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Things to Consider When Choosing a New Bathtub

Looking to buy new bathtub for your home?Few things which you have to consider while choosing a new bathtub. Visit DK Hardware and discover best bathtubs at our online store.

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Things to Consider When Choosing a New Bathtub

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  1. DKHardware Shopoveramillionglasshardwareand door/windowproductsinouronline hardwaresupplystore. www.dkhardware.com

  2. AboutUs. DKHardwareSupplystorewasopenedin1997 inMiamiBeach,Florida.Intheveryfirstyear,it becameclearthattherewasahighdemandfor ourproductsallovertheUnitedStates.With constantlyevolvingtechnologyandinternet growth,weembarkedonanewadventure & DKHardware.comwasborn.In1998wewere amongstonlyafewhardwarestoresthatentered anonlinemarketplace.Whatpreviouslywasa two-weekorderprocessforspecialtyhardware nowbecameeasy,fastandefficient - youcan shoponlineforallofyourhardware & home improvementneedsatpricesformerlyavailable onlytoprofessionalsorwholesalers.Thebest part – nowweshipfasttoall50States & Internationallocations!Overthenextfewyears, DKHardwareSupplybecamewell-known outsideofSouthFloridaduetoourexcellent customerservice,awidevarietyofprofessional productsandthousandsofsatisfiedcustomers.

  3. Things to Consider When Choosing a New Bathtub Core Materials Accessibility and Safety Tub Size Drain and Pipe Placement Durability Tub Shape Tub Height and Depth

  4. CoreMaterials TubShape TubHeight andDepth TubSize Commontubsusually haveanacrylicor fiberglassconstruction thatkeepstheinterior ashollowaspossible toreduceweight.And sturdier,heaviertubs mayusemetaland enamel.Luxurious moderntubscaneven bemadewithnatural stoneorconcrete, althoughthisisa particularlyheavyand expensiveoption. Chooseashapeand slopethatmatchyour needs.Thisisalsoa chancetochoosea differentstyleforyour newtub,ifyoucan accommodateany necessaryplumbing changes. Bathtubsarenotone- size-fits-all.Choosethe rightsizebasedonthe spaceyouhaveand yourgoalsforanew bathtub. First,considerthetub heightrelativetothe floor.Aninsettubcan beinstalledintothe floor,whichmakesita littleeasiertostepinto andmaysaveon space.

  5. DrainandPipe Placement Accessibility andSafety Durability Withpropercare,even anacrylictubcanlast formanyyears. However,materials likeacrylicand fiberglassarethemost vulnerabletodamage, andyoumayneedto refinishthetub periodically.Enamel coatingscanhelp improvelongevity,but youmaywantto choosemoredurable corematerialsifthe newbathtubwillseea lotofuse. Fromaplumbing perspective,drainand pipeplacementare particularlyimportant whenchoosingor customizinganew bathtub.Movinga drainisamore expensiveprocessand maybedifficult,soit’s smarttofindatubwith amatchingdrain placement. Makesurethatthe newbathtubincludes anyimportantrailsand grips.It’salsoagood ideatochooseanon- slickbottomforthe tubtohelpprevent slippingandother accidents.

  6. ContactDetails. Physical location: DK Hardware Supply 208 NW 6th Ave Hallandale Beach FL 33009 SHOWROOM HOURS:Monday - Friday, 8am - 7pmUnless Otherwise Needed. Mailing Address: DK Hardware Supply 1835 E. Hallandale Beach BLVD PMB #264 Hallandale, FL 33009 Quick Contacts: Phone: 1-305-851-2811 Phone: 1-954-556-6667 Fax: 1-305-514-0047

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