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A Wide Range Of Hormonal Problems In Children; Pediatric Endocrinology

Pediatric Endocrinology is a specialty which deals with complex disorders of endocrine glands in the pediatric population. Early diagnosis and effective treatment of these disorders result in normal growth and development.SRH has some of the top paediatric endocrinologist in coimbatore. who are experts in treating paediatric endocrine disorders like Diabetes Mellitus, Growth Disorders

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A Wide Range Of Hormonal Problems In Children; Pediatric Endocrinology

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  1. Problems In Children; A Wide Range Of Hormonal awareness Pediatric Endocrinology WWW.SRIRAMAKRISHNAHOSPITAL.COM

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pediatric Endocrinology is a specialty which deals with complex disorders of endocrine glands in the pediatric population. Early diagnosis and effective treatment of these disorders result in normal growth and development. hormonal problems in children; • Diabetes Mellitus – Type 1 and Type 2 • Growth Disorders • Childhood obesity and complications • Thyroid disorder • Pubertal Problems • Adrenal Disorders • Calcium, Vitamin D and bone disorders • Hypoglycemia • Others-Pituitary disorders, syndromes

  3. Diabetes Mellitus – Type 1 and Type 2 • The symptoms of diabetes in children may be: • Increased frequency of urination • Fatigue and unintentional weight loss • Delayed wound healing • Bedwetting in children who previously didn't wet the bed at night • Extreme hunger and thirst • Altered behaviour and irritability • Fruity-smell while breathing There are several symptoms and warning signs of diabetes mellitus in children. Parents should not ignore these signs and should consult the best pediatric endocrinologist.

  4. Growth Disorders Growth disorders are problems that prevent children from developing average height, weight, sexual maturity or other features. Very slow or fast growth can sometimes signal a gland problem or disease. The pituitary gland makes growth hormone, which stimulates the growth of bone and other tissues. Children who have too little of it may be very short. Treatment with growth hormone can stimulate growth.

  5. Obese children are diagnosed with a range of health conditions previously seen almost exclusively among adults. Childhood unhealthy weights may result in serious medical problems in childhood such as: type 2 diabetes high blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol liver disease bone and joint problems respiratory problems such as asthma sleep disorders such as difficulty breathing while asleep Childhood obesity and complications

  6. Thyroid disorder Often the first sign is that the child’s growth rate decreases unexpectedly, and skeletal development is delayed. The child may also have noticeable neck swelling (goitre) as the thyroid gland becomes inflamed. Other symptoms may emerge, such as unusual tiredness or lethargy, dry, itchy skin, increased sensitivity to cold, weight gain or generalised swelling, poor concentration, decreased energy, and constipation.

  7. Puberty starts when the body produces extra amounts of hormones, leading to physical and emotional changes. These changes include breast development, pubic hair growth, the beginning of menstrual periods, and a growth spurt in girls.Causes may include: Heredity, Hormonal disorders – including polycystic ovary syndrome (POS),Genetic disorders,Problems in the pituitary or thyroid glands that produce the hormones necessary for,body growth and development Chromosome disorders that interfere with normal growth processes, Eating disorders Pubertal Problems

  8. Adrenal Disorders The adrenal glands are located at the top of both kidneys. They release hormones that are important to your child’s health and growth. Adrenal gland hormones manage blood sugar levels, they regulate the balance of salt, potassium and water in the body; they control the body’s response to stress, and they control sexual maturation during childhood and puberty.

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