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Loyalty in Dogs is something worth cherishing

Loyalty in dogs is a universal fact which can be overwhelming and humbling and is often cited as an example of the great many things we humans can learn from dogs.

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Loyalty in Dogs is something worth cherishing

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  1. Loyalty in dogs is a universal fact which can be overwhelming and humbling and is often cited as an example of the great many things we humans can learn from dogs. Take the example of Bobbie, the Wonder Dog. He was a collie that was lost by his owners while on a vacation trip in Indiana, some 2500 miles away from their hometown Silverton, Oregon. Everybody in the family lost hope except our wonder dog Bobbie. He covered all those miles during the winter of 1923-24 to get home to the only family he knew. So, what makes dogs such loyal companions? Is it only because we give them food and shelter? But isn’t that something we give to fish and hamsters as well? No, we know its much more than that. Nobody but our furry friends cry when we leave the house, jump from joy when we come back. I mean they literally live and breathe for our affection. Take another example. Hachiko was a golden brown Akita who is still, even after a century, remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner. He devotedly waited every single day for

  2. more than nine years in front of Tokyo’s Shibuya railway station for his master to return from work, unbeknownst of the fact that he had already died from a cerebral hemorrhage and wouldn’t be coming back. Such was his devotion. And these two cases aren’t alone. We have dogs serving in the military such as Stubby, a veteran of 17 battles on the Western front in WWII. We have Balto and his team who helped prevent a deadly outbreak of Diptheria in Nome, Alaska. And we have many more examples of loyalty. So, what do you think? Are dogs loyal because we give them just food and shelter? Or is there something more to it? Original Source https://www.wattpad.com/719725984-loyalty-in-dogs-is-something- worth-cherishing/

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