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17 Tips to Consider Before Hip Replacement Surgery-converted

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17 Tips to Consider Before Hip Replacement Surgery-converted

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  1. 17 Tips to Consider Before 17 Tips to Consider Before Hip Replacement Surgery Hip Replacement Surgery

  2. Certain things to do apply to nearly every person (such as installing a toilet seat with a raised design) and other items are dependent on the specific circumstances of your visit the Best Joint Replacement Surgeon Best Joint Replacement Surgeon can guide you. 1 1. Lose Excess Weight . Lose Excess Weight If you're overweight or obese, your doctor might suggest that you shed some weight prior to the hip replacement surgery. Consult your physician for specific weight loss goals and the best methods to meet the targets. Losing weight can decrease the chance of complications post-surgery including infections. 2 2. Quit Smoking . Quit Smoking The effects of smoking nicotine on blood flow, can delay the recovery process and lead to complications. Your doctor or primary care physician might be able to offer some tips for quitting smoking or suggest medical professionals who can assist you to quit. 3 3. Stretch and Strengthen Muscles . Stretch and Strengthen Muscles You could be instructed on exercises to stretch and build the muscles around your hip. This could aid your recovery from the surgery.

  3. 4. Find a Driver 4. Find a Driver You'll not be able to drive for several weeks after surgery. The length of time will depend on the amount of an opioid painkiller and when your power and reflexes return. You can ask someone from your family or a close friend to take you on a ride in the interim. Consult your doctor's office for an interim tag for parking spaces with disabled access. 5 5. Avoid Blood Thinners . Avoid Blood Thinners If you are taking medications that cause your bloodstream to become thinner, like warfarin or aspirin, you may be asked to discontinue using them for a couple of weeks before. 6 6. Start Newly Prescribed Medications/supplements . Start Newly Prescribed Medications/supplements You might be asked to begin taking new medications or supplements, like iron supplements. These could help to stop postoperative anemia (low count of red blood cells). 7 7. Consider First . Consider First- -Floor Sleeping Arrangements Floor Sleeping Arrangements If you typically have a bedroom upstairs, you may decide to set up a bed on the first floor in order to avoid the stairs for the first few weeks. Sometimes, insurance companies will cover an inpatient bed installed on a house's first floor.

  4. Although some individuals may need or like sleeping on the first floor, it's not usually needed. Ask your surgeon or your surgical team for advice. 8 8. Adjust Your Bed Height . Adjust Your Bed Height As the position of your bed is important and so does the mattress's height could also have an impact. It is possible to temporarily lower or raise the height of your mattress to enable you to get into and out of bed more simpler following surgery. Readmore What You Need to Know About Sleep Hygiene and Mental Health 9 9. Be Ready to Use Cold Therapies . Be Ready to Use Cold Therapies Make sure you have an ice pack so that you are ready to utilize cold therapy to ease the pain following surgery. Cold packs should be covered with an apron. Be sure to limit your cold therapy time to fifteen or twenty minutes in order to prevent any damage to your skin. 10 10. Plan for Ergonomic Seating . Plan for Ergonomic Seating Be sure to have an armrest-supported chair and a tall seat to rest in the following surgery. It is not necessary to purchase expensive chairs. Cushions can be used to elevate the seat if necessary.

  5. 11. Install Grab Bars and Railings 11. Install Grab Bars and Railings Bathroom grab bars near the tub and toilet can stop falling. Wall railings are also beneficial on staircases (if they aren't there already). You should think about purchasing a shower chair as well as a toilet chair lift in order to make your bathroom chores more convenient and secure. 12 12. Arrange for Walking Aids . Arrange for Walking Aids In the course of recovery, you'll require crutches, a walker, or a cane. Find out whether your physician or hospital can provide one for your use. If not, determine what you need to look for when purchasing one. Be sure to bring it into the hospital or an ambulatory surgical center (ASC) prior to your procedure. Your medical team will instruct you on how to utilize it. 13 13. Invest in Long . Invest in Long- -Handled Shoe In the first few days after surgery, standing up to put on shoes may be difficult. A strong, long-handled shoe horn will help you put on shoes without having to bend over and stress your hip. Handled Shoe- -Horn Horn

  6. 14. Rearrange Commonly Used Items 14. Rearrange Commonly Used Items Moving items that are commonly used in the bathroom, kitchen, and other areas to waist level. Beware of storing things you need in drawers or cabinets that require bending your knees or sitting down. 15 15. Set Up a Nightstand and Side Table . Set Up a Nightstand and Side Table Between the prescribed physical therapy exercises or walking, you'll likely spend the majority of your time lying or sitting in your living room or bedroom room. Be sure to have an end table, a nightstand, or a cart in every space to store your essential items like the TV remote and cellphone, pain medication as well as water glasses, and tissues. 16 16. Remove Tripping Hazards . Remove Tripping Hazards Reduce the risk of tripping by removing loose rugs, electrical cords, the pet bed, and toys should you need to. 17 17. Stock Up . Stock Up Make sure you have a supply of staples such as canned and frozen food items as well as pre-made meals and things to wash your hands prior to surgery. If you can, find someone to bring food items or perishable products such as milk, fresh fruits, and vegetables during the first stages of recovery.

  7. Thankyou

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