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According to somatotype theory, everyone can be categorized into one of three main body types.<br>Endomorphs are characterized by shorter stature and higher levels of muscle and body fat than the other two body types.<br>

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  1. Everything You Need To Know About The Endomorph Body Type According to somatotype theory, everyone can be categorized into one of three main body types. Endomorphs are characterized by shorter stature and higher levels of muscle and body fat than the other two body types. In this article, we’ll answer all the questions you may have about the endomorph body type. We’ll also explore the best foods and workout routines for endomorphs.

  2. What Does Endomorph Body Type Mean? Endomorph is one of the three somatotypes as classified by psychologist William H. Sheldon. While no two people have the same body, Sheldon concluded that many people share some common genetic traits that determine the main aspects of their physique. These include the skeletal frame and body composition. Based on his findings, Sheldon concluded that all people can be grouped into three categories according to their inherited body types –endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph. According to Sheldon’s definition, endomorphs are predisposed to building muscle and fat and have a softer, rounder physique than the other two types. Endomorphs have round heads and narrow shoulders with shorter legs and arms. They also tend to have round abdomens, slender wrists and ankles, and heavier upper arms, hips, and thighs. Those with the endomorphic somatotype are more susceptible to weight gain than the other two body types, and often find it difficult to lose weight.

  3. Endomorph Women Vs. Endomorph Men The main difference between female and male endomorphs is the way in which their bodies store fat. Endomorph or not, women naturally have a higher percentage of body fat than men.Whereas men’s bodies need only 3% of body fat to function properly, women’s bodies need 12%. When they gain weight, endomorph females tend to store it around the hips, buttocks, and thighs. This gives them the pear shape that’s become synonymous with the endomorph body type.

  4. On the other hand, endomorph males typically store the excess weight in the belly area. This occurs due to a major difference in the skeletal frame. You see, men’s bodies are genetically equipped to support more muscle mass, which is why they have a larger frame. Meanwhile, women have naturally wider hips to allow for pelvis expansion during pregnancy. What Should I Eat As An Endomorph? Because endomorphs have slower metabolisms, the paleo diet is often cited as the best endomorph diet.

  5. This popular dietary regimen consists of more healthy fat and protein and fewer carbohydrates, which is great because endomorphic body types tend to convert carbohydrates into fat more easily than others. Some of the foods you’ll eat while on apaleo diet include fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, nuts, seeds, and eggs. At the same time, you will need to avoid processed foods, dairy products, legumes, and trans fats.ar Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should cut all carbs from your diet. On the contrary, eliminating all carbs from your diet or drastically reducing their intake could result in complications like fatigue, muscle cramps, rashes, constipation, headaches, and diarrhea. To avoid these unwanted symptoms, switch to healthy sources of carbohydrates, like fresh fruits, starchy vegetables, and whole grains. Ideally, your diet should consist of 35% protein, 35% healthy fat, and 30% carbohydrates. Do endomorphs gain muscle easily? Unlike ectomorphs, endomorphs can gain muscle rather easily. If you’re an endomorph looking to bulk up, you can do so by adjusting your calorie intake, tweaking your diet, and adopting a healthy fitness routine. Depending on your weight, metabolism, and diet, building muscle may take some time, but you should start seeing the results within the first few months. Are you looking to tighten and tone your muscles without bulking up? Then the goal is to burn as much body fat as you can while ensuring the weight you gain is lean muscle mass. You can only achieve this with the right workout routine that’s fine-tuned to your body type.

  6. What Is The Best Workout For An Endomorph? Free weight training is by far the best endomorph workout. That’s because it boosts your metabolism for up to two days after training. So, if you go to the gym three or four times a week, you’ll give your metabolism a perpetual boost. Similar rules apply to muscle building, whether you’re bulking up or toning. The more muscle you add, the faster your metabolism will become and the less prone your body will be to storing fat cells. This, in effect, means that you could reverse your body’s natural tendency to gain fat.

  7. As for the concrete exercises you should add to your workout regimen, start with those that involve multiple muscle groups – squats, dead lifts, overhead presses, and dips. Ideally, you should complete five repetitions of each exercise for up to five sets per exercise. If you’re a newbie, start slowly and then gradually build up to 20 or so sets per workout. Over time, you should be able to complete between 8 to 12 repetitions to failure.Once you manage to do that, it’s time to move on to individual muscle groups. No matter what stage of your workout regimen you’re at, make sure to always take a day off in between workouts. That way, your muscles will have enough time to recover, while your body continues to burn fat thanks to the afterburn effect. The final word IT’S UP TO YOU TO MAKE YOUR LIFE GREAT. – JON BUTCHER, AUTHOR OF MINDVALLEY’S LIFEBOOK PROGRAM Whatever your body goals, your success depends on you. Besides healthy eating and working out, mindfulness, meditation, and regular sleep are also important components of a healthy lifestyle. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your fitness lifestyle goals.

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