Tips For Effective Dental Care Taking care of your teeth is vital to ensure a good oral health and to get a beautiful smile. Effective dental care can help in preventing plaque formation & mitigating gum disease. Here are a few tips for taking care of your teeth. Regularly visit a dentist to ensure that your teeth are in good condition. Avoid sugary foods & drinks to reduce the chances of plaque formation. Brush & floss your teeth twice a day to get rid of bacteria that causes bad breath. Limit alcohol intake as it can lead to tooth decay & gum diseases. Quit the habit of smoking or chewing tobacco as it can increase the risk of gum disease & oral cancer. www.enameldentistry.com Enamel Dentistry 2717 S Lamar Blvd #1086, Austin, TX 78704 Phone: (512) 717 - 5315