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Amazon PPC optimization strategy 2022

Amazon PPC is a service offered by Amazon to sellers for product promotion on the Amazon website. It helps sellers to run ads on Amazon search pages and product pages to reach the target audience. This way new sellers and competitors get visibility against the top organically ranked sellers.

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Amazon PPC optimization strategy 2022

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  1. Amazon PPC Optimization Strategy 2022

  2. Amazon Pay Per Click Amazon PPC is a service offered by Amazon to sellers for product promotion on Amazon website. It helps sellers to run ads on Amazon search pages and product pages to reach to the target audience. This way new sellers and competitors get visibility against the top organically ranked sellers.

  3. Benefits of Amazon PPC 1. Get Visibility On Top Of Amazon Search Page Amazon uses A9 algorithm to list products on search pages. It is not possible for a new seller to rank the product on top search page quickly. You need to have good reviews, rating, authority, and better conversion rate for achieving rankings

  4. With Amazon Pay Per Click, you can reach to top Amazon search page. Your listing will be visible to customers as a sponsored product. This way you can get visibility to the right audience interested in your product. 2. Pay Per Click Amazon will charge you when a customer will click your product ad. There is no cost for impression. So, you should do it. You will get new visitors on a brand new listing page and can convert them through effective content copy and images pack.

  5. Amazon PPC Optimization Strategy 2022 Keyword Research The primary step to Amazon Sponsored product ad optimization is product ad creation. For that purpose, you will need to do keyword research. Use Keyword research tools and prepare a list of keywords. Prepare keywords in two segment,one high volume and high competitive keywords and one good volume and low competition keywords.

  6. Reverse ASIN Keyword Research Before you make campaign, you should spy your competition. Copy your competitor’s ASIN and search it on Sonar-Tool. It will feed you competitor’s both organic and PPC keywords. It will be an add-on for you to understand from which keywords they making sales. Make Beta Campaigns Run a beta campaign for a week. Prefer one automated campaign and one manual campaign together. Keep daily budget between $20-30. Go with Amazon suggested bids for automated campaign.

  7. Sort Best Performing Keywords Once the campaign completed a week period, check keywords performance. Prepare a list of good performing keywords receiving good clicks and sales. Increase the bid of top conversion keywords by 10-15%. At the same time, either pause the poor performing keywords or low down the bids by 50%. Also, check the negative words in the list where Amazon is displaying the ads. Put the terms into negative keywords and save your money from being waste on irrelevant search terms.

  8. Monitor Your Campaign And Analyze It The key part to Amazon PPC optimization strategy is monitoring. Once you created a sponsored campaign, you should start analyzing it. The campaign manager provides you in-depth analytics on everyday, week, month, year, and custom time period range. Do monitor keywords performance and make changes to PPC bids as required.

  9. Tips To Increase Sponsored Ads Click Through Rate (CTR) Main Image of The Product Like Google, Amazon does not allow custom image or title for sponsored ads. It will display the product’s main image and title to the audience on the search page.So, you should use a compelling HD picture as main image. The picture should be clear and should appeal the visitor to click the ad.

  10. Throw A Sweet Deal You and your competitors both are running pay per click campaign. So, you need to come up with a new idea for more visitor on your listing page. Run a coupon code or discount deal while doing Amazon PPC. Amazon will display the deal on the search page along with product ad copy. This will help you improve click through rate.


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