are unique and generated automatically as per defined rule in settings. • Rejection IN / OUT Rejecting of goods that are received via material receipt, rejecting back of goods that are delivered due to damage or any other reason. • Go down & Batch You can transfer goods from one go down to another. Keeps records of location in which products are stored. Maintain batch, MFD, EXPD etc. • Manufacturing Journal Efficiently keeps records of raw materials of finished goods, cost for raw materials & its effective cost. • Physical stock The gap between actual and expected stock can be adjusted here. www.DelicateSoft.com

  11. Features by Modules Banking Module • PDC Payable / Receivable These modules handle Cheques that are given or received as PDC. • PDC Clearance To clear the Cheques that are given or received as Post date. The cheque may be cleared or bounced. Accounts will be maintained accordingly. • Bank Reconciliation To match the statements provided by bank and the account books kept by your company. • Contra Voucher Handles all bank deposit, withdrawal or transfers. • Journal Voucher The gap between actual and expected ledger balance can be adjusted here. www.DelicateSoft.com

  12. Features by Modules Accounting Module • Profit & Loss Statement Offers Detailed & Condensed profit & loss statement. • Balance Sheet Offers Detailed & Condensed Balance Sheet. You can drill down from balance sheet till entry screen. • Trial Balance Trial Balance for the current financial period. • Cash Flow / Fund Flow Offers Detailed & Condensed Cash Flow & Fund Flow Statements. • Chart of Account Software comes with common account groups and ledgers. Ledgers can be created as one by one or multiple ledgers under a group by user. www.DelicateSoft.com

  13. Features by Modules Payroll Module • Option for creating different pay heads like allowance & deductions • Create designations and employees under each designation • Option for setting holidays • Keeps attendance record • Setting Allowances / Deduction for Employees • Generating salary & pay slips for each month www.DelicateSoft.com

  14. Features by Modules Misc. Modules • Financial Year A company can create any number of financial periods and can be closed as per wish. • Suffix prefix settings Option for setting a specified sequence for all voucher numbers. Suffix prefix can be set to all vouchers • Budgeting Easy way for setting budget and analyzing the budget variance • Reminders * Reminders for order on due, purchase, sales on due etc. * Product expiry report * Low stock reminder * Option for setting your own reminders * Option for disabling reminder option www.DelicateSoft.com

  15. Features by Modules Misc. Modules • Users & Security Option for creating users with different privilege level to implement high level of security. • Reports * Powerful reports from each module. * Navigation from reports to lowest level till the vouchers * All popular financial reports are available * All reports can be printed or export to excel or html file. www.DelicateSoft.com

  16. Thank You Delicate Software Solutions P.O. Box 299275 Dubai, UAE Tel: +971-4-4216577 Email: info@delicatesoft.com Web: www.DelicateSoft.com www.DelicateSoft.com

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