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Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser Electronicfaucet.com

Searching for a toilet seat cover dispenser? Look no further than Electronicfaucet.com. The seat cover dispenser SCD-4 is a critical addition to this new product line. It is made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel and designed to mount onto the wall. It takes standard, off-the-shelf toilet seat tissue boxes commonly sold nationwide. For further info, visit our site.

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Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser Electronicfaucet.com

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser Searching for a toilet seat cover dispenser? Look no further than Electronicfaucet.com. The seat cover dispenser SCD-4 is a critical addition to this new product line. It is made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel and designed to mount onto the wall. It takes standard, off-the-shelf toilet seat tissue boxes commonly sold nationwide. For further info, visit our site.

  2. About Toilet Seat Cover Dispenser In Stainless Steel, SCD-4 MAC Faucets is proud to introduce our newest product line of stainless steel bathroom hardware. Built with style and functionality in mind, the new line allows us to expand on our vision of one cohesive finish for the entire bathroom design. EACH MEMBER OF THIS NEW LINE IS AVAILABLE IN 20+ FINISHES TO MATCH OUR FAUCETS, SOAP DISPENSERS, AND FLUSH VALVES. We’re thankful for the support that we’ve received from the design community, and are delighted at the opportunity to continue to provide EXCEPTIONAL value in design and architecture. ALL MAC FAUCETS LUXURY FINISHES ARE COMMERCIAL FINISHES, DONE IN THE USA BY ARTISENS WITH EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE IN THEIR RESPECTIVE FIELDS. SMALL QUANTITY ORDERS ARE NO PROBLEM. LEAD TIME VARIES, PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLY.

  3. Contact Us:- MacFaucets, LLC 7312 Alondra Blvd, Paramount, California 90723, United States  800-375-2417 or 562-808-2240 www. electronicfaucet.com

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