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Karnataka HC dismisses pleas, says wearing hijab not essential to Islam

Hijab row verdict: Hijab is not essential religious practice of Islamic faith and putting reasonable restrictions on uniform are justified says Karnataka high court.<br>

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Karnataka HC dismisses pleas, says wearing hijab not essential to Islam

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  1. Downloaded from: justpaste.it/7ma62 Karnataka HC dismisses pleas, says wearing hijab not essential to Islam Hijab row verdict: Hijab is not essential religious practice of Islamic faith and putting reasonable restrictions on uniform are justified says Karnataka high court. The Karnataka High Court dismissed on Tuesday petitions seeking permission to wear hijab in a Karnataka colleges, multiple news reports said. The prescription of school uniform is only a reasonable restriction, constitutionally permissible which the students cannot object to, said a three-judge bench, according to PTI. "We are of the considered opinion that wearing of Hijab by Muslim women does not form a part of essential religious practice in...read more

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