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On behalf of the European Association of Communications Directors (EACD) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), I am delighted to invite you to save-the-date for our upcoming Regional Debate in Lisbon, Portugal taking place on Thursday, October 24th 2013, beginning at 16:30. The topic of the Regional Debate will be "Public Affairs: enhancing the engagement with EU Institutions" It is our pleasure to welcome speakers: - Rosemary de Sousa, Head of Communications, EMCDDA - Carlos Medeiros, Head of Communications, CIEJD - João Duarte, FoldRx | Inforpress The address of the venue is: EMCDDA Praça Europa 1, Cais do Sodré 1249-289 Lisboa A PDF with more information is soon to follow and you may also visit: http://eacdnet.eacd-online.eu/event/328
Eacd lisbon debate public affairs october 2013 16.30–16.45 Registration 16.45–17.15 “EMCDDA Communication Strategy” Rosemary de Sousa, EMCDDA 17.15–17.45 “Jacques Delors Centre: a way to in- form about EU in Portugal” Carlos Medeiros, CIEJD 17.45–18.00 Get-Together 18.00–18.30 “A new hope for a hundred years old disease: A Public Affairs challenge to engage all the key players” João Duarte, Infopress 18.30–19.00 Discussion/Concluding Debate T H E E A C D R E G I O N A L D E B A T E S 2 0 1 3 AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM L I S B O N / P O R T U G A L S C H E D U L E 2 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 • 1 6 . 3 0 - 1 9 . 0 0 • E M C D D A I N P A R T N E R S H I P W I T H / V E N U E A B O U T T H E R E G I O N A L D E B A T E S EACD Regional Debates bring together public relations and communications professionals from different European regions for informative discussions and great networking opportuni- ties. By organising debates and presentations on contemporary communications issues to members across Europe, the EACD shares the accumulated knowledge of its members across the continent, strengthening its network in the process. Hosted by EACD members, these events take a variety of forms and normally feature best case presentations, work- shops, panel and round table discussions. At the end of each event there is always time set aside for attendees to relax wih refreshments and network with peers. www.eacd-online.eu Address: Praça Europa 1, Cais do Sodré, 1249-289 Lisboa Public Affairs: enhancing the engagement with EU Institutions Rosemary de Sousa Head of Communications EMCDDA Rosemary Martin de Sousa is Head of Com- munication at the European Monitoring Cen- tre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. She has 25 years of experience working in the communi- cation field, both at national and European level. Before joining the EMCDDA as an edi- tor in 2000, she worked in Brussels for the EU’s Lingua and Socrates programmes and in London for the British Council. Carlos Medeiros Head of Communications CIEJD Carlos Medeiros was born in 1961 in Lis- bon, holds a degree in Geography and com- pleted post-degree studies in European Affairs in 1989 and Information Science and Documentation in 2006. He is the Co- ordinator of the Information and Communi- cation Unit of the European Information Centre Jacques Delors of the Directorate- General for European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since 2008. João Duarte Account Manager Infopress João Duarte is a Public Affairs Consultant at Agenda Public Affairs (Inforpress). He has a degree in Corporate Communication, a Master Degree in Strategic Marketing and more than 12 years experience. In the past, João Duarte was Corporate Affairs Manag- er at a District Hospital and a Public Rela- tions Consultant for Private Banks, Pharma- ceutical Companies and Insurance Compa- nies. Specialized on corporate communica- tion, crisis management and public affairs projects. Speaker in public relations and public affairs events and author of articles in the press related to lobbying and public affairs themes. Rui Martins Communication Director Dianova Portugal Rui Martins has been the Head of commu- nications at Dianova Portugal since 2003. Previously, he has been Strategic Consult- ant (Tinkle Consultant Lisbon), introducing and leveraging easyJet’s positioning in the portuguese market and media relations for Hotel Penha Longa & Golf Resort; Associ- ate Director (Hill & Knowlton Portugal) and Senior Associate (Burson-Marsteller, Lis- bon). He holds a Master on Social Econo- my, ISCTE; Post-graduated Management and Multimedia Communications, ISEG – Universidade Técnica Lisboa and a degree on Management and Public Administration, ISCSP – Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation I will be accompanied by Email Please register by 12th October 2012 by fax or by email to portugal@eacd-online.eu. REGISTRATION Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu T H E E A C D R E G I O N A L D E B A T E S 2 0 1 2 AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM 2 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 • 1 6 . 3 0 - 1 9 . 0 0 • E M C D D A OR REGISTER OLINE HERE Public Affairs: enhancing the engagement with EU Institutions L I S B O N / P O R T U G A L Yes, I would like to confirm my attendance No, unfortunately I will not be able to attend the event Please send me further information on the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) Please fill in: Surname First Name Company/Organisation I will be accompanied by Email Please register by 12th October 2012 by fax or by email to portugal@eacd-online.eu. REGISTRATION Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 European Association of Communication Directors (EACD) 37, Square de Meeûs B-1000 Brussels Tel +32 (0)2 219 22 90 Fax +32 (0)2 219 22 92 info@eacd-online.eu www.eacd-online.eu T H E E A C D R E G I O N A L D E B A T E S 2 0 1 2 AUSTRIA I BELGIUM I BULGARIA I CROATIA I CYPRUS I CZECH REPUBLIC I DENMARK I ESTONIA I FINLAND I FRANCE I GERMANY I GREECE I HUNGARY I ICELAND I IRELAND I ITALY I LITHUANIA I LUXEMBOURG I MALTA I MONTENEGRO I NETHERLANDS I NORWAY I POLAND I PORTUGAL I ROMANIA I RUSSIA I SERBIA I SLOVAK REPUBLIC I SLOVENIA I SPAIN I SWEDEN I SWITZERLAND I TURKEY I UNITED KINGDOM 2 4 O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3 • 1 6 . 3 0 - 1 9 . 0 0 • E M C D D A OR REGISTER OLINE HERE Public Affairs: enhancing the engagement with EU Institutions L I S B O N / P O R T U G A L