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An Introduction To Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy in West Edmonton is The process<br>through which dentists remove the infected or dead pulp<br>and material from the inside of an infected tooth.

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An Introduction To Root Canal Therapy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Introduction To Root Canal Therapy

  2. Root canal therapy in West Edmonton is The process through which dentists remove the infected or dead pulp and material from the inside of an infected tooth.

  3. An Introduction To Root Canal Therapy Cavities, cracks and damage to teeth can allow bacteria present in your mouth to penetrate the interior of your tooth. When bacteria accumulate within a tooth, abscesses develop that can cause pain and swelling that dentists may be able to see on x-rays of the tooth.

  4. What are the steps of performing a root canal? The interior of each tooth varies from tooth to teeth even within a single month. The interior of teeth are not identical and don’t even have the same number of canals.

  5. Root canal procedure includes the following six basic steps: Your dentist in West Edmonton will freeze the tooth being treated using a local anaesthetic. Before proceeding with root canal therapy near you, your dentist will place a rubber dam around the area of the tooth being treated. Your dentist will make an opening in your tooth to allow access into the root canal system of the infected pulp Using very precise and tiny instruments, your dentist will remove the infected pulp from the inside of your tooth and will clean out the root canal system. Once all infected material has been removed and the inside of your tooth has been cleaned out, your dentist will seal the tooth with a temporary filling. Once you have recovered fully from the root canal procedure, your dentist will fit you with the permanent crown to protect the tooth from reinfection and to replace any structural strength lost due to surgery. ● ● ● ● ● ●

  6. A dentist’s recommendation to undergo a root canal understandably prompts some anxiety, but take the time to ask your dentist all your questions to allow them and their staff to address all your concerns. Their goal is simple - to restore your health as quickly and comfortably as possible.

  7. Contact Information Glenwood Dental Care www.glenwooddentalcare.ca info@glenwooddentalcare.ca (780) 784-2481 16028 100a Ave NW #205, Edmonton, AB T5P 4A1, Canada www.facebook.com/glenwooddentalcareyeg www.instagram.com/glenwooddentalcare_yeg/?hl=en

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