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Emotion & Observation

Emotions are mental states brought on by neurophysiological changes, variously associated with thoughts, feelings, behavioral responses, and a degree of pleasure or displeasure. There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition. Emotions are often intertwined with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, or creativity.<br>Observation[1] is the active acquisition of information from a primary source. In living beings, observation employs the senses. In science, observation can also involve the perception and recording of data via the use of scientific instruments.

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Emotion & Observation

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  1. SushruthA COLLEGE OF NURSING Emotion ,Stress & Observation Mr. Dipankar Maiti Nursing Tutor Sushrutha College of Nursing

  2. emotion

  3. definition Emotion is an affective experience that accompanies generalized inner adjustment and mental and physiological stirred-up states in the individual and that shows itself in his overt behavior. -Crow & Crow

  4. Characteristics of emotions

  5. Emotional situations

  6. Parts of an emotion • Facial • Vocal • Bodily movements/gestures

  7. Functions of emotion

  8. External & internal changes in emotional reactions

  9. Internal Changes Increased heart rate Increases BP Increased / decreased salivation Blood shifts from viscera to the body surface

  10. Importance of emotions

  11. Cont.…

  12. THEORIES of emotion

  13. Stimulus Physiological changes Emotion Cannon-Bard Theory James-Lange Theory Stimulus Physiological changes Emotion

  14. Site of an rushing car(Perception of stimulus) Increased heart beats Increased heart beats Increased heart beats Cognitive Lebels ‘I’m afraid/I’m happy” Fear[EMOTION] (Arousal) (Arousal) (Arousal) Fear[EMOTION] Fear/Happiness[EMOTION]

  15. TYPES of emotion

  16. Primary Emotion Secondary Emotion Most basic emotion-Fear, Joy, Anger, Surprise Combine number of basic emotion-love, Aggresion,Disappointment Pleasant(positive Emotion) Unpleasant Emotion(Secondary Emotion) Essential & Helpful for normal development-Love & Joy Harmful to well-being & development of an individual-fear, anger, sadness

  17. Measurement of emotion Galvanic Skin Response(GSR) Electroencephalography The test measures the brain rhythm activity during emotional arousal The test measures the activation of sweat gland during emotion arousal resulting in lowering of electrical resistance of the skin Electrocardiography The test measures changes in the heart rate & rhythm of the heart during emotional arousal

  18. Techniques of Controlling emotion Psychological Physiological • Desensitization • Flooding • Self statements • Coping strategies • Biofeedback • Drugs • Manipulation of brain centers

  19. Desensitization The individual is exposed to the fear producing stimulus, but escape is made impossible. By prolonged contact with the fear producing stimulus, the therapist’s guidance & encouragement & his modeling behavior reduce anxiety. • Flooding

  20. Emotions can be overcome when we assure ourselves with self-talking or expressing self-directed statements to control our feelings . For example phrases like “Relax” ,”Don’t get angry” etc. can help us to control emotions. • Self-Statement • Try to find out the cause of emotions & based on that have to resolve that • Relaxation ,exercises ,sports , good sleep etc. can help to control emotions • Keeping the goals within manageable & realistic limits • Should encourage ourselves in an activity that does not require concentration e.g. gardening, cleaning the house • Coping Strategies

  21. It is the learning to control our bodily processes by acquiring knowledge about them . For example, a person suffering from blood pressure is asked to bring it down through relaxation • Biofeedback Through implantation of electrodes in the brain in specific areas, it is possible to directly stimulate the brain & arouse or reduce a wide spectrum of emotions involving anxiety ,fear, pleasure , hostility loneliness etc. • Manipulation of Brain centers • Drugs Some drugs can be used to control emotions . ex- anti-depressants(Marijuana, cocaine & LSD can reduce sadness.

  22. Emotional response to illness

  23. Nursing Interventions for Emotional reactions

  24. Tips to control emotions of nurse Avoid emergency situation Learn about emotions Develop new hobbies Positive philosophy of life Control external expression Understanding of self Develop sense of humor

  25. Tips to control emotions of patients Understand patient’s motive of emotion Help the patient to feel ease Understand the patient’s positive & negative emotions Promote positive feelings Develop sympathy & empathy Understanding the category of illness(especially somatic illness) Understand the changing pattern of emotions of the patient

  26. Stress

  27. definition Stress is the “non-specific response of the body to any kind of demand made upon it.” -Selye Stress is the arousal of mind & body in response to demands made upon them -Schafer

  28. Models of stress Resistance Reaction Exhaustion Stage Alarm reaction /Fight or Flight Response

  29. Alarm reaction /Fight or Flight Response

  30. Resistance Stage

  31. Physiology of stress and adaptation Physiologic Homeostasis Psychological Homeostasis Crying Laughing Sleeping Cursing Physical activity Exercise SmokingDrinking Withdrawal Coping mechanisms

  32. Repression Denial Displacement Reaction Formation Rationalization Sublimation Compensation Projection Intellectualization Undoing Regression Defense mechanisms

  33. Noise, Pollution, traffic, Crowding, weather Sources of stress Illness, Injuries, Hormonal fluctuations, Inadequate sleep, nutrition Negative self talk, Perfectionism Financial Problems, Work demands, Social demands, Social events, Losing a loved person

  34. Change of any kind can induce stress Factors induce stress Individual personalities that can induce stress

  35. Interpersonal issues that can induce stress

  36. Stressors associated with Developmental Stages

  37. Factors affecting stress tolerance

  38. Stress & physical health

  39. Symptoms of stress COGNITIVE SYMPTOMS • Forgetfulness • Unwanted or repetitive thoughts • Difficulty in concentration • Fear of failure • Self criticism

  40. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS • Muscle tension • Colds or other illness • High Blood Pressure • Rapid breathing or pounding of the heart • Indigestion • Ulcers • Difficulty in sleeping • Fatigue • Headaches • Back or neck problems • Increased smoking or drinking alcohol • Backaches • Being more prone to accidents

  41. EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS • Irritability • Depression • Anger • Fear or anxiety • Feeling overwhelmed • Mood swings

  42. Stress management strategies Take a deep breathe Practice specific relaxation techniques

  43. Manage Time Connect with others

  44. Talk it out Take a “Minute” vacation

  45. Monitor physical comfort Physical exercises

  46. Should take care of our body Adequate Laugh

  47. Should know our limits Think positively

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